[Being a study on the methods and culture of the ancient Necrontyr race]PIRAHNAby Erik Setzer The Pirahna is a recently encountered Tau vehicle. Its purpose is to carry drones into battle, where it can dispatch them in a group and control their actions over a limited range. The Pirahna is capable of carrying five gun drones into battle, and is handily equipped to defend itself with three burst cannons mounted under its nose and in the hull slots traditionally used by drones. The purpose of the Pirahna is to provide a mix of fire support to Tau units on the battlefield with minimal possible loss of life.
Type: Tank, Skimmer Crew: 2 Tau Weapons: Three burst cannons Options: The Pirahna can be given any of the vehicle upgrades listed in the Tau Armoury. Transport: The Pirahna carries five gun drones, which are included in its cost.