Codex: UGW

By Yours Truly, Kaptin Gavrin

This was originally a mad idea of mine that I presented to many people: What if I made a Codex of the people who frequent the UGW Guestbook? Many people replied and sent in their stats, including myself (of course), and this is the result - Codex: UGW. Enjoy.
BTW, if you want to read a description of me, check out my About ME page. Thank you once again.

Also, be warned that stats come in the form of 40K2, 40K3, and WHFB, depending on the character's preference.  ;-)

Erik Setzer (Kaptin Gavrin)..........................................30 points

4 2 3 3 3 1 4 1 10

Weapons: Mechanical Pencil
Armour: Jacket, sweater, and t-shirt (5+ save).
Mecanical Pencil: S2, no armour pene. OR save mod., on a roll of 6+ on a d6, the pencil has run out of lead (no effect on its stats) and Erik starts yelling loudly about the "malfunctioning little twerp", and this so baffles the enemy that no enemy within 4" of Erik may do anything their next
Calculator: On a roll of 6+, Erik's calculator mis-adds the opposing army's points, and Erik decides that a tandom unit or model is over the points cost. That unit or model must be removed from the table.
Glasses: Have no effect on game.
Admired: Anybody whom Erik has helped start a web site gains +2 Ld if they can see Erik.
"Use the Force....." Erik is convinced he has the Force. On one turn, if he does nothing else, he may meditate to "become on with the Force." This, of course, does nothing, as the Force is fictional, but the enemy are so baffled by it that they may not charge him.
WAAAAGH!!!! On a d6 roll of 5+ on any turn, the power of the Waagh! suffuses Erik and everything around him, transforming him into (drumroll please) Kaptin Gavrin! (It actually does nothing, but Erik is so convinced that he now has WS 4, BS 4, S 4, and T4, plus 2 W to represent how convinced he is.)

0-1 Ragnar.................................................................points?
Ragnar: Wolflord/Warlord/Farseer/Colonel/SM Captain/Jarl/Elector Count/Glade Chieftan/etc./etc./etc...../Whichever army I remember to bring, or KG remembers to bring for me ("Sorry, I thought you said ELDAR, not High Elves.... Oops." -KG)
Ragnar is an overweight, Santa-looking character with a full white beard, and a shiny domed head (I'm losing my hair, Fiiiiive children), and bifocals. Arthritis in *all* his joints, and a tendency to say something liek "Have they judged the painting contest yet?" during the middle of a battle. He also has a tendency to take off his glasses to read charts, and then he can't see the battlefield.

1/5 6 7/1 2 1 4 2 1 1d10

Weapons: Mechanical Pencil, Cane, Dice Bag (Only Dangerous to his own troops)
Armour: 4+ Blubber save
Wargear: May have 1d3 Wargear cards, one of which must always be his Electric Scooter.
Strategy Rating: 1d6 - 1 (yes, a POSSIBLE ZERO) Strategy Rating depends on whether he remembers what game he's playing, or if he's playing in an Ancients tournament and he's trying to play WHFB/40K at the same time.
Special Rules:
Movement: Uses Electric Scooter to move about, runs over opponent's toes every chance he gets, it's hard for them to fight effectively with crushed toes!
Highly Trained Martial Skills, but atrophied muscles.
Chaotic Dice Bag: Has tendency to land on Ragnar's favorite new character model, with the usual result of Ragnar letting out a scream that can be heard in the next county, effectively deafening all opponents, so they are -2 I and Ld for the rest of the game. Also effects allies. Of course, Ragnar is so upset that his Strategy for the rest of the game amounts to a random dice roll as to whether he remembers to do anything.
Points Value: Whatever you can get away with.
If there is an AD&D tournament going, and any of the DMs played in the same group as Ragnar, there tends to be a lot of comments made to him about "Where's Harvey?" (Don't ask who Harvey is...... Or, if you must, go ask Ed Greenwood, it's his fault.....)
Movement: 1 without Scooter, 5 with.
Ballistic Skill: 7 with bifocals, 1 without. Can't read with them, can't see anything else without them.)
Mac na bracha This rule comes into effect right after the ninth or tenth straight 1 rolled on his to hit dice, or the fourth or fifth 12 rolled on Ld (which seems to happen a lot). When this happens, Ragnar will depart the game and head straight for the lounge, chanting "Uisqe na beatha." He must roll either a 2 or a 12 on 2d6 after each glass to be able to return to the game, otherwise he will continue to sit and consume uisqe na beatha and curse his dice, saying things like "They're out to get me, I know they are, those dice never did like me." If he does return to the game, it will be usually singing some such song as "Whisky, yer m' darlin'," which is very annoying and distracting to both his opponents and his allies. This usually results in both sides firing at him with all the ordinance they have, including such things as drink cans and drink cups.
Editor's Note: Don't let those special rules fool you, Ragnar has won many games and tournaments. It's just amazing, I tell you.........

David aka Abaddon
David is a very non powerful character...uh yah

4 3 3 2 2 1 2 1 6

Equipment: Money, Key, Grungey Cloths
Save: 6+ Lucky Bastard!!!
David gets a 6+ unmodified save cuz he is just so lucky sometimes
Equipment:Money, Bribes people, on a 4+ they just leave him alone!
Key: Lets him into vehicles! hahahahaha,
Grungey Clothes, Dooms him! Must shoot at him if enemy can see him, however its a minus -1 to hit him!
Unwashed Hair! Roll before the battle, if you get a 4-6, then david hasn't washed his hair recently, and all oppenants suffer -1 in hand to hand combat! woohoo
Oh yah I forgot! David is a psycher, and he has 4 powers!
1. Polymorph! Turns David into ABaddon The Despoilere!
3 magic cards, lasts until dispelled
2. Death Scream! Blasts pyschic shockwaves everywhere! anyone within 6 inches sufferes a strenght d4+6 hit with no save allowed.
3 cards
3. Confused Glance! Makes his oppenants laugh, and unless they pass a Ld test on 3d6, fall over laughing their asses off!
1 card
4. Deathwish! Turns any model besides david into a greater daemon of khorne, within 6 inches, although it has to be an enemy model! Must cast this spell every pyschic phase


0-1 Bruce

3 5 5 4 5 2 3 2 8

Weapons: Rules, Broad Sword, and LongBow
Armour: Lots of Fatty Tissue giving a 5+save on 1d6 not modified.
Special: Create Rules skill. Bruce can create rules at the drop of the hat to fill in the holes left by GW. Constant Flux. Bruces mind shifts from army to army constantly. If you are facing him in Battle roll 1d6 and Consult the following Table
1-2 Marines(1-3 Dark Angels 4-6 Space Wolves)
3-4 Eldar
5-6 Something Else
However because of the constant flux you can never be sure. Big Vocabulary. Bruce can occasionally (5+on a d6) dazzle less intelligent folks with big words, or a good accent. real Life Skills: Bruce is a Military trained Surveillance and Security Specialist, and is nearing a Bachelors degree in Psychology. Despite these cool qualifications Bruce can't find a job to save his life.
Points Cost: First ask yourself if you really want Bruce in your army. If so then he is Free

Raglar / Inquisitor Kryptman (Josh Shireman)

6 5 1 4 3 1 2 2 4

Soccer Ball=$15:
Used to hit enemies in the head can be kicked within 10" of him and automatically hits (cause he has been playingg for 7 years) S4
=Free: automatically pebetrates but because he is fast (or he at least can cover 5ft in one step) it is -2 to hit
If he is hit he will bellow in pain and scare off anybody within 10" preventing them to use any communicator or hearing anything and have to stay and wait for thier ears to stop ringing
Roll every turn on a roll of a 5 or 6 he is turned into an inquisitor (See CODEX: Imperialis) and after 2 turns he dies

Stadler/Smeghead-2 points

4 * 2 2 3 1 3 1 4

*Roll D6 each turn:
Weapons:His DMs
Armour:Ha ha ha...
Special rules:
Idle git: cannot move more than 4" per turn, even if 'fleeing', unless frenzied.
Frenzy: If opponent calls him Mike, Mick, Miky or any similar name, Smeghead becomes frenzied, and must charge nearest enemy. After this brief burst of unbridled effort must spend the next turn getting his breath back

Farseer Mike-Your opponent must pay 20 points for you to take him

4 2 2/1 2 3 1 3 1 6

Weapons: Stick Armour: T-Shirt (+7 on 1d6. Because of it's horrible fashion sense, all Slaaneshi troops suffer hatred towards him)
Wargear: Farseer Mike may not be given any wargear cards but the Extremely Thick Glasses.
Clumsiness: Every time Mike moves, roll a d6. On a roll of +4, he trips and falls down on some insignificant rock or shrub. He may not do anything that turn.
Fear of Change: Every time sometihing within 6" of Mike happens, he has to take a break test.
Extremely Thick Glasses. Free. Because of his horrible eyesight, Farseer Mike must wear very thick glasses. Sunlight shines through these massive lenses, projecting a huge amount of solar energy in front of him. Use the flamer template, and place it directly in front of him at all times. Any models caught in the template suffer a S6 hit that causes d3 wounds. If any models survive, they are automatically blinded, no matter how well protected they are. Before each game, roll a d6. On a roll of 1, the battle takes place at night, and the glasses do not work, unless a vehicle shines a searchlight from behind him.
Psychic Mastery: Mike is a psyker with a mastery level of one, but he still gets 4 powers anyway. He must always take these four powers:
1. Unexplicable weirdness-Force 3=8" If this power is cast, Mike acts weird and stupidly for no reason at all. All models within 8" of him must run their maximum distance away from him, including those on his side.
2. Unshaved-Force 1. Mike magically summons stubble on his face. All models with 6" of him suffer -1 to their leadership as the look on in disgust.
3. Flying CD's of Doom-Force 2. Mike may throw psychic cd's of bands that no one has heard of or likes, like KMFDM or Skunk Anansie. This hit with great strength. The cd's are targetted at any model within 14". Roll on Mike's BS. If a hit is caused, a s5 hit is taken. Also the model can do nothing next turn, as he wonders "who the hell are these bands"
4. Wishful Thinking-Force 2. In the middle of a battle, Mike will wish he's someone who can actually kick more than a gretchin's ass. If he wishes hard enough, he become a real farseer. If this power is cast, Mike becomes Farseer Khl'ra of Khl'ran until it is nullified.

Matt (Asuryan)........................................................23 points

4 3 3 2 2 1 7 1 10

Weapons-car keys, Bic ballpointpen.
Armor- Matt's resilience, gives him a 13+ save on 2d6.
May lead a force, for strategy rating see special rules.
Wisecracks- When he see's something he doesn't like Matt ebgins making several sarcastic insults towards it, enemy models within 10" suffer hatred towards Matt.
Beserk- Matt goes insane while on the attack, on his charge enemy's suffer -2 WS because they are knocked of balance by frothing looney.
Extremely thin- Matt is so thin he appears to enter the 2nd dimension, all shots toards him suffer a -2 to hit.
Suicidal- Matt cares little for himself and will knock away those that try to help him Look out sir has no effect on him and he is immune to psychology unless it is stated otherwise (frenzy for listening to Blur).
Strategy- Matt's mind is a swirling pool of constant flux in useful knowledge and random thought therefore his strategy rating changes almost minute by minute. Roll a d6.
1- Up till 3am reading Light in August by William Faulkner, Matt's mind resembles burnt hash browns sets up first goes last, all troops under command suffer -4 to LD.
2- Chemistry test today, strategy rating of 2 as Matt is too panicked to concentrate.
3-4 Dare I say it Matt is being normal.
5- Caffeine in system warning warning
6- Caffeine in system listening to Song#2 by Blur totally psyched out suffers frenzy
Bic Pen- Matt goes around gouging eyes out, or worse drawing frowny faces on armor. Str 2, if 6 rolled to wound the pen has been stuck up a sensitive area and the enemy model falls to the ground in agony and counts as dead no matter how many wounds it has.
Car Keys- Only useful against vehicles, Matt walks up and scratches the paint on the vehicle, the crew is so furious about this they fail to see where they are going and move their full movement forward until they either ram something impassable or go off the table.

The Loyal Space Marine Pointless (but costs same as standard SM Captain)

4 4 4 4 4 5 7 5 9

Weapons and Armor as per SM Captain

LSM is entitled to Three Wargear cards, one of which MUST be bionic leg. The leg is used to kick himself with following any round in which he forgets a vitally important die roll.
Special: LSM may be accompanied by a BodyGuard as stated below.
Because of his popularity (read paranoia) LSM is often in the company of his Bodyguard, an Imperial Dreadnought with twin linked hvy bolters and an assault cannon, who he calls 'Crowd Controle'. If Crowd Controle is taken into battle, LSM may shout his Battle Cry "Can I borrow your Sus Fire Dice, I don't own enough!!" once per turn.
For an extra 10 points you can take the Dr Pepper grail which gives LSM an additional 2" to his move, but he must then roll against LD or miss the next turn as he relieves himself in a conveniet bush.

0-1 Orion-kin:..........................................................40 points
You may take Orion-kin if your army contains ample amounts of single-malt Scotch or spiced rum. Orion-kin appears in the form of a rotund Highlander with smoking pipe.

4 4 3 2 3 1 7 1 9

Weapons/Armour: Pipe, shot glass, accused blue dice, sculpting tools. Paint brushes (+1 points).
Save: 4+ insulative padding save. This is unmodified for Strength as blows just bounce off.
Options: Rapier wit (+3 points). Enrages opponents so badly they must test on their Ld or be -1 to hit.
Special Rules: If an army containing Orion-kin takes 50% casualties in the first turn (which happens frequently playing Skavenwolf), he hurls expletives and accursed blue dice with +2 to hit. The army will then leave the battlefield and return to its storage box. It will only emerge from the storage box on a D6 roll of 6+. Add +1 for advice from each fellow gamer following the battle.
Orion-kin also has the ability to infuriate his opponents by offering painting and conversion tips during the battle, distracting them from play. Each unit in the opponent's army must pass a Ld test to do anything the next turn.
Pipe: Orion-kin's pipe allows him to distract his enemies while he relaxes. Opponents must first roll 5+ on a D6 to shoot at or charge Orion-kin through the cloudy haze. Orion-kin is immune to all Psychology while smoking his pipe.
Shot Glass: Orion-kin is immune to all psychology while drinking from his shot glass. In addtion, he will not break, but must stagger D6" in a random direction during the movement phase. If this movement puts him in base to base contact with an enemy unit, he will offer them a drink. This causes the enemy to lose their first round of HTH combat, and they must test on their Toughness or be intoxicated and subject to the rules for Stupidity. (See Orion-kin's last birthday party.)
Accused Blue Dice: Allows the enemy to cause 50%+ casulaties in the first turn. May be thrown by Orion-kin doing Strength 5 hits. Orion-kin carries enough Accursed Blue Dice to last the entire battle. If the opponent forgot his dice, he gets the Accursed Blue ones!
Sculpting Tools: Any broken troops rally immediately as they are repaired and returned to the battlefield with 1 wound.
Paint Brushes: Orion-kin may attempt to repaint any Yellow troops as they fail their break tests. (Man, That's a lot of painting!--Skavenwolf)

0-1 Skavenwolf......................................................45 points
You may include Skavenwolf in your army if it contains anything non-human. Skavenwolf appears as a mighty amazon woman wearing a firefighter's helmet and wielding an axe. She counts as a monstrous sized creature (+1 to hit). She must always wear T-shirts adorned with the mystical images of wolves, firefighting paraphenalia, or Animanics. She also comes with jeans or sweatpants.

4 4 4 4 3 1 5 2 10

Weapons/Armour: Firefighter's Axe (Free). Helmet and Bunker gear (+3 points) 5+ save, 4+ against fire-based attacks.
Equipment: Paramedic Kit (+5 points) and SCBA (+5 points)
Special Rules: Skavenwolf's size causes Fear in her opponents as described in the Warhammer Rulebook.
While playing nonhuman-based armies, she has a strategy rating of 5.
All hits from the Firefighter's Axe are at Strength 5.
Movement through water slows her to half speed from the weight of the wet bunker gear. She will drown if she moves into lakes or ponds.
Skavenwolf may shriek at the top of her lungs causing all opponents to be stunned and lose a turn.
Any army containing Skavenwolf causes aggravation, frustrating the opponent and subjecting him to the rules for Stupidity.
Skavenwolf rarely loses a combat, but when she does, she becomes subject to the rules for Hatred for that army until she defeats it.
Opponents attacking Skavenwolf in HTH must first test against their Ld or be too busy admiring her T-shirt to attack.
An army containing Skavenwolf may have NO war machines as she is not mechanically inclined and has difficulty operating the simplest device. When fighting against war machines, Skavenwolf becomes Frenzied as described in the Warhammer Rulebook.
Skavenwolf has an overwhelming affinity with animals and may choose a mount freely at no extra points cost.
Skavenwolf is immune to psychology, she has run into burning buildings for crying out loud.
Paramedic Kit: At any time Skavenwolf may use the Paramedic Kit to heal another model in your army she is in base-to-base contact with. (This will probably occur around 2am.)
SCBA: SCBA renders Skavenwolf immune to any toxic gas, vapor, fumes, breath, etc. attack. At the end of each turn roll a D6. On a 4+ the SCBA is out of air and may no longer be used. While wearing SCBA and bunker gear, Skavenwolf's moves at half her normal rate.
Skavenwolf is frequently seen accompanied by Orion-kin and may ally with other gamers to catch a movie or go out to eat.

0-1 Lord Zerr, who'd want more than one?....................................................Points Cost: 45.5

3 3 1 3 3 2 4 2 8

Strategy Rating: 5
Armour: Layer of blubber, slightly over-weight
Save: 3+ on 2d6 (It's good to be chaos!)
Weapons: Rulebooks-used to correct opponents and sometimes himself
Luck-dice always seem to come up in his favor
Ink Pen-constant clicking of pen annoys opponents causing them to get -1 to all dice rolls
Intuition-always seems to know what his opponent will do before they do it.
Arrogance- -2 to strategy when gets the big-head from talking about winning 98% of his battles
Is not allowed guns of any sort-has never learned to use them

0-1 Lady Zerr, Elven Queen, who would want more than one?...................................................Points Cost: 45

4 3 4 3 3 2 3 2 8

Stategy: 1d4+1
Armour: None
Save: 5+ unmodified-magic warpaint on fingernails, leftovers from painting minis (usually green)
Weapons: Out of Control Dice-have been known to knock over friendly minis as well as enemy minis
Female Charm-ability to fool opponents into believing that I don't know what I'm doing simply because I'm female and look younger than I am.
Painted minis-+2 strategy if every mini has paint on it
Opponents Dice-Lady Zerr's dice like her Eldar, but not her Wood Elves, therefore she gets to use opponents dice when playing Wood Elves. (This has actually worked in the Wood Elf games, I win when I use my opponents dice)

GW Fanatic.............................................................24 points

5 4 3 3 5 2 6 2 10

Weapons: GW Fanatic is armed with Quicker Clicker Pencil, Super Glue, the Miniature case of Jumping and The Credit Card of Doom
Armour:GW Fanatic recieves a 5+ unmodified save against all Blunt damage and a 6+ unmodified save against all other forms of damage(due to some sort of blessing)
Wargear:Gw Fanatic is armed w/ the "Quicker Clicker Pencil" This pencil allows him to produce amazing pieces of artwork that stun the opponent for several seconds untill they realize no pictures are finished.
The Miniature Case of Jumping is acursed and will randomly distract GW Fanatic from current goal. Roll a "d6" and on a 1 opponent wins while GW Fanatic forfiets to reassemble broken miniatures.
Super Glue, nothing special just nessesary due to the MCoJ.
Credit card of Doom, this allows GW Fanatic to spend ridiculous amounts of money on GW products. On the Roll of 4+ GW Fanatic forfiets due to lack of funds to arrive at designated game point.
Strategy:GW Fanatic has a strategy rating of 4
Special rules:GW Fanatic may run but does not double his move He may run 7". When suffering blunt damage GW's wounds are doubled due to extreme resilliancy(sp?)(has suffered many injuries[including, but not limited to golf club to back of head, and raquetball raquet to neck]. Anytime an attractive female goes by GWF suffers a loss of attention due to flirting and opponent may reroll one dice. Opponent suffers -1 strategy rating because of irritating puns

Chaos character: 341 points + large amounts of money for the miniature
0-1 Brian Parisi aka Khorne: heretic of Illini TowerM

4 7 8 5 5 3 4 3 12

The infernal remote controlleralways hits on a 2+, range of 12" needs 2 AAA batteries effect on a D6: 1-3: target disappears as it is "turned off" by the remote 4-6 target takes a S6 hit as the power of the device tries to warp it's body into something seen on the food network.
The infernal bolt of floundering death: roll to hit as normal, if struck, the target flounders around swearing uncontrollably. all characteristics are halved for a turn.
The paddle: a ping pong paddle. inflicts an S10 hit in HTH, can parry and can be thrown up to 6" to inflict a S5 hit.
Special abilities. Each turn, I take a Ld test on 3d6, if failed I become subjected to Laziness. I cannot move or fire as I search for something on TV. All troops under my command are so inspired that they leave the field to watch Sunderland soccer matches and such quality movies as "Dolemite" and "the warriors" The opposing army is puzzled and does the same. the game ends in a draw and both players shake hands and order Gumby's pizza.
Editor's Note: Delusions of Grandeur..........

Kestrel [Falco rupicoloides].........................................45 points

5 5 5 3 3 2 5 2 9

Sculpting and Modelling toolz - laced with lead, causes D3 Wounds.
Fountain Pen - may "blot" HtH opponent, automatically loses 1 A.
Textbooks - goes everywhere with big textbooks, encumbered in HtH.
Special Rules:
Power-gamer tolerance- not affected by fear caused by power-gamers.
Bilingual Warchant- nobody understands it, no +1 bonus for charge.
Caffeine Addiction- Ld test or sit and dream about "House of Coffees"
Ninjitsu Training- May dodge (4+ save), and never fumbles.
Hockey Training- Must always be on left flank, can sprint extra D6".
Car Accident- Rumoured to have Bionic Leg (M=5).
Sarcastic Taunt- Sponaneous insult that catches enemy off-guard, doubles fumbles.
Chicken Hatred- Subject to hatred towards anything related to fowl.

Brother-Captain Calistarius.....................................25 points

4 3 2 3 4 1 3 1* 7

The intrepid Brother Captain is one of the lesser know Blood Angel commanders. This is for good reason. A veteran of many battles, he is rarely able to defeat his opponents without taking massive casualties. For this reason he is not often called upoun to take the field, as high command believes his 'victories' are much too costly.
Paintball gun- Str. 0, but a hit roll of 4+ blinds target 1 rnd.
Worn Hockey stick- Str. 3, 1 wnd. This venerable stick is used to apply timely hooks, slashes, and spearing attacks. On a hit roll of 4+, target suffers an additional splinter attack (Str 3, 1 wnd) as the blade is very old indeed.
Stab with skate***-see frenzy rules below.
000 Paintbrush-when engaged in hth, Calistarius often likes to paint demeaning things upoun his enemy. This most commonly takes the form of long curly moustaches and short pointed beards.
Armor--camo windbreaker, hockey pants(with suspenders pulled over the windbreaker), and skates. This strange combination affords an armor save of 5+.
Special rules--
Lazy Commander-
Whenever Brother-Captain Calistarius is known to be commanding a force, there is a 50% chance that he will not show up and will be found in the basement painting Orcs&Gobbos instead.
Rink Rage--
Whenever his comrades remind Calistarius of his less than spectacular hockey skills, he will fly into the dreaded Rink Rage. Worse than any other curse, he is consumed by flashbacks to particularly embarrasing episodes of his playing career. This causes him to foam at the mouth and shout strange things like, "That is my puck, don't you ever touch my puck again." While in the throes of this the strangest of frenzies, Calistarius can make the dreaded 'stab with skate attack'. If engaged in hth, he can trade in any two hits for one stab w/skate attack at S6, d3 wnds, save -3.

The 13th Spade (a.k.a. The Joker)...................................................2500 points

36 10 10 * * 10 10 * 12

*as character/vechile/ect
Weapons: Special see below.
Armour: Special see below.
Wargear: Special see below.
Special: The 13th Spade is all encompasing, all powerful, the new savior of the Eldar. On the battle feild he may morph into any single character/vechile/demon/ect at the start of each turn, his and his opponents and gets that thing's S, T, and A values along w/ it's weapon and armor, the rest staying the same because of his incredible powers.
Flash: The 13th Spade doesn't need to walk slowly across the field, unstead he can flash anywhere on the board during his movement phase and even into HtH combat. If he should flash into HtH he blinds his opponent for the rest of the game w/ an incredible amount of physical, radiant, and psychic power, and that opponent may not move, attack, shoot, or do anything psychic for the rest of the game. (Effects everything)
Godly regeneration: Because the 13th Spade is in esence a god all his wounds are regenerated after every stage of every turn. (shooting, HtH, ect..).
Godly save: In addition to the save that accomonies the thing he currently is he gets an additionl +2 save against EVERYTHING (it's hard to kill a god) If he is killed (by anything, vortex and D-cannons included) he emmits a blinding flash of light as he travels to the heavens, and returns next turn. No points are achieved for killing him, because he never dies.
Editor's Note: MAN, those are some deeeelusions of grandeur......

Character: Jon White aka Whistling in the Dark.......................................points 69

3 4 6 4 4 2 8 3 10

Squads: This character is so wierd that no one wants to be near him so he can not have anything to do w/ squads

Weapons:Sarcasm-His sarcasm is so great that when in hand to hand combat the enemy must take a leadership test to see if they become confused if they do use the stupid chart.

Pestimistic behavior- If any of your squads get within 6 inches of him they will need to take a break test. Bow and arrow-He is extremly good in using this weapon.

Boltpistol-When he uses this weapon he will keep firing until he gets what he aimed for if doing this he can do nothing else.

Armour: Baggy Clothes save of a 3+ on a d6 Wargear:can take up to 3 things becuse of large pockets.

Speical:This charcter is crazy and is constantly Frenzied

Pyromanicy-If in hand to hand combat w/ the leader of the opposing army he can use this ability use the same rules as the Heavy flamer but w/ no template.

Regeneration-can regenerate a wound on 4+ on a D6

Shenestran......................................................................................?? points

4 4(6) 4(6) 4 5 2 9 2 12

Rides streetbike into battle. While on bike follows ravenwing rules and gains +2 to WS and BS. The bike is armed with twin-linked bolters as well as a set of assault launchers (to keep away those pesky pedestrians)

Armour: Favorite Faded Black Nike Hat (4+ dodge -- effective even when on streetbike)

Weapons: The Tool (see profile below)

Uh oh: Each movement phase, roll a d6. On a 6 one randomly chosen vehicle on the table goes out of control and careens directly for Chris. Chris must spend the rest of his next turn avoiding the vehicle and as such may not shoot or perform hit and run attacks.

Chris will never fail a leadership test for any reason and is immune to psychology (cuz he knows so much about it).

Wargear: Lucky penny, Mermaid ring.

Lucky penny: If Chris is killed in any manner, roll a 2d6. Any doubles, as well as any 7 or 11 result in him being warped out of the way. He is put 3d10" away in a random direction. If this puts him off the table, then put him on the OPPOSITE table edge. In addition he will become so infuriated that somebody has spited him that he will only operate his bike at fast speed for the rest of the game.

Mermaid Ring: All opponents within 2" of Chris at any point during his movement phase must test against their Ld. If they fail they will suffer stupidity as they gaze upon the ring with awe.

The Tool: Once per battle, Chris may deem an opponent within 10" (grenade range) to be "A Tool". Chris then throws "The Tool" (a small ball peen hammer, used to break stuff) at the "Tool" in question. If he hits, all enemy models must remain 6" away from the target model because they are embarassed to be associated with such a "Tool"

Brother Captain Coony of the Field police................................................pts: 120

4 4 4 2 3 2 5 2 9

Special Rules

Undercover. Coony uses his training to pretend he is a member of an opponents squad. (similar to an assassin w/ polymorphine.) Coony can break cover and attempt to "apprehend" a character (the opponent's of course.) This happens during your movement phase. During close combat if Coony wounds the character then rather then duing damage, Coony has "cuffed" the character up and can take him away. There is no armor save allowed.

Wargear: Smith and Wesson Hingecuffs. Big ugly gold badge. May not be equipt with any other wargear.

Coony is equipped with a ballistic vest that saves on a 6+, However gets no save in close combat. (That knife went through it like butter.) Coony is also equipt with the uniform and weapons of whatever troop type he is infiltrating.

Stephen Woods (aka Bazil)........................................80 pts



















Armour- hunting vest 6+ or swimtrunks 100+ (on a d6)

Weapons: Zippo (auto armour pen), 22 rifle (equilvilant to autogun), hunting knife (s3)

Wargear: Goggles


Swimming: enemy gets an a -2 to hit and go 10 inches

PYrotic symtoms: he sets anything and everything ablaze including buildings enemies die instantly on a roll of 3+ (only when he has Zippo)

Character acting: can change his voice to disguise himself as an enemy

Dragon ancestory: 4+ unmodified save.

Bryan The Annoying Space Marine (or whatever you want to call him as long it isen't insulting)(I come on here as HAY U GYZ. . . duh!)

Bryan's point cost is: Old Bryan; 100pts New Bryan; 185pts. His wargear is free.

* * * * * * * * *

Weapons: Bryan carries a butane lighter, wooden pencil, and a special set of brass knuckles as weapons these do the following; Butane lighter counts as a hand flamer but can be adjusted to use a flamer template instead if you do this Bryan must run to the nearest model with any type of flamer and refill his lighter this happens after the lighter is used. Wooden pencil: used to stab tallest enemy in hand to hand combat, this causes d3 wounds. Special set of Brass Knuckles: these allow Bryan to roll one esxtra die in Hand to Hand Combat

Armor: Jnco jeans and Mossimo shirts 18+ save on d20

Wargear: Bryan can have one Wargear card this must be the "Annoying Beam" which does the following: use a heavy flamer template any model whith at least one side of their head under the template must take a leadership test. if they fail then they are destroyedthis affects ALL models except deaf ones and enclosed vehicles with no visible openings under the template

Psycic Mastery: Bryan has a psycic mastery level of 1 and his spell must be the "Oh Crap Arura" which causes all enemies to want to kill Bryan but first the enemies must battle it out amongst themselves to see who kills Bryan

Hive Mind: somehow Bryan was born with a link to the Hive Mind to demonstrate this Bryan suffers HATRED to all Tyranids and the Hive Mind does not affect tyranids when Bryan is within 2 feet of one

Special Rules: Tech Marine: Bryan is a techmarine Flunkie and to represent this when he repairs something at the end of the turn roll a d20. . . on a 1-15 Bryan has broken the machin more to demonstrate this roll on the vehicles damage table, for drednoughts they suffer d3 wounds and for service platforms they are destroyed. on a roll of 16-19 Bryan has done nothing that turn except look around and enjoy the scenery or something. on a roll of 20 he fixed the thing and all is happy

Scout: Bryan plays scouts so much that he can be taken as a scout squad leader

Infiltration: Bryan can Infiltrate

Dispersed Formation: Bryan uses dispersed formation rules

Space Marine: Although a scout too Bryan still uses normal Rapid fire and Break test rules

Strategy Rating: Bryan has a strategy rating of negitive 1000(-1000) cause all his brother does is whine about how marines always get to go first and stuff like that

Fear: Bryan can cause fear IF he is carrying the Annoyance beam. . . he causes terror after he's shot it

* stats:These are for the Old Bryan New Bryan the old bryans stats go like this:

Old Bryan New Bryan

Weapon skill:1

Balistic skill:4








Weapon skill:5

Ballistic skill:5







Half brother of Marneus Calgar...................90pnts

4 6 5 4 5 3 7 3 9

Weapons: (Borrowed!) Gaulnlets of Ultramar. Bolt pistol, fragy grenades, kraky grenades, plasy grenades.

Wargear: H.B.M.C. must be armed with a Displacer field (he calles it the "i'm too young too die" shield) Gaulnets of ultrmar (marneus let's him borrow them on occasion!!) and combat drugs (yummy!!!).

Armour: H.B.M.C. has pwr amour (+3 save)

Special: If Marneus and H.B.M.C. are in the same game H.B.M.C. will have a combi-weapon bolta/plasma instead of the gaulnets. TALK himself out of corner: H.B.M.C. has the ability to talk himself out of almost any situation. If in HTH with from 1 to 5 people roll a D6: 1-2 SUT UP "thud!!": they are not in the listening mood and H.B.M.C. must fight normally. 3-4 WHAT? "thud!!" H.B.M.C. confuses the enemy for a second and is able to score an extra blow: add +2 to H.B.M.C. score. 5-6 I'll be leaving now.... H.B.M.C. manages to make his opponents forget obout hitting him and he gets away move H.B.M.C. towards nearest friendly squad. (he has to hide!!) usual break test and rapid fire rules apply.

BAK'TLEN THE MERCILESS, THE FIST OF DEATH......................625 points, 1275 points w/wargear

4 8 9 8 7 4 9 7 10

WEAPONS Bak'tlen is armed with Purgator, a demented combination of Mk1 Plasma Gun, Reaper Autocannon, and bolter. In his left hand he wields the Reign of Terror, a huge and jagged chainfist.

ARMOUR Bak'tlen wears specially enchanted Terminator Armour, which gives him a 2+ save on 2D6.

WARGEAR As a Lord of Chaos Bak'tlen may have up to 3 wargear cards. These must be Purgator, the Reign of Terror, and the Breath of Life.

MARK OF CHAOS Bak'tlen bears no Mark, for he has lived for many lifetimes, and as such he has seen the foolishness of making pacts with petty gods.

STRATEGY RATING Bak'tlen has a strategy rating of 6.


CHAOS SPACE MARINE Bak'tlen is a Chaos Space Marine and the usual Rapid Fire rules apply.

PSYCHOLOGY As mentioned above, Bak'tlen has lived many lifetimes and has seen many things which would make even the bravest men tremble in abject terror, and as such he is immune to psychology and cannot be broken. Also, any bodyguard with him are immune too.

BODYGUARD Bak'tlen may be accompanied by 4 Chaos Terminators chosen from the special characters section of codex Reavers of the Dreaded Fist.

CHARGE Bak'tlen is so psychotic that his charge triples his movement instead of doubling it. Please note that this does not apply to the bodyguard if you included them, as they are too weighed down to move that fast.

INFILTRATE Bak'tlen and his bodyguard are allowed to infiltrate. This means that after ALL models are set up on both sides, they get to set up.

HATRED Bak'tlen and the troops he may be with all hate Orks and Ultramarines.


PURGATOR...........................................................165 points

Purgator is Bak'tlen's weapon of choice, a strange combination of Reaper Autocannon, Mk1 Plasma Gun, and alternate Bolters on either side of the cannon. The gun fires both the Reaper and Bolters simultaneously, using the plasma to supercharge the bullets and litterally melt through all but the strongest armour.

0-32 32-64 -- -- 10 d6 -6 d20+3d6+10 Sus. fire 1d, Reroll 1 dice.


REIGN OF TERROR....................................................435 points

The Reign of Terror is a chainfist which is instilled with a sinister life all its own. It originally belonged to Bak'tlen's commander, who was so supposedly sinister that he was only known as Terror. But no one ever saw him do anything extremely horrible, so they just assumed that he was a terror. The Day of Carnage, as it came to be known, was when Terror, the most horrid Marine in all the universe, surrendered to the Ultramarines in an ambush in which he led a great many squads to. Bak'tlen was so horrendously outraged that he literally tore Terror limb from limb. So great was his hatred it manifested itself into Terror's chainfist, warping elongating it into almost a full chainsword's length. Then, Bak'tlen went on a rampage, tearing into the Ultramarines with an almost religious zeal. The chainfist was extremely strange, and it seemed to absorb all the psychic energy that the librarians unleashed against him. But the ambush was a double whammy, for in turn the Ultramarines were ambushed by a whole Ork contingent. This only served to enrage Bak'tlen more, and he SINGLEHANDEDLY wiped out the whole Ork army. The strange thing was, though, that all of the people that he slayed with the fist, it seemed that their souls were sucked from their corpses and they then fused with the Reign of Terror. The tortured souls from countless wars now reside in that weapon, and is what contributes to its fearsome strength.

Close Combat Only ------- 10 d10 -6 Auto This chainfist is able to pick its target on vehicles and it causes terror to Orks and Ultramarines. Cannot be parried.


BREATH OF LIFE......................................................50 points The Breath of Life is a Chaos reward which the united powers of Chaos bestowed upon Bak'tlen. After he takes a wound, roll a D6 at the end of the turn. If it is a 4+, he regains that wound. This applies for every wound, so if he took 2 wounds, he would roll a D6 twice, and on a 4+ he regains the wound. If he dies, lay the model on its side, and at the end of the turn, roll a D6. If you roll a 6, you can stand him back up again, and he has his full wounds profile restored.


Editor's Notes: Heh heh.... I think Bak'tlen is having serious delusions of grandeur........

D.C.O.C.T. Distant cousin of Captain Tycho 430 pnts- INCLUDING wargear

D.C.O.C.T. was once a redemptor Priest on the planet of Necromunda. After being captured by an orlock gang he was forced to tell the location of his gangs base. His gang were driven out of their home. And forced to reside with a gang of Cawdor. Let by Zeala the greatest woman Arch Zealot of redemption ever to live. D.C.O.C.T. escaped killing almost all of the gang of Orlocks. He rejoined his gang and were ambushed by Goliaths. During the fighting the Goliaths were attacked by a dozen Genestealers and killed. D.C.O.C.T. found out of the invasion in the upper hive after a captured Delaque, which D.C.O.C.T. and a Evicerator wielding Reductionist killed of most of his Delaque gang, told them of their old leader being carried of by human looking aliens some with 3 arms some with 2 and very ugly faces. D.C.O.C.T., Zeala and the rest of the gang members journeyed uphive to find and eradicate the Genestealer threat. In the mean time Sean Kellenex, the newly appointed orlock leader of the gang which captured D.C.O.C.T. swore revenge on D.C.O.C.T. and followed him uphive. D.C.O.C.T. fought off the Tech'edz, one of the most well known gangs of Van sarrs, 2 Sprier gangs, an Escher gang with had all been brain washed by Genesterlers, and a few Orks when they finally reach a weapons store owner with very big security systems on his store, in the form of a captured Space Marine Dreadnought. After weeks of persuasion the store owner agreed to help D.C.O.C.T. tell the noble house up in the top spire about the Genestealer threat. Sean Kellenex was a few days behind D.C.O.C.T. and continued to follow him. They reached the top of the Spire just as the invasion began the Imperial Fists were called, and the blood angels showed up. Cameron De'Fande, D.C.O.C.T.'s best friend, was killed by a miss-judgement made by Dante which stopped D.C.O.C.T. from saving his life. D.C.O.C.T. proceeded to shoot Dante with his own Inferno Pistol but he was only wounded him. Sean Kellenex reached D.C.O.C.T. but was caught in an ambush of Genstealers and Hybrids and the Genestealer Patriarch. Sean Kellenex, and his entire gang, were killed. The Genestealer threat was extinguished and D.C.O.C.T. was given his own chapter of Space Marines- The Flame Fists, a successor chapter of the Imperial Fists. All though D.C.O.C.T. still fights for the Blood angels he remains loyal to his own chapter and fights for both. Just swapping the insignia's on his shoulder pads every now and again!!!

4 7 5 4 6 4 10 6 10

WEAPONS: 8 Plasma pistols (it's his favourite weapon) plasma grenades, plasma gun, blot pistol, master crafted plasma pistol, The revenge on Dante special weapon and 2 power swords

ARMOUR: plasma armour: See wargear section.

WARGEAR: D.C.O.C.T. Must always take Master crafted plasma pistol, The revenge on Dante, Plasma Armour and a power field. He may have one further item of choice.

Strategy: Well............. I du' know I'd say OH 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 (look he goes first unless he has take and hold mission)

Special: Plasma crazy: D.C.O.C.T. has plasma on the brain, his blood is plasma, his muscle tissue is plasma his skin is plasma residue, in which case when he dies, he explodes with the effects of (guess what??) A PLASMA GRENADE!! Except with a 3" blast maker. He then becomes the GOD OF PLASMA: He has the stats of a Ork but has a 4+ unmodified save and is armed with a plasma cannon RANGE 50" STR 9 DAM D6+3 SAVE MOD -7 ARME.PEN D6+3+D20+9+D4 SPEC 1 1/2" BLAST must recharge for 2 turns Move or fire.

Wargear: The Revenge on Dante special weapon 9pnts- D.C.O.C.T. has had an argument with Dante, master of the Blood Angels chapter of Space Marines (in case you didn't already know!!), for the past 360 years, ever since D.C.O.C.T. was a Redemptor Priest on Necromunda. While living on Necromunda D.C.O.C.T. found a Genestealer invasion on the hive and soon, with the help of the Imperial Fists chapter of Space marines, destroyed the Genestealer Patriarch. During the climactic battle against the Genestealers the Blood Angels arrived as reinforcements lead by Dante. Dante just seemed to get in the way even stopping D.C.O.C.T. from saving the life of one of his best friend. D.C.O.C.T. was so mad at Dante he took Dante's Inferno Pistol and fired it at Dante. The pathetic range of the gun managed to only wound Dante slightly, so D.C.O.C.T. has sworn to get revenge on Dante for not letting him save his best friend all those years ago. The Revenge On Dante special weapon is the gun that D.C.O.C.T. one day plans to use to slay Dante. T.R.O.D.S.W. Sht range Long range Str Dam Ame. pen Special 1-10" 10-16" 9 D6 2D6+10 1" blast. D.C.O.C.T. only.

Plasma Armour 100 pnts- Is Just another wacky invention of D.C.O.C.T. involving, yet again, PLASMA!!! The plasma armour is very hot because of the plasma that runs through the inner layers of the armour. In incorporates robotic arms and nuero-joints. These are need because D.C.O.C.T. lost the use of both his arms in an accident in a plasma reactor, he felt close to it, so he hugged it and it bust, spilling super heated plasma all over his arms. He now has 2 bionic arms (no bonuses) and the robotic arms carry his power swords, with a plasma pistol attached to each of the arms as well as that, his bionic-arms have a plasma pistol attached to them. The nuero-joints are 4 plasma pistols linked to D.C.O.C.T.'s spinal chord allowing him to think of firing the plasma pistols and they will fire. The plasma pistols in the nueo-joints are all linked and have a +1 to hit at short range and a +2 to hit at long range. In the shooting phase D.C.O.C.T. may fire the nuero-jointed plasma pistols OR 4 other weapons, (his plasma gun count as two weapons) These may be the T.R.O.D.S.W. , Master Crafted plasma pistol or any combination of the 4 plasma pistols attached to his bionic arms and his robotic arms. In addition to that the hot plasma flowing through the armour makes him immune to the effects of melta, flame and plasma weapons (He like the felling of hot plasma hitting him!!). It also confers a 5+ save on 3D6 Can be modified

D.C.O.C.T.'s Power field 40 pnts this is just a normal power field (2+ unmod save) but it has know encumbrance in HtH combat but it still offer no protection in HtH combat.

Immune: D.C.O.C.T. Is immune to all psychology (in real life he has never EVER failed a break test!!) And all models within 10" of him are immune as well.

Psyker: D.C.O.C.T. is a 3rd level librarian. He has the following powers: Plasma storm, Teleportation and Wall'O'plasma

Plasma storm 3 force- D.C.O.C.T. preys to the god of plasma (Himself!!!) to conjure up a giant plasma storm anywhere on the battle field. Place the 3" blast marker anywhere on the battle field and roll 1 scatter die and 2artillery dice If the scatter die comes up with a hit it hits that spot. If an arrow comes up move the template the distance in inches of the sum of the 2artillery dice a misfire counts as zero but TWO misfires means the power hasn't worked properly, place the 3" blast over D.C.O.C.T. work out damage as normal.Str:7 Dam:2D6 Ame. pen: 3D6+7 Special: 3" blast.

Wall'O'plasma 2 force- D.C.O.C.T. Preys to the god of plasma (Himself!!!) to conjure of a protective wall of glowing plasma. A wall of plasma 10" long and 4" wide (or the equivalent) appears in front of D.C.O.C.T. the shield may not be fired through from any direction and remains in play till it is nullified or the player decides to remove it. Models in base contact or under the wall when it is put up suffer a hit as if they were struck with a heavy plasma bolt on LOW energy. Models attempting to walk through the wall suffer a hit as if struck from a blot from a heavy plasma gun on HIGH energy. (serves them right for being so stupid!!)

Hated and traitor: D.C.O.C.T. hated Dante for reasons stated earlier. D.C.O.C.T. will not fight on the same side as Dante and will join any army fighting Dante, except Tyranids and Chaos. Dante will not be shot at from any Blood angel on the side with Dante Except from Dante and his bodyguard, D.C.O.C.T. will kill anyone who gets in the way of him killing Dante. D.C.O.C.T. may only fire the Revenge on Dante special weapon at Dante and his body guard. When D.C.O.C.T. becomes the GOD OF PLASMA he no longer wants to kill Dante and becomes and normal character. Note: this is the only exception to the Predator rule. D.C.O.C.T. Is not allowed to take the Predator if he is fighting Blood angels.

Bloody annoying predator 480 pnts: D.C.O.C.T. never goes to battle with out his trusty custom predator The Horus4 (He must ALWAYS take it no matter what even if it means going over points limit). This predator has seen many battles and was even in the crusades and the great battle for Earth against Horus himself. It was named Horus 4 because it was the 4th Predator of the Blood Angels chapter in the battle against Horus's ground forces and one of the only tanks to survive the fighting. It has many awards and runes of great victories on it and slowly took on more and more deadly weapons. Jameus Flamefistus a.k.a D.C.O.C.T. took this tank as his personal command tank although he does not ride in it, he refuses to go to any battle field with out it. This predator has all the normal armour, hit locations and movements but is armed with an autocannon and a cyclone in the turret a HEAVY PLASMA GUN (!!) and multimelta (one in each sponson) 2 heavy flamers mounted above the front head lights and Twin-linked heavy bolters in the dead centre of the front part of the hull. Damage tables are as follows:

Armour D6

Roll Location Front Side/Rear
1 Track* 15 15
2-3 Hull 20 18
4 Sponsons 17 15
5-6 Turret 22 22

*Hit nearest to attacker

D6 Track Damage Table

1 The Track is damaged but keeps going (just!!) . The predator may only move at slow speed for the rest of the game in addition the Plasma charged engine (see vehicle card) may no longer be used.

2-5 The track is blow off........................ All rest of track results are the same

D10 Hull Damage Table

1-3 A large explosion tears through the crew compartment. Roll a D6 for each crew member . On a roll of 4, 5 or 6 they are hit and killed. In addition the Twin linked heavy bolters are destroyed and may no longer be used. 4-6 The heavy flamer fuel tanks rupture and fire shoots from every possible exit location. All crew are killed unless they can roll their armour saves on a D6. Every model with in 3" of the tank is hit as if hit by a hand flamer. The Heavy flamers may no longer be used. The tank may not move next turn while crew member try to put out little spot fire with one of those little fire extinguishers. It may only fire 2 weapons next turn.

7 The same as 4 on a Codex Predator. See datafax.

8 The same as 5 on a Codex Predator. See datafax.

9 The same as 6 on a Codex Predator. See datafax.

10 The big bang!!! The cyclone ammo and plasma shield fuel (see vehicle cards) mix and erupt in a HUGE mushroom cloud of flame. Every thing with in 6 1/2" suffers the effects of being hit by a plasma grenade and if that doesn't kill them the effect of 3 cyclone hits. Work out as normal. If you can't already guess what's left of the tank it's just a big smoking crater

D6 Sponson Damage Table Same as Codex Predator. see datafax

D12 Turret Damage Table

1-3 The autocannon mounted in the turret is damages and may only be fired if you first roll a 4+on a D6.

4-5 The turret is jammed and may only fire at targets directly in front of it.

6 The turret gunner is killed unless his position is taken over by another crewmember the turret may no longer fire.

7-8 The turrets cyclone suffers critical damage and goes of in unpredictable ways and directions. Roll on the catastrophic launch chart on page 47 of the Warhammer 40,000 wargear book.

9-10 Same as 6 on the Codex Predator. see datafax

11-12 KAAABOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Every thing with 12" suffers D6 Str5 -1 save mod hits. The tank is pretty damn stuffed!

Predator vehicle cards: Plasma Charged Engine 14 pnts The Plasma Charged engine uses the plasma from the plasma state of the dust and rocks of Earths moon as its fuel. It adds +1D6 to slow speed, +2D6 to combat speed and +3D6 to fast speed. On a roll of triple 1's the Plasma fuel runs out and the normal engine must be used

Plasma energy shield 51.27634912 pnts (just to be different!!) The plasma Energy Shield is also powered by the plasma of the rocks and dust on the Earths moon. It gives the Horus4 a 7+ unmodified save against all attacks on 2D6 if a double 1 OR 6 is rolled the field runs out of plasma and stops working. The shield is independent of the engine, so if the engine runs out of plasma the shield won't and vice versa.

In addition to these 2 vehicle cards the Horus 4 must always take, reinforced armour, ablative armour, Hunter-Killer missile and a null shield. Total vehicle cards cost 140 pnts (rounding up!!!)

Big Bloke:.....................................5000 points

4 10 10 1 10 1 10 15 1,234,567,890

Nutter: Suffers From Frenzy.

Dense Skull:Impossable To Hurt+ Strenght Increased By Nine.

Stubbon Git: If Someone Shoots At Him He Goes Nuts And Hates The Army That Shot Him.

Emporors Little Psyco: Has The Mark Of The Emporor (All 4 Marks Of Chaos)

Stunning Features: All Females Die In Estacy.

DRINK!!!:If You Want He May Drink 10 Barrles Of Blue Labled Vodka(60% Alcohol) He Has I=0 S Is Times By 2.

Wargear:1 Card Its Below.

Baked Beans And Cigertte Lighter

Whith A Load Boom Big Bloke Eats

The Beans Turns Around And Breaks Wind.

Dual Heavy Flamer(2 Shots)

Or He Lights A Fart M=24"

Big Bloke Only.

Milan Gnezda (aka Alexandr Rykov)

4 4 2 3 4 2 3 1 9

WARGEAR: Fists, but see below.

ARMOUR: Natural toughness: 6+ save, however it is unmodified in hand-to-hand combat.

WARGEAR: Up to one wargear card and the following.

Compound Bow: As a crossbow.

Sai (paired): Allows 2 parries, but a roll of 1 or 2 is a fumble.


Glasses: Rykov wears a pair of glasses (not unlike Lennons, hehehe). However, if the opponent ever rolls a critical hit, and it is not parried, the glasses will be knocked off his head and he will get BS1 and WS 3 for the rest of the game but also the following benefits: +2 A, frenzied and +2 charge bonus, rather than +1. however, he does not get these bonuses if using the Sai.

Aliens: If he is ever included in an army against Tyranids or Genestealers, he feels an unholy compulsion to continuously chant 'Game over, man, game over!' If a squad of genestealers or tyranids is forced to make a Ld test of any kind he will say 'Maybe we got 'em demoralised!' and if any of his squads fails a Break test he will say 'It was a bad call, Ripley, a bad call!' (the opponent MUST then respond with 'A bad call?! These people are dead Burk!' or lose the game). If he is against Marines or Imperial Guardsmen and a wounded character is within 2 inches of him he will say, 'Let me show you a little trick to take your mind off that wound. Give me your hand. Now you may feel a little pressure...' and the model will take a further wound.

Aliance: He is allowed to be included in any army except Ultramarines, which he suffers Hatred towards.

COST: If used in a Squat force: 35 points.

Any other force: 50 points.

However, if there is any rock music playing in the background, he will join for 10% of the standard cost, rounded up and if there is any Gallic/Gaelic or Russian music he will join for half the cost.

Howver, if there is any Techno music or the Spice Girls playing, he will become frenzied and will suffer hatred towards both sides. Neither army may buy him, rather he will immediately appear and charge the nearest model, regardless of allegiance (Ultras will always be charged if they are within charge distance, and Squats will never be charged). (who'd want to pay?)



W I A Ld
3 1 1 2 2(+1) 1 2 1 5

Weapons: None

Armour: T-shirt (7+ on 1d6)

Fat: punk sits around all day at a computer insulting people and so has gained a layer 6" thick of fat. This gives him +1 T and an unmodified save of 6+.

Special: Insults: punk insults anything and everything that moves. Therefore, all enemy (and allies) have hatred toward him, and all enemy within hearing range (8") must take a Ld test or become frenzied and charge him.

Transformation: On a roll of 6+ on a d6, punk turns into a Chaos Spawn of Nurgle.

Snotty............................................................30 points

3 3 4 5 4 1 0 1 *

Armour:- none. Gear:- Large Book, lucky Blue tac Special Abilitys:-

Bad Runner:- Snotty always moves at 3". If he runs or charges he must roll 2d6 equal to or under his strength or break down wheezing. If he passes then he is at -1 strength for the rest of the game. If he fails he loses 1 strength and cant do anything this turn.

Rugby Tackle:- If snotty is within 3" of an enemy then he will always charge into them pushing them back 6". The enemy model must make a strength test on 2d6 or get pushed back another 6" next trn until they both fall off the board.

No Initiative:- The height of Snottys initiative is saying 'whats that?' just before getting hit in the head by a bullet. This happens in CC as well.

LD:- Snotty is so convinced that his Squats can win that he never has to take leadership tests against other armys. If Snotty Somehow manages to face another SQuat army then he is so dumbstruck that he cant do anything for the entire game (Its not happened yet!)

Large Book:- doesnt really do much, but he always reads it during his opponants turn, unless the opponant is rolling a dice.

Lucky blue tac:- A blob of blue tac that Snotty has managed to collect togehter from various sources, and always carrys it with him. He kneads it and trys to get all the bits out. On a roll of 4+ on 1 d6, then he has got some bits out and they count as soft cover. The bits are always picked back up by the blue tac at the start of his turn though

Insane auto cannon................................................250pts 1-1

6 2 50 6 3 2 99 * 12


INSANE CANNON The * is for unlimited.This weapon can fire as many shots as it wants in a turn up to your friends whole army running.This weapon was time travled in from warhammer 80K.Same stats as the autocannon for other though

The Big bad nuke bomb: Another weapon from 80K this fires a nuke making all your openents men run 10" back to escape the blast.However all vehicles are stopped in they're tracks must roll ten on 2D6.

Chronoshpere: can transport any vehicle or Squad from where it is to a new loccatiom on the field it may also not fire next turn.

Physco majic: because of the mad insanity of the crew they will run insanly with the cannon and start firing at the closest vehicle of your team destroying it totally.

This weapon is only avalible for the future of chaos

Trigger Hippy/Platypus............................200 pts.

4 5 10 5 5 3 5 2 12

Armor: Green Flannel Shirt (7+ save on d6)

Weapons: "The BIG gun," "Little Tiny Not Very Sharp Knife," "Master Crafted Plasma Pistol," "Green Flannel Shirt," "Rollerblades of Doom," "Fountain Pen," "Water Balloons filled with Paint."


Really Fast Shot: Trigger Hippy can fire the BIG gun, the Master-Crafted Plasma Pistol, and the Fountain pen in the same turn. He may also throw one of the Water Balloons filled With Paint.

Hipshooter: Not only that, but he may also run OR charge into hth while firing.

Green Flannel Shirt: In addition to (not) providing an armor save, the Green Flanned Shirt will cause any opponents in HtH to become hopelessly entangled and count WS 0.

Rollerblades of Doom: Trigger Hippy counts M 12 on paved surfaces, but M 3 on unpaved. He may also make a special "Kick" attack before Hand to Hand Combat starts. The enemy's WS is reduced by 2, because it hurts so much.

Water Balloons filled with Paint: Count as grenade. 1 1/2" blast marker. Do no damage, but causes fear, as the opponents don't want paint on their nice, clean armor. Orks, Tyranids, and Chaos are excluded from the causing fear part. On a 4+, models hit by water balloons filled with paint are blinded, no matter what auto sense gizmos they have.

The Big Gun: Range: Unlimited To Hit Short: +2 To Hit Long: +1 STR: 2d20+10 DAM: 3d20 Save Modifier: -11 Armor penetration: 5d20+d6+10 Special: Sustained Fire (14 Dice) Fitted with a Targetter Auto kill anything smaller than a BaneBlade.

Fountain Pen: Fired before Hand to Hand combat. Trigger Hippy shakes it back and forth, making large ink splatters on his opponents armor/uniform. The opponent must make a LD test on 3d6 or take -1 WS. Note that in combination with the Green Flannel Shirt and Rollerblades of Doom, the enemy will count WS as negative 3.

Little Tiny Not Very Sharp Knife:
STR: As user -2 DAM: 1 SAVE: NONE ARMOR PENE: You've gotta be kidding. Special: Adds 2 attacks to Trigger Hippy's profile in hth, because he can swing it so fast. This is in addition to the usual bonus for multiple weapons. (Knife and Plasma Pistol)

Thanos of Titan......................-- points

4 4* 4* 5* 5* 2 5 1 9

Armor:        Rolled up black jeans, black Brujah or Son Goku t-shirt, (5+save)Boots of Stomping
Weapons:    Wit, 8' plastic yellow chain, boltpistol
Wargear:    thanos of titan always carries his 8' plastic yellow chain, Boots of Stomping and Rare Import Cd's. He is missing his wargear deck, so he is very limited in wargear he can take.
Chaos Rewards:    Allure of Slaanesh(who would want to hit this pretty face?).
Mark of Chaos:    thanos is a true worshipper of the Prince of Chaos, Slaanesh. Often, he has been targeted by someone screaming derogitory comments about himself and his mother figure. Others would instantly frenzy at such attack.
thanos just smiles. He is immune to psychology.
Limitations:    thanos will frenzy if wife is threatened in any way or nazi skinheads are present.

8' plastic yellow chain: The 8' plastic yellow chain is thanos' weapon of choice. Adds +1 to strength.
Boots of Stomping: These purple Doc Martins allow thanos and extra kick after the hth combat at double his strength.
Rare Import Cd's: * These are rare industrial/gothic Cd's that pump thanos up. Ministry and Nine Inch Nails add +3 to the stats noted up above, adds +4 to his saves and causes him to frenzy. Marilyn Manson and Goth Daze adds a +2 to his stats and Songs to Wake the Dead adds a +1 to his stats. Other Cd's that aren't imports that work are Tool, Spawn Soundtrack and Agent Orange.

Special:        thanos' wit has swayed many a potential foe into the arms of Slaanesh. Even those that worship the Blood God, have respect for thanos of titan.

Master Vodalus............30 points.

8 8 1 3 3 8 8 5 1

Weapons : Papir balls, allways misses if the player has a field of a kind.

Armour : None (any hit on MV will auto wound)

Special :

Psycho sports freak : On a roll of 4+ (roll at beginning of a game) MV has been damaged in a sports accident, and does not appear on the battlefield.

Anti-SFD : The player wich has MV in his army allways rolls Jams with his SFD, even on rerolls.

Damn forcefields : A player fielding MV must pass a LD test when shooting or miss the to hit roll.

Any HTH combat the player (ho is fielding MV) is involved in he wins. (exept against Khorne beserkers, where every fight goes to the beserkers no matter what stats the opponent has.

If MV is reduced to 0 wounds, he regains them on a roll of 2+ (he may  roll as many dice as he wants).

Sapphon (Dark Angels Chief jester)..........1d6x10

7 2d4 1d6 3 3 2 10 1d3 6

Armour: Trench coat 10+ on d10
Wargear. May take 2 wargear cards. These will always be pellet gun and Sapphon's-self-made-bombs.
Strategy Rating of 2d6 depending on how sleepy he is.
Weapons: Hands and feet 'read the Random Tae Kwon Do table'. Pellet gun.Power fist.
Special rules:
Damn annoying questions: everything within 100" hears his constant blaberring and will be subject to frenzy.
Pellet gun:

short range long range hit sht hit long str dam sav Armour
0-5" 5-20" +5 -6 - none - -

Special: Any unit or squad hit by pellet gun will be so annoyed and humiliated and will be subject to hate towards everything.

Random Tae Kwon Do: Sapphon thinks he is tough because he is a Tae Kwon Do Green Belt. He sometimes fails his moves misrably but is sometimes gifted by the emperor. Roll for his WS, BS and A as indicated in his stats at the beginning of every turn.

Sapphons always carrys 3 experimental bombs into battle. 3" blast marker. treat as grenade. roll 1d4 for results:
1. Experiment fails miserably and blows up in his face. Treat as frag grenade.
2-3. Hits opponent with no problems. Treat as frag grenade.
4. Experiment succeeds!! roll a further 1d6. if 1-3, grenade acts as plasma grenade. if 4-6, treat as vortex grenade.

Despoiler/Adrian the.......-20 points

2 3 3 1 -6 1 10 2 10

BO encrusted shirt: Adrian never washes, and this has two effects. The Terror part is discussed later, but the crystals of sweat form a hard, chitinous layer that protects against attack. This gives Adrian a 13+ save on 2D6, which is utterly pointless.

BOfire Thrower, Bad Deoderant, and a Letterknife.

Special Rules:

Animosity. Whereever Adrian goes, he causes constant arguing between him and other people. Often these revolve around what do you call that sport where you kick a ball around, Soccer or Football.

Exhasution: If Adrian runs or walks for more than two turns in a row, he collapses for one turn for the sheer exhaustion. However, before the battle you can try to get him over the effects, but putting him on an excercise machine. Roll a D6- on a 6 he gains some muscle mass and and walk and charge normally.

Extremely Bad luck: If Adrian is in you force, count the following modifiers to your rolls: If rolling: Modifier:
D3 -3
D6 -6
D10 -10
D12 -12
D20 -20

This is to represent his extremely poor luck with all things.

BO (Body Odour): Adrian is paranoid about water borne deseases, and so never washes. This means his BO grows to incredible smell level. He cause Terror as descrobed in the Warhammer 40K rule book. Plus, and models within 8" of him take an automatic wound every turn on a 4+ due to the corrosive nature of the BO.

Whiner: Adrian whines and moans, so much that on the beginning of each turn a roll must be made. On a D6 roll of 1-5, everyone on the battle field get so annoyed of him they MUST shoot every weapon the have at him. If he is not killed they all die, and Adrian wins the game.

DC (conversion-crazed, wolf-riding, ork Mek).......18 pts. plus wargear (55 pts. of wargear)

4 4 4 4 4 1 3 2 7

Mount: extremely large wolf with cybernetic implants (same stats and cost as cyboar)

Armor: electromagnetic/photon disruptor field -- 3+ modifiable save for las, bolt, and plasma weapons (no save for flame or melta weapons) (costs 15 pts.)

Weapons: axe, bolt pistol, frag grenades, and master-crafted melta-gun -- extremely hot nature of master-crafted melta-gun gives it a -6 armor modifier and 36" range (cost 20 pts.)

Wargear Cards: 3 wargear cards (like all good ork meks). These must be his electromagnetic/photon disrupter field, master-crafted melta-gun, and his kustom mekboy toolz (5 pts.). for kustom mekboy toolz, first roll 1d6 -- 1,2 means electrical problem, can be fixed by 4+ on 2d6; 3,4,5,6 means it's a mechanical problem, can only be fixed by 9+ on 2d6.

Special: When using DC in the ork army, all friendly models within 36" are likely to have some odd conversion or were never intended to look like they do now. kustom-made field artillery, goffs that used to play blood bowl, and other conversions are common.





10 10 10 10 10 2 10 5 1+

SLUG! the awesome POWER that is THE SLUG! His body is so huge and muscular it makes the Bloodthirster look like a gretchin!

His Natural Thick hide makes terminator armor look like a peice of paper! His Hulking arms are Eqiupped WITH massive claws that would make a chainfist feel like a pin prick. With these Massive Poison blades, he could kill an avatar with one SWIPE!

but too bad he is too stupid to use them. instead he just chucks rocks at the guys until they get close then he runs off because hes an idiot and fears confrontation (was abused as a child)

Weapons: Massive super power poison c'tan lightning claws (cannot be used) ROCKS (weapon of choice)

0-1:Siffsporn Da Boss ov da panzee orks.

Points: 1 (can only be used if your opponent needs extra target  practice)

A veteran of several campains, the only reason he has survived is because he runs away from every fight! Looking not so much as a gretchin, but more like a snotling, he is a huge wuss, always afraid of getting hurt. All the orks under his command are pansies too, and are regularly beat up by the bigger orks.

SAVE: none, he feels da squig glue is good enuff.




4 -1 4 5(10) 2 3 3 100 none

SPECIAL RULES: Has an extensive coating of supa-squig-glue all over his body from trying to put his minis together. This gives him T 10, as it is so thick that it even provides protection!

He has a LD 100 at the beginning of the game. ALL models in the army (except other UGW characters) can use his LD for any test. As the number of models in his army decrease (yes, DIE!) so does his LD because he is bust grieving for his beloved boyz. For every Ork model lost, he gets -2 LD, until he gets down to 6, from there he can go no lower.

BS -1: He totes an impressive Big-Shoota, but couldn't hit the floor if he fell on it. All he does with his Big-Shoota is fire it in the air and yell WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH! in a very loud voice.

Wuss: If it looks like he may loose a combat, he will run away. As he is a HUGE wuss, all combats look dangerous, and he will never charge and if he is charged will run away. The enemy will not chase him, as they are too bust laughing at him.

He has cut himself so many times with his hobby knife that he is immune to pain in his hands. This has no effect in game terms, but he thinks it makes him da tuffest! So any incoming shot that rolls a 1 to wound has no effect, as it has hit his hands. As a roll of 1 to wound wouldn't hurt anyway, this is pointless.

Equipment: Big-Shoota, Big Choppa, Squig-Glue-Arma, Shoes with grip so he can run away faster.

Bodyguard: Has 4 grot body guard, as they are the only ones he can boss around, but if they ever called his bluff and fought him, he'd surly loose.

Options: You can leave him off the army roster for an additional 200 pts.

Dan Witchlover...................Cost:  0.5 points and a female slave

5 2 2 2 3 3* 9 1 5

*i´m too young to die!

Weapons/armour: Dan Witchlover is armed with a selection of 60´s rock CD´s (count as throwing stars) and a blue beetle costume(3+ save)

May ride: Dan may ride one of his trusty cats:

7 3 3 3 4 1 5 2 10

(subject to frenzy,hatred of skaven,giant rats and mercenaires("dogs of war")

Special rules for Dan Witchlover:

CONFUSED:  Dan Witchlover is not acustmoied to waging war.At the begining of each turn,roll 1d6

1-2 Pacifist Dan Witchlover declares he´s a pacifist,and walks off the board!
3-4 Fear Dan Witchlover is intimidated by his foes.For this turn only,all enemy troops cause fear to him.
5-6 Not at all funny Dan Witchlover begins to joke at the opposition.All enemys are at a -1 to hit this turn.

HOMEWORK:  Instead of casting a spell,a wizard may tell Dan Witchlover the magic word: Homework (power:2) this will cause him to instantly remember he forgot his homework.He'll leave the board immediately!

Ozymandias - 163 pts

Troop Type M WS BS S T W I A LD
Ozymandias 4 5 2 4 4 2 6 3 8

Weapons: Epee of death

Armour: Pink Floyd tee-shirt

Wargear: May have two wargear cards which will always be his Epee of Death and the Pink Floyd T-shirt

Special Rules:

Psyker - Ozymandiasis a level 1 psyker with the Summon Character power. The power works like this: Ozymandias says "Where is ______?" and says the name of another character in the Codex UGW. On a roll of 4+ that character appears within 6 inches of Ozymandias.

Epee of Death - Doesn't really do anything more than a normal sword, but it has such a legend surrounding it and Ozy that it causes Fear in the enemy.

Pink Floyd T-shirt - On the first turn roll a dice for every squad in the opposing army. On a roll of 6 (that being the percentage of stoners in my school) the unit stops what it is doing and says, "Duuuuuuuuudddddddeeeeeee, love the shirt, Pink Floyd man!!! wow dude!" Unit continues to trip out until it can roll a 4+ in subsequent turns.

Gunfreak - Cost 200 points.

Troop Type M WS BS S T W I A LD
Gunfreak 4 3 5 3 4 2 5 2 7

Armour : Mk4 terminator armour (3+ on 2D6, fitted with jump pack).

Weapons : Lighning claw, auto-bolter, master-crafted heavy boltpistol, rapid fire boltpistol, plasma grenades.

Auto-bolter : Short 0-12, long 12-24, +1 to-hit short range, strength 5, damage 1, save -2, 2 sustained fire dice.

Master-crafted heavy boltpistol :
Short : 0-10, long : 10-20, +2 to hit short range, +1 to hit long range, strength 6, damage D6, save -5.

Rapid fire boltpistol :
Short : 0-12, long : 12-24, +2 to hit short range, +1 to hit long range, strength 4, damage 1, save -2, 3 shots.

Wargear : Enhanced aegis suit (2+ on 1D6), bionic eye, multi-targeting helmet.

Multi-targeting helmet : Gunfreak may fire on one target for each weapon in use without penalty. As the auto-bolter is built in to the right arm, this will apply to all weapons. He may also shoot at small targets (specific vehicle locations, people's heads, etc.) at -1 to hit. Note that the head is not a viable target unless the target is not wearing a helmet, if a hit is achieved roll against toughness at half value to avoid instant death!

Gunfreak suffers hatred toward orks (he hates their "slap it together and see what happens" approach to weaponry) and psykers (he think they are cheating, and are too scared to fight properly!). If within 6" of an allied psyker, roll 1D6. On 5+, he attacks the psyker with a randomly determined weapon.

Techmarine - Gunfreak is technically skilled and has all the capabilities of a techmarine. He is extra-skilled in weaponry and may repair vehicle weaponry with 3+ on 1D6.

Galdor, King of the Dark Eldar...........200 + 150 wargear

Troop Type M WS BS S T W I A LD
Galdor * 6 5 5 5 3 7 4 10

Weapons : Sword of Slaanesh, Ancient Whip of Agony, Shuriken Cattapult.

Armour: Armour of Kaine (3+ unmodifiable)

Wargear: Galdor may have up to 3 wargear cards, these must be The Ancient whip of Agony, Sword of Slaanesh, and the Armour of Kaine.

Marks of Chaos: Galdor carries the Mark of Slaanesh.

Strategy Rating: Galdor has a Strategy Rating of 5.

Special Rules:

Chariot of Slaanesh: Galdor rides on chariot that was given to him by Slaanesh himself. Since Galdor is one of Slaaneshes most favoured champions his chariot is very special, The 3 steeds that are pulling it are a mixed breed of a Cold one and a Steed of Slaanesh, They move and fight at the chart below:

12 6 0 4 4 2 3 2 10

Armour of Khaine: The Armour gives a 3+ unmodifiable save.

Sword of Slaanesh: The Sword has been blessed by the Dark Farseer`s and is ideal in battle. The sword deals D3 wounds per wound an add`s +1 to the wielders strength not shown in the chart above. The sword holds psychic powers which are demonstraited once per battle, the sword unleashes D6 strength 5 hits.

Ancient whip of Agony: The whip can only be used in Hand to hand combat.  The whip gives a -1 Strength and Toughness to every foe in combat.

Grimshag Nazgit Smellybloke Gobsmasha & all round orky person......why would you want him?

Troop Type M WS BS S T W I A LD BO
Grimshag 3 2 3 5 4 3 1 1 1 9

Weapons: Pshyco Gut, BO of DOOOOOOOM!!!!!!!!,728 page book on HTML

Grimshag is a big, smelly, orky person who get's just a LITTLE bit upset when anythhing even remotly bad happens to one of his fello orks, that is, he goes compleat & uter balistic ape S*#@ at who ever did it, although he doesnt really do much,, his Psyco Gut attack allows him 2 barg any 1 who has done anything bad 2 an ork (ie, baged orks out, killed 1,etc) causing an automatic S5 hit on the poor unsespection victom.

Also his BO OF DOOOOOOOM!!!!!!!! causes any one within 6" of him (friend or foe) 2 puke & shout out "HAVE A SHOWER YA MUG!!!!!" and so renders then unable 2 do anything but puke there guts up for the next 2 turns.

Occasionally Grimshag will get a LITTLE pisses off at his oponents, roll a D6 every time an ork is wounded/killed, on the roll of a 4+ he throws his 728 page HTML book at then & they are nocked uncounsioous(this + his Pshyco gut make's this pathetic, and ugly, looking ork wana be a verry KooooL person in the eyes of his Allies, which he usuly doesnt have be cause of his BO of DOOOOOOOOM!!!!!!!!)

Arkhan the Black(um, the names already taken...), Geek Champion...............Cost - 332 points

Equipment: Arkhan is armed with the following:

Strange Attire and Weird-ass Hair: Any jocks within 100 metres must test against their leadership or call out some pathetic excuse for an insult. Afterwards, Arkhan must instantly retort with a much wittier put-down, that results in him getting seven shades of shit kicked out of him.

Also note that his armour (a shirt and pants) provide a 7+ save against any wounds inflicted.

Weighty RPG Sourcebooks: Count as a double handed weapon.

Special rules: Doesn't care: Is immune to all psychology. Arkhan has developed his famed abilities of antipathy and spitefulness over the years, to the point where even the crappiest insults bounce harmlessly off him.

Hatred: Arkhan suffers from hatred towards big-budget Hollywood movies, sports, inequity and ignorance. Note that he is affected by this even though he is immune to all other psychology.

Wanderlust: Arkhan MUST move in the movement phase towards one of the following - Comic Book Store, RPG Store, Music Store, Computer, Video Game Arcade, Anything to do with Dragonlance or Evangelion.

Profile M WS BS S T W I A LD
Arkhan 4 2 4 4 4 5 7 3 10

Mastery Level
Note that Arkhan has a (video game) mastery level of 5, due to his specific expertise in the field, and the countless hours he has spent perfecting his abilities.

Psyko Clown/Bonehead

Let's see, a psyko clown would be interesting!!

Troop Type M WS BS S T W I A LD
Psyko Clown/Bonehead 5 3 5 2 4 2 4 1 11

sv: 4 invuln

weapons: large black bag full of pranks

armor: clown costume & incredable agility

special rules:
black bag:
contains several pies, water balloons filled with varius substances, and for a grand finnally an anvil... the pies count as boltpistol shots, the waterballoons count as laspistol shots, and the anvil counts as a one shot lascannon (psyko clown watches too many roadrunner cartoons)

taunt: the clown can taunt an opposing unit , causing them to HATE him, i fhe taunts a unit they must move towards him ignoring all other targets

fast bugger: after the clown taunts a unit, he may double his move at the cost of shooting... this means he can taunt a unit and then lead them around for the rest of the battle.

incredible agility: psyko clowns agility is only matched by few of the eldar... he has a saving throw of 4+ which is invulnerable

play dead: the psychotic one can play dead... removing himself from the game, however te opponent gets no VPs for him, me is only playing after all psyko clown

Despoiler (40K 3rd Edition!)............50 points

Troop Type Points WS BS S T W I A LD Sv
Despoiler 50 8* 8* 4* 4* 8* 8* 4* 12 4+

* Despoiler is so amazingly lazy that these stats must be quartered in any game in which he is used.

Weapons: Despoiler is armed with the remote control to his hi-fi, an "inflatable supermodel", a variety of chemical brothers CDs, and a mobile phone.

REMOTE CONTROL: Despoiler always carries this remote control around with him. In battle it serves no use whatsoever, unless Necrons are present. If they are, the remote kills any Necron on a 4+ within 18". However, if a 1 is rolled the battery has died and the controller may no longer be used.

INFLATABLE SUPERMODEL: A birthday present from one of Despoilers friends: "Give your ego a boost with your very own leggy blonde fantasy. Never answers back! Doesn't need presents! Inexpensive to entertain! Thinks you're great!" This... thing has no effect in battle.

CHEMICAL BROTHERS CDs: Despoiler carries round these CDs, lest he be incarcerated in area where the only music available are the "Sp*ce G*rls", or "B*yz*ne". These CDs can be used with the same affect as a Splinter Cannon.


Extreme Laziness:
Despoiler is unbelievable lazy. He wouldn't lift a finger to save his life if it weren't for the fact that he would die. In game terms, all his stats with a "*" are quartered.
In addition, if Despoiler attempts to move in the assault phase after moving in the movement phase, he must roll a D6. On a 1-2, he collapses from exhaustion and dies. On a 3-4, he mumbles "I can't be bothered" and just stands there, playing with his watch. On a 5-6, he becomes a nutter.

NUTTER: If Despoiler becomes a nutter, he starts doing stupid things he will regret later (e.g. taking on a Greater Daemon). If this happens, his stats are double, and he fights first no matter what.


Despoiler suddenly realises what he is doing is utterly thick and his sense of pain returns and he runs away in a sudden outburst of common sense and dives into a large hole, and starts talking to himself. Remove Despoiler from the tabletop if this happens.


My Warhammer Statistics

Special: Skrittiblak is a skaven that looks suspiciously like a human being with a bad hair do possibly the result of Warpstone snuff overdose.

His statistics are:

Troop Type M WS BS S T W I A LD
Skrittiblak 20 1 1 2 4 1 8 1 0

Skrittiblak comes equipped with a chicken shit fear of anyone that looks like he might put up a fight. He also has a an army of Games Workshop miniatures that are painted so brightly taht anyone that looks upon them is blinded on a D6 roll of 4+. He has the unique ability to fart ferociously in times of dire need. If the player using the Skrittiblak model has proof that he has eaten beans within the last 3 days then he may turn the Skrittiblak model around. Place the flamer template coming out of Skrittiblak ass so that the wide end covers its enemies. Anyone hit is knocked out on a 3D6 roll of 5+.

Special Rules:
Chicken shit:
If an enemy model comes within 10" of Skrittiblak then he will run double his movement rate away from it during its own movement phase unless it pass he leadership test on 8D6. Every third wednesday Skrittiblak gets to multiply his leadership by ten (sadly, this is still 0). If any of the 8D6 rolled for leadership are a 6 then Skrittiblak has crapped himself with fear. Roll a D6 on the crap build up table shown below:

The Crap Build Up Table

1 The crap is beginning to overflow.
2 Skrittiblak's ass swells to incredible proportions (has no game effect)
3 Skrittiblak's underwear explodes showering shit in all directions. All models within D6 x 10" sustain D6 Strength 10 hits.
4 Skrittiblak has farted into the crap. The air bubble cannot escape and Skrittiblak floats through the air up above the battlefield. Remove Skrittiblak from play but award no victory points.
5 Skrittiblak craps so loud that everyone on the battlefield becomes deaf. As a result everyone mis-understands the general's directions until their hearing clears up. For the next D6 turn each unit in the game runs 2D6 inches in a random direction.
6 KABOOM, Skrittiblak explodes and everyone on the board is killed.

Skrittiblak can also call upon the powers of boring conversation to kill opponents. he can talk to anyone with 24" about the meaning of life and the vertical subspecies of the culinary earthworm. Anyone 'bored'in this manner must roll a 6 on D6 or suffer an 'eadbang as if they were an Ork Shaman.

Skrittiblak costs no points but only a moron is aloud to use such a crap character. To reperesent this anyone who chooses to field Skrittiblak must allow his opponent to hit him over the head with the largest hammer available.

This Codex is by no means done, noooo....... I am anxiously awaiting the stats of more UGW regulars. If you frequent the UGW Guestbook (only if you do), you can send me YOUR stats by clicking the place below that says "E-mail me YOUR stats!" Thank you all once again.

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