The Red Thirst

by Shaggy

Veteran Sergeant Kemnow glared ominously at the Fallen marines in the distance.

"Brother Sergeant Kemnow! Report!" Rang the comm link.

"Brother Chaplain, the Fallen are many! I count two ten man rampager squads, 5 bikes and a Rhino with Troops aboard. What are your orders?" Kemnow inquired.

"Fear not Brother Kemnow. Keep their attention long enough for the Blessed and I to flank them!" Chaplain Sapharius responded.

"Alright Brothers, time to become Marines! Scout Malin, bring retribution to our foes!" Spat Kemnow.  The Thirst was taking over him.

Malin brought the Autocannon to bear. It unleashed the fury of Sanguinis onto the bike squad. Three of their number exploded and scattered their riders to the wind.

"FOR SANGUINIS!" Kemnow's words rang like fire. The Thirst was upon him. Soon the scouts would feel the gift of Sanguinius coarsing through their veins.

The scouts exploded from the treeline like a predator that smelt it's prey! Bolt pistols spewed forth death upon the Fallen. Six of their number fell in kind. The Fallen were takin by suprise, but not broken. The Rampagers charged into the frey. Ten thousand years of bitter hatred excreted from every pour of their foul being.

The cursed ones of Chaos were among the Children of Sanguinis. Bolt pistol and chainsword clashed. Rage and fury unbridled was brought to bear on one another. Scout and Fallen alike fell to the blade. Kemnow, Malin and A'lain were all that were left to face the seven remaining Rampagers.

The two bikers had gathered their wits and were quickly approaching. The Rhino's engine wailed like a demon as it sped to disgourge it's foul cargo!

All seemed lost. Kemnow wielded his Power sword like a man possesed. Tearing armour and tainted flesh asunder. Three more of the Rampagers fell. Brother A'lain was lost. Kemnow and Malin would sell their lives dear!

From the tree line came a thunderous crashing. Like a caged beast let loose upon the world.

"RRRAAARRRGGGHHH!!!" Bellowed Brother Ancient Ertos. His Lascannons bringing righteous fury unto the Rhino. It's frame bent with the heat of the blast. In an instant it exploded like a dying star. It's foul cargo flung through the air like a childs plaything.

The Rampagers started to fall back. Kemnow pressed his fury onward. The bikes were already in retreat. It was too late. Far to late!

Chaplain Sapharius had arrived with the Blessed Brothers of the Death Company. All was lost for the cursed offspring of Chaos. The fury of the Black Rage was among them!