Siege of Earth

by Joshua Essoe

Siege Of Earth
  (c) Joshua Essoe (

Earth: 30,014 A.D.

  With the hiss of hydrolics the adamantium panel slid into the ceiling. Sanguinius, Primarch of the Blood Angels Legion, stepped onto the ramparts; followed closely by two squads of his grim, red armored marines. Hot, dry air pushed against his face and with it came the metallic, musky stench of burning metal. Sounds of battle came at them from every direction. His golden armor had lost its luster and dirt clung to his wings, but there was still a glowing aura of power surrounding the Prmiarch.

  They clustered at the edge of the walkway, high up on the Emperor's Palace, and looked out over the smoking, hazy battlefeild - what was, not a week ago, a lush parkland.

  A shiver ran down Sanguinius' spine as an explosion ripped through the air. He looked up sharply, then smiled. A monstrous Banelord Titan of Khorne staggered, smoke billowing from it, and toppled as an Imperial Reaver Titan stalked forward, blasting away with its Volcano Cannon. Even from the heights of the ramparts, Sanguinius could hear the Imperial troops below as they exploded into cheers.

  A shadow raced across the ground and the Primarch looked to a detachment of Guardsmen on the left flank just as a large, bat-like shape plunged into them. Abruptly the cheers from that end turned into screams of terror as men were cut down and butchered.

  Sanguinius' wings unfurled and he took an involuntary step closer, "Bloodthirster," his whispered words were not loud enough to transmit over the comm-net, "What have you done, my brother?"

  Abruptly he forced his eyes from the scene below and turned to face his children, "This area must be cleared before it is shut off," his strong, powerful voice filtered through to the twenty marines standing at attention in front of him. "Squad Parity, take the lower causeway. Cleanse all heretics from these pathways and report back to the Ultimate Gate for further orders."

  He paused, looking at each man, "Be very careful, " he raised his force sword, "May the Emperor guide you!"

  In unison, his Blood Angels rapped their chest plates with their boltguns, "Praise the Emperor!"

  With that, the ten members of squad Parity turned and boarded the lev-pad that would bear them down to the next level.

  Sanguinius stared after them for a moment before turning on his heels and striding down the walkway, the remaining squad of Blood Angels in tow. With his pale blonde hair whipping around his face Sanguinius glanced back at the fighting below.

  The destruction to the Inner Gardens was horrendous. Sanguinius could remember a more peaceful time of play and training on the lush green lawns with some of his less experienced brothers. Now thousands of troops surged back and forth with the tide of battle. Imperial Guard dressed in stark grey uniforms clashed against the drooling hordes of Chaos amidst lumbering tanks and rampaging deamons. The red-orange armor if his Blood Angels stood out as bright pinpricks in the smoking, pitted battle grounds. Sanguinius was filled with a sad pride. It was their honor and their curse to stand by the Emperor during these last days of humanity.

  Captain Cardean's gruff voice crackled over the comm-net in Sanguinius' ear, "Sire, our scanners just picked up a large group of unfreindlies 400 meters forward of our position."

  Sanguinius looked at the masked face of the First Captain of the Second Company and smiled reassuringly, "That is our target. After we clear the menace, we'll rejoin our battle-brothers and help with the defense."

  He wished he felt as confident as he sounded.

  Someone's muttered comment breathed over the comm-net, "They will pay dearly for what they've done."

  There had been hundreds of thousands of Imperial Guard and three full Legions of Space Marines stationed in Earth when the seige had begun. Rogal Dorn and his Imperial Fists, and Jhagatai Khan's White Scars were both cut off from the Palace during the initial bombardment. Then, as drop-pods filled with slavering cultists and their warped brethren rained down, regiments of the Guard had turned traitor, aimed their weapons at their comrades, and cut their fellows down. The battle quickly raged past the Palace's outer walls and into the Inner Gardens. The vast parkland reservation quickly became a place of death. Antiquated statues became cover for fleeing troops and monuments were turned into makeshift bunkers. The ancient stand of redwoods burned, and ornamental lakes ran red with blood. It seemed that for every cultists killed, three more of the vile heretics stepped forward, eager for their own taste of battle. Horus's forces seemed unstoppable.

  At one time Sanguinius and Horus had been brothers, as had all the Primarchs. They had shared a bond that went beyond mere emotions, and for some of them to betray that bond hurt worse than any physical wound ever could. He had vowed vengeance against Horus more times than he could remember; and yet, tucked away deep inside his heart, doubt lingered. If he had the chance, would he act on it?

  Would he kill his brother?

  Or would he let his brother kill him.

  A long unnatural howl yanked Sanguinius from his silent reverie. He heard the the snaps and clicks of metal against metal as his Blood Angels brought their weapons to bear. The odor of burnt meat wafted over them. From around a bend in the Palace's wall they came. Hooting and spinning and cackling with insane glee. Their pink, glowing bodies were grossly misproportioned. Large, round heads sat directly upon two gangly legs with extrememly long, whirling arms jutting out to their sides. The deamons rushed forward with tooth filled grins and wide swirling eyes, devoid of rational thought.

  Sanguinius grit his teeth, pushing back the anxiety he felt. He had faced Tzeentchian Horrors on Aldrin IV - his first encounter with deamons.

  The Primarch spread his wings and raised his Force Sword, "For the Emperor!"

  He vaulted into the air as his children repeated his cry and opened up with their bolters, filling the air with a high pitched hum.

  Air rushed passed Sanguinius as he dove into the horde of deamons, his sword flashing with psychic power with every slash. His Blood Angels rushed in to join him. Sangiunius could hear their murmured curses and prayers through the comm-net, and caught a glimpse of Captain Cardean carving one of the cackling beasts with his chain sword.

  Squeeling with pleasure, deamons fell writhing to the floor as Sanguinius tore through them. They squirmed and shrank, then screamed a high pitched wail of ecstacy as they turned blue and split apart, forming two smaller deamons.

  Sanguinius whipped his sword forward and impaled a pink Horror. The deamon's eyes crossed so it could look at the sword sticking out of its face, then began chuckling. The Primarch's eyes narrowed in disgust and a psychic blast blew the deamon's head off.

  Sanguinius lurched forward as a heavy, boned hand clubbed him across the back. His force sword went skittering away, Horrors leaping over each other in their attempts to avoid touching it. He whirled around, his melta pistol darting from its holster. Super-heated particles blasted out of the gun and roared to life as they connected with the deamon. It squeeked in surprise and melted away.

  Suddenly a thunderous explosion rocked the ramparts knocking down marine and deamon alike. Sanguinius sheilded his face against the unbearable heat and the fragments of masonry that showered down on them. He almost smiled when a huge chunk of plascrete crashed down on top of a Horror with a deafening crunch. A cry rang through the comm-net followed closely by strangled scream. Blue Horrors were swarming all over the fallen Blood Angels.

  The Primarch fought to the center of the foul mass of creatures, pounding them with his fists and burning them with his pistol.

  "Fall back!

  Fall back and ready grenades!"

  "But sire, we can't..."

  Sanguinius made eye contact with Captain Cardean. The Captain's helmet was gone and his white hair was matted to the right side of his head with blood.


  Sanguinius sent telepathically and ducked as a Horror leaped over him.

  "Yes, sir." came the captain's worried voice. "You heard our Father! Fall back!

  Ready grenades!"

  The Blood Angels fought their way back with some hooting, overzealous deamons chasing after them. Sanguinius ignored the pounding against his armor and carefully shot the pursuing Horrors down.

  Blue deamons submersed him in their corrupt aura. They scrambled over eachother to get at him. Reaching clawing, pounding, pulling at his wings and his hair. He grapped one of them from his back and threw it over the side of the ramparts. It froze there, in mid air and howled before plummeting towards the battlefield below.

  Captain Cardean stood in front of the remaining Blood Angels looking for Sanguinius with an edge of panic. They all held Frag grenades ready. The captain fired off a few rounds with his bolt pistol into the swarming mass of glowing blue entities that encased their Primarch.

  Cardean steadied himself and cocked his arm back, "Throw them!"

  The marines only hesitated for a split second.

  As the grenades arced in, Sanguinius tore himself away and shot into the air. He looked down with satisfaction. Explosions ripped the chaos spawn to pieces, sending a billowing cloud of smoke upwards. Sanguinius closed his eyes against the heat, and held his breath against the sickening smell. When the smoke cleared somewhat, he folded his wings and landed lightly nexty to Captain Cardean.

  The captain looked relieved, "That was risky," he stated simply.

  Sanguinius put his hand on the officer's shoulder and grinned at him, "It worked, though."

  He looked at his children. Their armor was scratched and dented, and in some places charred, but the proud air of victory hung over all four of them.

  Four of them?

  Sanguinius shifted his gaze. His sword was in amongst the blocks of palace wall that littered the blackened ramparts. The largest of which was still smoking. At its base protruded an arm in red armor still clutching its bolt pistol. Nearby lay another Blood Angel with his chest torn open. Thankfully Sanguinius could not see any others, but his eyes remained locked on the gruesome scene. No matter how many times he saw his children die, the pain never seemed to ease.

  Cardean followed his Primarch's stare and his rugged features softened, "I almost envy them... they finally have some peace."

  "Do they?" Sanguinius asked quietly.

  Captain Cardean looked at his sire, but the Primarch's expression was unreadable. Cardean sighed, "We will miss them."

  "So will I."

  He stepped forward and retrieved his sword, keeping careful not to notice the other brave men lying there in mute testominoy to Horus' legacy.

  He turned and faced his children, "Are all of you alright?"

  The only one hurt was Rollin. With a quick pull from one of his brother-marines, his dislocated shoulder popped back into place, but he needed an apothecary for the crushed arm that was attached to it.

  They proceeded down the ramparts, carefully stepping around their fallen comrades. Each of them grieved in their own way for the loss. Ahead, more Doom Mortars lanced through the air, colliding explosively with the Imperial Palace. Chunks of the wall rumbled down within a fine mist if stone and ash. They all turned warily to watch the distant silhouettes of the Chaos titans.

  The Death's Heads Legion had been converted to Chaos early on in the Heresy. Now, those once proud, venerated machines were mutated beyond recognition. They had become a warped twist of metal and flesh. Dripping tentacles writhed from their carapaces, great scorpion tails jutted out behind them and their heads drooled fire while their engines roared like angry beasts.

  "How could this have happened?"

  Rollin's angry voice asked over the comm-net, perhaps a little light-headed with the pain.

  Sanguinius wished he had an answer. What makes a man turn against all he believes in and rip off the hand that had created him?

  The comm-net crackled with static. Sanguinius frowned and tapped the unit in his ear. He stopped, his eyes growing wide. His Blood Angels gathered around him looking anxious. the air around them grew still and a whining hum filled their ears.

  Cardean raised his bolt pistol defensively, "What ...?"

  The battle below slowed and the air pressure seemed to drop. Sanguinius let his eyes sag shut, reaching out with his mind. He inhaled sharply. It was a mental battle like nothing he'd ever felt before. Slowly he felt along the strands of thought until he was bathed in warm light and his perception changed.

  He stood on a swirling plain of red energy. He felt nothing and at the same time he felt everything, experienced every sense with every part of his being. His father, blazing with light, was locked in combat with his brother Horus. The Warmaster towered over the Emperor, his face glowing with infernal power. The energy surrounding all of them was hazy and swirled with indistinct colors. Behind Horus, four nebulous presenses were watching and feeding power to him. Sanguinius focused on these. The sheer evil that assaulted his senses was almost enough to knock him back into the physical realm. These were the Chaos Gods. They seemed not to notice he was there. He reoriented himself on the Emperor and Horus, but wearily remained tuned into the insidious Gods. The Emperor's Runesword burned with its own inner power as it cut through the Warmaster's defenses. Suddenly it was all over. The two parted and the presenses of the Chaos Gods faded back into the whirling energy. Horus turned his gaze on Sanguinius. The Blood Angel's Primarch was taken aback by the change in his brother. He seethed with corruption and greed. Evil and jealousy moved under his skin like parasites. Sanguinius' horror showed, and the Warmaster's face twisted into a cruel smile as he too faded into the background. The Emperor oriented on Sanguinius and became closer, leaving a path of bright light behind him. When the light touched the Primarch his feelings were indescribable. It felt like the last, spectacular sunrise he'd seen in his home planet; like the taste of a tender slice of steamed billowfish;  like his love for Dividia, his wife. The Emperor smiled.

  The roar of the battle came back to Sanguinius and he opened his eyes. His Blood Angels stood around him. The comm-net stopped fuzzing, and the Emperor's strong voice came through.

  "Sanguinius, I appreciate your help."

  Sanguinius couldn't help the grin that spread over his face. The Blood Angels looked at their Primarch, questions flashing across their faces, but they remained quiet, listening.

  "Horus did not want this message to get through,"

  the Emperor continued. Sanguinius barely detected the weariness in his voice, the Emperor was masking his exhaustion well.

  "Jhagatai and his White Scars have managed to retake Lion's Gate Space Port. They are holding out against all counter-attacks and I think they are secure."

  The Emperor paused again, their receivers automatically compensated for the increased noise as a cheer erupted over the wide-band.

  It died down quickly as the Emperor proceeded. "We are not doing as well, however. We cannot last against this endless stream the Warmaster is throwing against us."

  Sanguinius frowned, "Sire, if we can take back Eternity Wall Space Port, Horus will have nowhere to land his transports at all. I can lead..."

  "No, Primarch. There are not enough resources to spare. I will not have you throw your lives away. Enough lives have been wasted recently."

  The Emperor sighed quietly, the sound of heartbreak, "We have only one choice remaining to us. Retreat back to the Ultimate Gate. The Inner Palace will offer us sanctuary... at least long enough for some of you to rest. That is all."

  Sanguinius tapped a botton on his comm-set, narrowing the channel so he could not be overheard, "What about you, Father?

  You need rest too."

  The Emperor sounded surprised, "Me?

  No, there isn't time for that, Sanguinius. Make sure you get your Blood Angels inside the Palace. The retreat has already begun."

  The emptiness from the comm-set told Sanguinius the Emperor had signed off. He sighed. Retreat. He hated retreat.

  The comm-net buzzed to life again, "Primarch!

  Squad Parity is under attack!

  We need..." something roared and crashed and the transmission ended.

  Sanguinius and Cardean looked at eachother. The Captain's eyes were wide as he flipped his scanner on. He frowned, trying to lock onto Squad Parity.

  "Got them." he said at last. "Two hundred meters east and below us."

  The Primarch set out at a dead run, surging ahead of his Blood Angels as the noisily ran after him. He looked over the edge of the ramparts. 

  Sanguinius grit his teeth and his upper lip lifted into a snarl when he spotted the squad. Two Blood Angels desperately slashed and blocked with their swords while a monstrous shape lashed out at them with blazing whip and huge, glistening axe. Sanguinius pumped his legs harder, knowing full well the horror that his children faced.

  The Bloodthirster knocked away one of the men and casually placed a hooved foot on top of him. The Blood Angel frantically tried to pry the beast off. He drew a knife... and screamed as his armor cracked and gave out with a sickening crunch.

  Sanguinius felt his insides wrench, "No!"

  The last Blood Angel raised his bolt pistol and let loose directly into the Greater Deamon's face. The shells gouged bloodless holes in the deamon's head and it snapped around to face its final adversary with a snarling growl. It lifted its axe high, ignoring the pitter patter of bolter shells bouncing off its armor, and with one lightning swipe the marine went down.

  Sanguinius stared down at the deamon in horror as he reached the spot on the ramparts right above it. The mauled bodies of the entire squad lay scattered around the Bloodthirster. It grinned up at him with its dripping maw. The thing was huge, twice the size of a man and the glowing brass armor over its blood-stained fur steamed with power, while its red eyes promised cold death. The deamon raised its vicious weapons above its head and roared a challenge.

  Sanguinius leaped into the air, bellowing incoherantly in his outrage.

  Captain Cardean grasped at the empty air, "Sire, NO!"

  Sanguinius didn't hear the Captain's urgent plea, or the flurry of bolter shells that flew past him. The Bloodthirster recoiled from the hail of fire, then crashed to the ground as Sanguinius barreled into it. 

  The Primarch darted out of the deamon's reach and drew his force sword. Snarling, the Greater Deamon stood up. Sanguinius plunged into him once agian. Their weapons clashed together with an explosion of sparks and its axe went flying. Sanguinius' hand shot out and grabbed the monster by the throat. As they pulled close he could feel the deamon's scorching breath on his face and the odor of death filled his nostrils. Snarling visciously it yanked at Sanguinius' hold.

  With a scream the Primarch let loose his built up fury and the area exploded into searing white flames. The Bloodthirster howled in pain and frustration and bounded off the pathway.

  Sanguinius raced after it. He looked over the edge and scanned the battle below. The deamon was nowhere in sight.

  He saw that his Blood Angels had formed a defensive line in front of the rest of the Imperial army. They held back the massed hordes of Chaos as the rest of the forces retreated to the sanctity of the Inner Palace.


  Are you alright?"

  Sanguinius turned and looked into the anxious face of Captain Cardean, "I'm fine, Captain. Did you see where that thing went?"

  "No, sire"

  Sanguinius shook his head, still seething and sheathed his sword. "Take the men down to the Ultimate Gate... Commander. I'll join you shortly."

  Commander Cardean glanced at the last man of Squad Parity to have fallen and his eyes clouded. "Thank you, sire."

  He turned and led the Blood Angels away.

  Sanguinius felt sick inside. He looked down at the body of Commander Heral. Heral had led the second company of Blood Angels, just above Cardean. Sanguinius had known him well, had watched him rise through the ranks in the Legion since he was no more than a boy. Heral had had the sort of natural charisma that made men want to follow him. Sanguinius remembered the battle on Gahenna Prime when Lieutenant Heral had taken charge of his tattered unit in the mountain passes outside the hive-city, Rimlos. All its commanding officers had been killed and the Marines were completely demoralized. He had given such and awe inspiring speech of loyalty and honor that the handful of Blood Angels had grabbed their weapons and held off advancing Ork hordes for two days before reinforcements arrived. That was the mission that had led to his jump in command.

  Sanguinius looked up as another explosion rocked the ramparts. Debris fell all around him, masking the whining sound of a second missile. It exploded against the ramparts behind him, breaking apart the walkway he was on. A large piece of masonry struck him in the back, sending him tumbling. Sanguinius struggled free of the falling rubble just before hitting the ground. He rolled away as chunks of plascrete began crashing down behind him.

  Hands grasped his shoulders and pulled him up. The world was spinning, but the Primarch drew his sword, and grabbed one of the hands. 

  As he spun around and twisted the hand, he looked into the eyes of a terrified Imperial Guardsman. They stared at each other for a long second.

  Sanguinius flushed and released his hold, "I'm sorry. Are you alright?

  The Guardsman cleared his throat, trying to shake his initial fright, "Fine, Primarch Sanguinius," he straightened and noded towards the battle, "I have already retargetted a battery of DS Missile Launchers at those titans, and from the looks of it, Battle Titan Group Harbinger has been sent to intercept."

  Sanguinius quickly noted the hulking forms of the chaos titans in the distance and the faster moving Reavers as they re-oriented and surged forward, filling the air between the two groups with fire. He glanced up. A huge chunk was missing from the ramparts and a large pile of debris had accumulated on the ground below them.

  Sanguinius swallowed dryly, "Was anybody under that?"

  "Besides yourself, " the Guardsman said with crooked smile, "no, sir."

  Sanguinius exhaled with relief and looked around, orienting himself quickly. A stream of grey uniformed Imperial Guard flooded into the Inner Palace through the half-mile-high Ultimate Gate. They turned and fired as they retreated, saturating the air with the flash of lasguns and the occasional deep throated -whump- of missile launchers. All around explosions threw dirt into the air.

  On his right was the smoking husk of a Rhino troop transport.

  And in front of all were his Blood Angels. They fired from hastily dug out trenches and from begind the charred bodies of wrecked war machines. He swelled with pride. They alone held back the might of Chaos.

  Sanguinius glanced at the rank insignia in the Guardsman's shoulders, "Get the rest of the Guard into the Palace quickly, Colonel. Who knows how long my Angels can hold that position."

  The Colonel nodded and looked earnestly into Sanguinius' face, "I just wanted you to know - what you Marines have done... it's amazing."

  He shifted his eyes away for a moment and his face became rigid again, "The tactical withdrawal is almost complete. We'll be outta here real soon, sir."

  He turned on his heel and strode away, not even flinching as another explosion showered him with dirt, "C'mon!  C'mon!  Let's move it, people!"

  Sanguinius spread his wings wide and a few powerful pumps sent him flying towards his embattled marines. The battlefield was deafening. He grit his teeth against the noise as he weaved in and out of the tangled web of incomming fire. Reaching up to his ear he switched bands on his comm-set, "Commander Kryse?"

  The set crackled and buzzed as the device struggled to filter through all the interference. Finally he heard a faint reply, "...arch?

  Sire, where are you?"

  "Right behind you Commmander,"

  Sanguinius smiled despite himself as he made out the huge form of Kryse in the distance. "Commander start falling back. The retreat is almost complete. We've got to get the children inside the Palace."

  Instead of responding, the leader of the First Company switched to a wide band, "Begin fall back pattern Gamma!"

  The long line of Blood Angels responded immediately and their formation shifted. Detachments ran back a dozen meters, stopped, and resumed their fire. After a few moments the remains of the old battle line ran back and joined their brethren under the protective shield of the new battle line's covering fire.

  Sanguinius soared over his children. A rushing cheer swept through the ranks as the Blood Angels spotted their Primarch.

  "For the Emperor!" he bellowed over the comm-net.

  The air boomed and vibrated as his marines took up the cry and repeated it.

  Sanguinius looked back at the Ultimate Gate, his eyes refocusing and zooming in at the distant point. He watched as the last company of Imperial Guard began to rush through. On either side of the entrance ram-shackle fortifications had been thrown up and from behind their walls Guardsmen blasted away with heavy weapons, giving what support they could to the beleaguered Blood Angels.

  The Primarch folded his wings and joined a detachment of his marines in a hastily dug out trench. The dirt in the trench had lost its moisture and felt absolutely lifeless. As he drew his weapons he became aware of the great aura of respect and devotion that surged through the Blood Angels. And despite the situation he felt bouyed.

  A huge mass of cultists surged in front of them while all around, war machines clashed and spit fire. Huge Storm Blade super heavy battle tanks let loose devastating vollies of Hellion missiles. Deamon Engines rolled relentlessly forward, crushing everything in their path. Dreadnoughts rampaged through their enemies, and it was the perfect hunting ground for deamons.

  Farther down the line fierce hand to hand combat had broken out. Sanguinius could hear agonized death cries and he ached to be with his children in their final moments of life. Above, squads of assault marines blasted toward the combat in jump packs.

  Abruptly he sensed a mounting, frenzied energy around the cultist throng.

  Fear seared through Sanguinius.

  "Fall back!" he yelled as loud as he could with his voice and mind.

  The Blood Angels paused, listening, then they all charged back towards the Palace.

  The chaos energy swelled and peaked. With a gushing release the entire front line of chaos rushed forward.

  Fire raked the cultists as the marines turned and fired, still retreating towards the Ultimate Gate. Row upon row of heretics fell before the great wave of them broke against the space marines.

  Sanguinius slashed and cut, all the while remaining painfully aware that every second they spent in the open increased the chances that his Blood Angles would be wiped out.

  "Fall back!"  he yelled again.

  He parried the clumsy stroke of a frantic beastman and lashed out visciously with a psychic barrage. Suddenly the area in front of the Primarch was clear. Out of the throng a dark form loomed in front of him. He paused, taken aback. It was a space marine Drednought. The bulky machine had been twisted by the dark powers. The honored hero that lay inside its armored hull had become a warped monster.

  The thing gave a metallic roar and its body swiveled on its legs. Whips of steel cable ending in sharp power blades crashed into Sanguinius' chest armor, knocking him back. It swiveled again, bringing the twin autocannons on its other arm to bear. Sanguinius leaped up and grabbed hold of the gun as it began to fire. Bullets tore apart the ground where he had stood. The Primarch glared up at the machine and pushed the barrels of its autocannons upwards. Machinery squealed in protest and the Drednought gave another angry roar. With a loud crack, the arm came free. Greasy, black blood spewed forth from the injured monster and it swiveled again. He jumped into the air and brought the arm down with all his might. The Drednought groaned and staggered, its hull crushed and its black fluids spraying in a dozen directions. It toppled and lay silent.

  Sanguinius flew higher. The first of his Blood Angels had reached the Palace and were taking over the Imperial Guards' positions behind the scratch built fortifications.

  He gave a last forlorn look at the Dreadnought. It lay forgotten, walked over and used as cover like just another peice of scrap metal. The warrior inside its plasteel frame had been very old, one of the first space marines to serve the Emperor. And even though it had fallen to the sinister seduction of Chaos, it still felt sacreilegious to the Primarch to have destroyed it.

  Bolter shells bounced off his shoulder pad and Sanguinius turned. Just behind the cultist horde were the Chaos Space Marines. Most were engaged with a unit of Storm Hammer super heavy battle tanks and the remnants of a squadron of Blood Angel Land Raiders. Some of the traitors faced him. The group of black armored Death Guard raised their festering boltguns and shot again.

  His faced was flushed in anger when he saw what the Death Guard had become. Their bodies were bloated and stinking with decay. Their armor oozed thick, pallid green fluid, and on some, bloody, worm infested intestines hung loose.

  Sanguinius clenched his jaw, holding back a wave of nausea. He did not want his children to see these abominations if they did not have to. He pumped his wings and rushed towards his Blood Angels, gracefully avoiding lasers and the occasional upthrust sword or spear. The battle had reached the Ultimate Gate. Cultists scrambled over each other as deamons advanced, for they were just as likely to be torn apart by their allies as by their enemies.

  Sanguinius swooped down and yanked a Flesh Hound out of mid-leap by the back of its hairless neck. It twisted around to look at him with throbbing red eyes and snarled. He smashed it down on the back of another hellish dog and the two gave a spine-tingling howl as they melted away.

  Deamons were everywhere. Horrors danced and cackled with glee as they were mown down, only to jump up again, two monsters instead of one. Deamonettes slashed with their razor sharp claws. They were perversely sensual, but their seductive beauty always meant sweet death. Herds of malevolent little Nurglings, each bloated and festering with disease poured forth, swamping the temporary fortifications.

  A blood curdling roar thundered across the battlefield. Sanguinius looked up. Suddenly the giant Bloodthirster which had murdered squad Parity plowed into him. They crashed through the Ultimate Gate, onto the Palace floor, the Primarch's weapons flying from his grip. Huge clawed hands closed around his throat and Sanguinius vaulted back into the air. Below, a tense anxiety began seeping into the loyal forces as the titanic struggle between angel and devil raged above them.

  The Bloodthirster released its hold and Sanguinius gulped air into his starved lungs. It roared again as it whipped its axe across the Primarch's chest. Sanguinius tumbled through the air, a great rent torn in his armor. The deamon flapped forward and struck again, tearing into his flesh this time. Sanguinius choked off his pained cry, dipped below the next swing and came up behind the huge monster. He grabbed the horns on either side of its head, his muscles bunching as he flipped around and hurled the Bloodthirster into into a wall. The stone cracked and the deamon's weapons fell into the crowd below. It opened its mouth with a thundering bellow of frustration before storming back towards Sanguinius.

  Sanguinius' eyes widened in surprise as the enraged creature neared. He spun away and the deamon's charge propelled it past him. It pulled up short, massive wings straining, and caught Sanguinius across the face with the back of its hand. It turned and raked its claws across his chest, gouging deep bloody cuts through his armor. Sanguinius doubled over in pain and he tried to summon the concentration for a psychic blast. Balled fists caught him under the chin, snapping his head back. The metallic taste of blood filled his mouth and the sounds of the battle grew distant while he struggled with the darkness that sucked at his consciousness. The Greater Deamon grabbed Sanguinius by the hair before he could fall, and raised him up for all to see. It snarled in animal rage and cast the angel down.

  His impact splintered the pollished, marble floor. There were gasps of disbelief, and a huge groan rose up from the Blood Angels, while all of Chaos cheered. The Bloodthirster crashed down and screamed its victory, burning saliva spraying from its maw.

  Sanguinius could feel his children's intense pain and it hurt him worse than the crash had. Then he felt the gentle probing mind of the Emperor reach out to him, filled with sadness. His wrath grew. His children could not be made to feel this way. His Father would not be let down.

  Slowly, painfully, he rose up behind the bellowing Bloodthirster. White light blazed around him in a halo of power. His teeth bared and his eyes burning, he seized the deamon and lifted it high over his head. The Bloodthirster howled and thrashed. Everything seemed to grow quiet. Sanguinius brought the monster down over his knee and heard the wet snap of its spine.

  Deamons howled and cultists wailed. Imperial Guard cheered and Blood Angels chanted their praise.

  Sanguinius tossed the giant Bloodthirster into the shreiking horde in front of him, just outside the Palace.

  The Ultimate Gate swung shut.

  A Blood Angel Apothecary rushed up to Sanguinius, disconnecting his helmet, "Sire, are you alright?"

  His face was a mask of nervous energy as he brought out his medical scanner.

  Sanguinius smiled wearily, "Nothing you can't fix, I'm sure."

  He reached up and dug the broken peices of his comm-set out of his ear. He grimaced as dropped them to the floor.

  The rest of the Blood Angels looked on apprehensively, milling about with no outlet for their anxiety.

  "I'm fine, my Angels. Relax."

  Though he spoke softly the marines were each caressed with a soothing touch, setting their minds at ease. Satisfied they began to break up.

  Sanguinius looked about the vast entrance chamber while the medic went about his healing arts. Thousands of brave men occupied the massive, vaulted room, filling the air with a palpable tension and the low murmur of hushed conversation. Some headed down side corridors, clutching their weapons to them for security. Medical officers scurried from patient to patient amidst hundreds of wounded. Rumbling explosions from the bombardment outside echoed through the chamber and stone dust sifted down from somewhere within the darkened heights of the room. In a shadowy corner a Blood Angel Chaplain chanted the death rites in a low gutteral voice around the bodies of his fallen brother marines. His skull helmet and black armor glinted and faded in and out of sight with the flickering light of the torch he carried. A group of Blood Angels stood at the edge of the firelight watching, motionless.

  "That's it, Sire."

  Sanguinius looked back to the Apothecary, mildly surprised, "That was fast."

  The Blood Angel smiled warmly, "Just a few broken bones and some cuts... nothing a pare of skilled hands and a medi-kit can't fix."

  Sanguinius rested a hand on the marine's shoulder, "Thank you."

  He stretched, feeling sore, "A pair of skilled hands you have, doctor."

  The Apothecary flushed from the high praise.

  They turned as a stolid group of the Adeptus Custodes, the Palace's elite guard, marched up.

  "Primarch Sanguinius, the Emperor of Mankind would like you to accompany us to the docking bay," the leader announced in an official, mono-tone voice.

  Sanguinius shut his eyes for a moment, searching out his Father... he frowned and his mouth opened slightly, turning into a grin which he quickly squashed.

  He opened his eyes, "I will accompany you," he responded in the same tone and smiled. The guards did not seem amused.

  Sanguinius turned back to the Apothecary, "Find Commander Kryse, tell him to set up some cover and a few nasty surprises in this room. The Gate won't hold forever."

  A crashing boom reverberated through the Ultimate Gate and into the entrance chamber, bouncing off the walls again and again.

  The Apothecary's eyes remained locked on the Gate, "Right away, Sire"

  Sanguinius followed the Adeptus Custodes unit into the main passageway and into an enclosed lev-pad. They rode up through the multitude of levels in the Imperial Palace in silence until finally the pad stopped at Docking Bay 5.

  He stood at the threshhold looking out of the immense ship dock. The wide entrance to the bay was protected by layers of void shields which flickered and lit up as incoming fire struck them. Beyond, he could see the upper half a dueling titans. Above them flew an enormous transport ship bristling with gun turrets and missile bays. It blazed away at the chaos titans as it passed over their heads, its own void shields flickering away as they absorbed vast amounts of return fire. The damaged Sky Fortress neared very quickly until the huge ship's bulk filled the entrance to the hangar. Despite its size the only noise it made was the rush of air from its landing thrusters. Ramps slid open and dozens upon dozens of yellow armored Imperial Fists began pouring out.

  A releived grin spread over Sanguinius' face. It was true, Rogal Dorn had come.

  When the blocky, dark haired Primarch appeared, Sanguinius rushed forward to meet him, still smiling. Dorn's own armor was scarred and dented, and the double bolter at his waist displayed dozens of kill marks on its black casing. Sanguinius embraced his brother and the large Primarch of the Imperial Fists patted his back uncomfortably, embarrassed.

  "You should not have come," Sanguinius said as he released him.

  "Had to. Couldn't let you die alone up here."

  His rough baritone voice held a hint of the heartache he felt.

  They both watched as the Sky Fortress withdrew its ramps and began take off.

  "Jhagatai sent us ahead from Lion's Gate," Dorn explained, "The transport's heading back to the space port for him and his White Scars."

  Sanguinius frowned, "Who will hold the port once they leave?"

  A disgusted look crossed Dorn's broad features, "Most of it has already been destroyed by our beloved brother and his minions, anyway," he spat. "Jhagatai's probably setting the explosives as we speak."

  The Sky Fortress turned and its thrusters flared, launching it from the docking bay. As it appeared the Death's Heads titans began firing salvo after salvo at the craft. Its shields flated one after another going down until finally its bare hull was exposed. The huge transport erupted in fire as explosions rent the might ship. Its smoking frame jerked wildly to starboard and stubbornly held its course as the titans continued their pummeling. It plummeted from the sky and touched down in the center of the chaos horde outside the edges of the Palace. It seemed as if a new sun was born, and everybody inside the docking bay spun away, shielding their eyes.

  Through the noise of the explosion Sanguinius could hear his brother cursing and could hear the gasps from the Imperial Fists and Adeptus Custodes.

  When it dimmed again Rogal Dorn was scowling.

  "Damn it," he rumbled through clenched teeth, "I guess Jhagatai's staying at the space port after all."

  He raised his voice, "All right let's move out of here!"

  Sanguinius looked at his brother earnestly as the Imperial Fists began flowing out of the exits.

  "I'm sure he'll be all right, Rogal."

  Dorn grunted and turned away.

  Sanguinius walked side by side with his brother as they descended to the Emperor's throne room. In a selfish way Sanguinius was glad that Rogal had come. It made it easier knowing that at least one of his brothers would be nearby when the end finally came.

  They entered the Emperor's expansive throne room. The musty smell of earth after a good rain greeted them. Giant, gothic paintings decorated the room and beautiful sculptures sat in small, lighted cubicles lining the walls. Higher up, near the domed ceiling, huge sculpted angels rested in their alcoves, keeping a watchful eye on the room below. At the front of the chamber, stairs rose up to a platform where the Emperor's throne sat. It was huge, extending into a full table of plexi-quartz. Its intricately carved backrest reached at least twenty feet into the air and displayed the history of the Imperium from the First Expansion to the Great Crusade in vivid, glowing colors. In the cushioned seat of the throne sat the Emperor.

  Hundreds had already gathered before him, and all of them looked distressed. A thunderous explosion rocked the room and one of the angels came tumbling out of its heaven to shatter into millions of pieces on the hard marble floor.

  Kane, the acting Fabricator General of the Adeptus Mechanicus, met Sanguinius and the newly arrived Imperial Fists.

  "Greetings Primarchs."

  His metallic voice and austere brass face mask betrayed no hint of emotion.

  Sanguinius nodded.

  He had never understood the Techno Magi of Mars. Every one of them were at least partially cybernetic, and Kane was no exception. Wires looped through his armor into humming receptors, his vision slits glowed with yellow light, and, although Sanguinius could not tell where it came from, he could hear the hiss of hydrolics when the Fabricator General moved.

  "What's going on, Kane?" Dorn asked.

  "The latest development is that the Warmaster has blocked off all of our communications signals. There can be no exchange with the outside. And, as I'm sure you know, the Sky Fortress was destroyed by chaos titans en route to Lion's Gate Space Port," Kane's vision slits brightened, "We are now completely cut off from all external help."

  Sanguinius schooled his face, trying not to let his emotions through as the last vestiges of his dying hope faded away.

  They crossed the room. Guardsmen, marines, and Custodes parted before them reverently, hushing and watching them intently. They reached the platform and ascended the stairs up to the Emperor's throne. Sanguinius stopped as the others sat around the throne table, staring at the immobile face of his Father. His chiseled features were relaxed and his deep grey eyes were open, but unseeing. He wore his personal, decorated suit of Terminator armor, a hand resting on top of his helmet that lay upon the right armrest. The runesword he weilded slumbered against the other side of the throne, glowing faintly.

  Sanguinius turned to Kane, worried.

  "He has been like this for the past twenty three minutes, " Kane responded to the unasked question, "Beyond that, I do not know."

  Rogal Dorn leaned forward in his seat, frowning deeply, "Sire?"

  There was no response. Sanguinius looked at the warriors who had gathered in the throne room. They paced about, more frightened of the Emperor's silence than the enemy pounding at their walls. Another explosion shook the room and the Emperor's runesword clattered to the floor, causing some to jolt nervously. Dorn stood quickly and picked it up. Sanguinius could feel many were on the verge of panic.

  "Sir, what are your orders?" Kane asked.

  Sanguinius stifled the urge to glare at him. Nothing seemed to bother the Fabricator General; he was as cold as the marble floor they stood on. Sanguinius could remember when Kane was a promising young Tech Priest, and even then he hadn't displayed anything resembling friendliness. He had heard that Kan's passion for technology and the ancient secrets of the past burned with a great intensity.

  The only glowing thing Sanguinius could see about the man were his eye slits.   

  Kane had gained his present station when his superior had decided to side with Horus. The winged Primarch had heard that Kane had personally gutted the traitorous Fabricator before leaving his precious Mars factories for Earth.

  Sanguinius sat down at the place on the Emperor's right. "Are you alright, Father?" he asked quietly, directing the question more with his mind than his voice. Sanguinius could sense the Emperor was far away. He closed his eyes and followed his Father's essence. His mind's eye flew from the Palace and soared above it. He could see shattered tank divisions and the few remaining imperial titans clashing with the chaos forces. The Imperials were loosing. He continued up, through the Earth's atmosphere, through a cloud of falling drop pods and towards an orbiting space craft. The thing was enormous, one of the Imperium's flagships. But, like everything else touched by the taint of Chaos, it was twisted and deformed. Sanguinius became aware that Horus was aboard the ship... and its shields were down!

  He came crashing back to the throne room and turned to his Father. The Emperor was looking at him with sparkling eyes.

  "Prepare to teleport."

  The Emperor looked at the relieved face of Rogal Dorn and then at Kane's metal face plate, "We are transporting onto the Warmaster's Battle Barge."

  A crease appeared in the panel and its two halves slid into opposite sides of the wall. Sanguinius stepped into the transport room with three squads of his Blood Angels from the second company.

  Sanguinius had made Commander Cardean stay behind. During the battle at the Ultimate Gate he had been seriously injured while fighting Nurgle Plaguebearers. Though he had vanquished six of the festering deamons single handedly, the wounds he had received from their diseased weapons were infected and he was running a very high fever. Captain Gregor took command in his stead.

  The Emperor finished giving the Teleport Chief coordinates and walked over to Sanguinius. They stood gazing at each other for a long moment, then the Emperor sighed.

  "This is very dangerous. I'm not sure both you and Rogal should come."

  Sanguinius put his hand on his Father's shoulder, "You -will- need us up there. Try not to worry."

  Commander Kryse entered the room leading ten Terminators. Without armor the Commander was a large man, but when he donned his Terminator suit he became a giant. His white hair had been trimmed into a crew cut and his mustache had been shaved. Wrinkles creased his forehead from years of anxiety and battle. The rest of his face was remarkably smooth, except for the dark purple scar that began under his left eye and ran the length of his face. The eye had been replaced with a bionic implant. So were the trials of fighting Orks.

  "Rogal Dorn and Kane are in teleport room two with their troops, " he said.

  Sanguinius glanced at the Emperor out of the corner of his eye, looking for his reaction to the Commander's typical informality.

  "How are you today, Emperor?"

  An amused smile touched the Emperor's face, "I'm fine, thank you. And  you?"

  Kryse grinned wickedly, "Can't wait to get up there and stomp all over Horus' party."

  The commander turned away and began preping his men for transport.

  The Emperor watched him for a moment with the same amusement in his eyes, then turned his gaze back to Sanguinius.

  "Well. Let's get up there and begin the party stomping."

  Sanguinius paused. A big smile lit his face and he laughed. The first laugh he'd had in a long time. It felt good and the tension in the room dropped noticably. His Blood Angels smiled curiously as their own moods lightened.

  The Emperor signaled the booth where the Teleport Cheif waited.

  Crackling blue energy shot across the room from wall to wall. The stink of ozone rolled over them as more and more tendrils of energy appeared until they were surrounded in a popping, snapping field of blue light. The probing tendrils of energy zig zagged back and forth, touching and passing through every person in the room. Sanguinius closed his eyes and felt the familiar pushing-pulling sensation as the warp energy built. It flashed once, and they were gone.

  They flew through the multi-colored, swirling waves of energy that made up the warp. Rogal Dorn and his Imperial Fists were nearby. The Emperor was a glowing spot of white light in the midst of his Blood Angels. Suddenly the Emperor flared and sputtered power, trying to fend off the cold, dark hands that descended on them. Slowly the Emperor and his Blood Angels moved away from him. He could not sense Rogal Dorn and his marines anymore. In his mind he heard Commander Kryse shout a warning and a challange, and his Father try and force the group back together before it was...

  There was another flash and Sanguinius felt solid floor slide under his feet. He knew before he opened his eyes that he was alone.

  "Sanguinius, my brother; how nice."

  Tthe voice throbbed with power.

  Sanguinius opened his eyes. He was in a large room of stark grey walls adorned with the patterns and pennants of the Chaos Gods. He frowned at the sweet, misplaced smell of blooming flowers and the complete silence which permeated the chamber. Great windows looking into space showed twinkling stars and a swarm of orbiting ships. On an upraised plateform, in front of a throne dripping with skulls, stood Horus.

  He was enormous, his body swollen with power. His face glowed with an eerie light, setting it apart from his grim, spiked suit of Terminator armor. Behind him, a domed window was set in the palm of a giant, sculpted hand like a jewel. In the eye of that jewel sat the blue globe of Earth.

  Horus turned to look out the window. "Beautiful, isn't it?  Earth. The homeworld," he said with a strange mix of longing and loathing. He turned back to Sanguinius and his face was full of an evil ecstasy, "It will be mine, you know."

  His voice was rich and dark, it vibrated through the room and sent chills down Sanguinius' spine.

  "Part of it could be yours."

  Sanguinius stared out at the planet. He could have a part of that? It was so beautiful.

  "All you desire could be yours, my brother. Power. You could rule under me in the new order," Horus continued seductively.

  All he desired?

  Sanguinius smiled. Everything he had ever wanted could be his.

  "Kneel and join me."

  He got down on one knee. Horus was his brother. He loved him. Of course he would join him.

  "Renounce the Emperor," Horus growled, "and eccept the gifts I have to offer."

  Renounce the Emperor?

  He could do that... Couldn't he?

  Renounce his Father?

  Sanguinius blinked, a look of pure hatred sizzling across his features.

  "I won't!"

  He leaped into the air, "I do not fall for your false promises, brother," he spit the word out, "And I will not become a pawn to the Chaos Gods."

  Violent laughter rang out, "I'm no pawn, fool. I am more powerful than you could imagine. But with the gifts of Chaos you could learn."

  Sanguinius looked at him incredulously, "I think I'll remain ignorant. What happened to you?

  These are not gifts you speak of. You're just a toy to be played with and thrown away when you're no longer amusing. You are a slave."

  Rage transfigured the Warmaster's face, "I am a GOD!"

  Saddened, Sanguinius readied himself, "You are weak... and you are not my brother."

  Horus' eyes widened as he stared at Sanguinius. His face grew red with surging energy, and veins popped out on his temples. Warp fire erupted out as Horus bellowed incoherantly, sending Sanguinius spiraling away as he drew out his sword.

  He darted in and Force sword met Lightning claw in a leaping rainbow of sparks. Sanguinius gracefully dashed around the Warmaster's heavy strokes, circling behind the giant. He lashed out with a psychic hand, grabbing for the Warmaster's heart.

  Horus chuckled and batted the attack away as he spun around, swinging wildly with his claws.

  Sanguinius grit his teeth as he dodged. Horus' claws struck a steel bulkhead and the metal squeeled and buckled under the impact. He thrust, stabbing Horus in the side. The blade sunk easily into the Warmaster's armor sizzling and popping as it went. Horus growled and reached out with a backhand as Sanguinius winged away.

  As Sanguinius turned, preparing for another attack, Horus lashed out with his power, crushing him against a wall. He clamped his mouth shut, refusing to let his strangled cry escape his lips. A Lightning claw raked down his leg, sending a flash of red hot pain through him.


  Sanguinius cried out out with his mind.

  "That's right, Sanguinius, call for your beloved Emperor. Bring him to me."

  Horus smiled, showing blackened teeth, "Who is the weakling now?"

  Sangiunius drew in his power and let it explode outward, breaking Horus' hold on him. 

  The Warmaster staggered backwards, blinking his eyes. He fired aimlessly with the stormbolters attached to the back of his claws as Sanguinius slid around him. He could feel his energy draining fast as blood gushed from his shredded leg. He pumped his wings with all his might, trying to stay airborne. He leveled his sword and charged in, focusing all his power into a single point. The sword hit Horus in the chest and lanced through him. An explosion shook the room of raw psychic energy. Horus flew off the ground and crashed down in a sizzling heap.

  The room grew completely still. Sanguinius let himself slump to his knees as he looked in exhaustion at the still form of his brother.

  There was a sharp crack. Horrified, Sanguinius watched as the Warmaster detached himself from the floor and stood. The broken halves of his sword clattered to the floor.

  "You see, Sanguinius?  I am a God."

  They stared at eachother for a moment, Horus smiling benignly, Sanguinius baring his teeth in pain and defiance.

  Then the Warmaster was upon him. The Lightning claws arced down and ripped into his wings. They sliced through his armor and into his body. Sanguinius drew his melta pistol and lifted it towards Horus face. Horus chuckled again and swatted it aside with one clawed arm while the other thrust forward. Sanguinius didn't have enough strength left to even scream as the claws slipped into his chest and sliced outhis back.

  Horus grabbed his brother and tossed him across the room.

  Sanguinius crashed into a wall and landed facing the entrance to the chamber. He stared at nothing, he could not feel the pain anymore. He watched Horus regain his composure and turn to look uneasily at the entrance. Suddenly the Emperor was there!

  His voice sounded like the explosion of a star as he called out Horus' name. Sanguinius met his Father's eyes and they clouded with years of unshed tears. He could feel it. His Blood Angels had died trying to protect their Emperor from the scores of deamons which infested the ship. Sanguinius reached out with his mind. Only a few of the Terminators were alive. He called silently to Commander Kryse.

  Farther away he felt Rogal and his Imperial Fists fighting alongside Kane and his Imperial Guardsmen and Tech Priests. He called to his brother.

  Lightning flashed between Horus and his Father as they closed on each other. The ship shook when their blades struck. Sanguinius could feel the depth of the struggle between them. It went far beyond what he saw with his eyes, and he knew the Chaos Gods were feeding even more power to their toy champion.

  "Kneel before me!" he heard Horus roaring over and over. He watched impotently as Horus backhanded the Emperor into a bulkhead. He watched, panicking, as Horus rained blow after blow upon his Father. Sanguinius sensed the Emperor was holding back, was hesitating.  

  Then claws raked across his Father's throat. Another stroke sliced through the tendons of his arm and the Emperor's Runesword slipped nervelessly from his fingers. Horus laughed again and hit the Emperor with an enthusiastic punch. Sanguinius felt more than heard the Emperor's ribs snapping.  

  Suddenly the beating stopped and Horus looked up. Sanguinius watched as Commander Kryse entered the room and charged forward shouting at Horus. His stormbolter blazed. Kryse raised his powerfist and fired his auxiliary grenade launcher. The explosive shells and the krak grenade detonated against the Warmaster's armor harmlessly. Horus raised one hand and pointed at the Terminator. Scorching heat fell over Commander Kryse and his armor bubbled and cracked. The Commander's mouth opened wide and he screamed silently as his flesh seared away.

  More tears ran down Sanguinius' face and he reached out with ethereal hands as the Commander's spirit soared passed him.

  He touched the Emperor's mind and their eyes met for the last time.

  "He is not your son anymore, Father." he croaked.

  The Emperor shut his eyes and Sanguinius finally felt his sad acceptance. Power built and he watched Horus' eyes widen in terror and slowly turn back to the Emperor. The Emperor struck, unleashing the full force of his powers on his first son. Horus reeled back, howling and writhing, trying to counter the Emperor's strike.

  With a rush of wind and ghostly cries of outrage, Sanguinius felt the presences of the Chaos Gods flee. Suddenly Horus' eyes cleared and his mouth fell open, realization of the atrocities he had commited washing over his face. Tears streamed down his cheeks and he stumbled. His smoking body fell lifelessly to the floor.

  The room was silent again.

  The whole ship groaned then, as it slowly began to revert back to normal. Rogal Dorn crashed into the room, followed by his marines.

  "My God," he breathed.

  He raced to the Emperor, "He's still alive!  Get us transported directly to the med-center!"

  The big Primarch gingerly picked the Emperor up, and turned, "Sanguinius?" his voice wavered.

  The Primarch of the Blood Angels smiled weakly at his brother, sending him feelings of peace, "It is finished."

  Rogal Dorn frowned and swallowed convulsively, straining to hold himself in check. He  understood.

  "Good bye," he whispered. His form began to shimmer and blue energy raced around him as the teleporter locked on to him and pulled him back to Earth.