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Space Marine Vehicles


  Pts Front Armour Side Armour Rear Armour BS
Hawk 120 12 10 10 4
Type: Fast, Skimmer Crew: Space Marines

Weapons:  Two sponson-mounted heavy bolters.

Transport: 10 models.



  Pts Front Armour Side Armour Rear Armour BS
Thunderhawk 755 12 12 12 4
Type: Skimmer, Agile (see War Machines) Crew: Space Marines
Structure Points: 5 Void Fields: 3

Weapons:  Two pairs of twin-linked heavy bolters in side sponsons; two pairs of twin-linked assault cannons on the wings; turret-mounted mega battlecannon.

Special Rules:  See War Machines section.

Transport: 30 models.  The Thunderhawk may transport up to two vehicles attached to its lower hull.  If the Thunderhawk is shot down while transporting these vehicles they will be destroyed in the fall.

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