Through the use of our Delta-IV Pattern Translators (D4PT),
we have been able to translate the tablet you sent us. We have found similar sigils
on other tablets in systems close to Koath. These too have been translated.
These translations, along with the reports being sent in almost daily from the Darvin
sector, indicate the presence of a highly advance alien race. I would like to send
some Explorator teams to investigate, when possible.
We are the Tau.
These are the words of Aun'o't'au'molan'cree'cays, highest
Ethereal and Revered Elder:
If you are reading this, then you will have encountered one
of our messenger drones, and are therefore a space-faring race. Soon you will see more
evidence of us. This is no cause for alarm. When you encounter one of our ships or
outposts, welcome it, for we have much to offer a faithful friend.
We are five castes. One people. The Earth Caste build and
manufacture. The Air Caste pilot and navigate. The Water Caste liase and arbitrate. The
Fire Caste defend our holdings and defeat our enemies. All are bound to the dream of
bringing a new way to the universe.
I hope you will choose to share the culture, technology and
protection of the Tau Empire.
The only constant in the universe is change. The wise adapt.
Believe in our destiny.
It is not our technology that will enable us to prevail in
the galaxy.
It is our shared sense of honour and commonality that unites us and will give us the power
to defeat our enemies.
For the Greater Good.
These comments are very interesting. I believe we
could gain much from this race, as suggested by them. If they are as peaceful as
they want us to believe they are, then we could open up trade, gain their technology...
and then crush them with it.
I await your response eagerly.
Magos Biologis Korel Tormann |