Raiders of the Storm
Richard Walter (Sniper)
Brother-Sergeant Castrums eyes widened with
hate as the machine loomed over the advancing Chaos. A snarl and a curse showed that the
Sergeant was not pleased. The vehicle had once, clearly, been an Imperial Rhino APC,
Castrums Rhino infact. Now, the vehicle was decorated by all sorts of images of evil and
was almost unrecognisable. The Standard Flesh Tearer camouflage had been replaced with
images of death and hell. Grinning skulls and heretical icons adorned the whole vehicle. A
huge banner bore the nasty and vile icons that the cultists worshipped. Some of the vile
brotherhood pranced around the contrapition. This filled the Sergeant with an unshakeable
"Hereshey!" he roared.
"Abomination! Advance Squad Carnage, and take that vehicle! Honour the fallen and
their battle-gear, it is proclaimed! AVENGE THIS INSULT!"
Five mighty Terminators stomped towards the vehicle at a pace. As they neared, the sounds
of shots pattering off their armour seemed to fill the Terminators with a savge rage. The
heavy treading of the Terminators stopped. The Rhino also came to a stand still, yet the
cultists did not.
"Brothers, fall back to defensive positions. These Heretics are doomed."
Four large Warriors moved away to form a tight defense, the heavy tread began again.
Brother Gavega stood his ground in a defensive position, he gave a brief oath to both the
chapter and the Emperor. The remaining Terminators each loaded their weapons in readiness.
They tuned into the small camera above Gavega's helmet. They would now witness what was
happening in Gavegas eyes.
The cultists chanted and screamed as they charged into the lone Marine. Gavega stood his
ground. The heretics fought each other in an effort to get to the Flesh Tearer first. The
screams became even more louder, they was very near.
The Terminator suit hissed as Gavega raised his assault cannon. The barrel began to spin
slowly, the whine of the motor quickly ceased as the shells thudded into the oncoming
cultists. The barrel was now spinng extremely fast, the cannon glowed red as more and more
shells tore the cultists apart. The heretics were so close that Gavegas armour was stained
with their blood. A good omen among Flesh Tearers.
"Ha ha ha, if only they could fight as well as they die!" Roared Gavega with
"To the left Gavega - Four Heretics coming in fast!" Proclaimed Brother Hayak
between gouts of inferno from his Heavy Flamer.
Gavega span to the left just as the first traitor reached him. Grinning, the cultist
lunged at Gavega with a wicked knife. The blade snapped as it struck the hard armour. The
heretics face contorted into a look of fear and surprise as Gavega arced his Lightning
Claw up. The four talons speared the cultist, Gavegas visor ran bright red with the blood
spluttering out of the fallen traitor. The hardy Flesh Tearer lost sight of what was
happening, as he disapeared under a mass of cultists, their bright robes distorting his
The blinded Flesh Tearer lashed out wildy, he could here the sickening screams as the
Lightning Claw tore apart everything it touched. The cultists swarmed over Gavega like a
flock of rats. Gavega gave a final lash with the Lightning Claw, and he was upright again.
The sounds of the cultists chanting was drowned out by the whine of the assault cannon,
the sound of shell upon flesh was also heard. Slowly, the chanting stopped. Amidst Gavega
was a respectful pile of fallen traitors, the Space Marines armour was stained a brilliant
red from all the fallen cultists that had succumbed to his wild assault. The Flesh Tearer
raised his Lightning Claw and gave a fearsome roar. The assault cannon was bright red and
smoking, it was almost as hot as an Inferno Shell.
Gavega returned back to his Terminator squad and proceeded with the task of retreiving the
Rhino. Tuning into the main armies com-net, they advanced slowly. They would be nearing
the vehicle very soon.
The buzz of the com-net was a constant chatter of reports and casualty lists. Each report
told the same story, the Flesh Tearers were losing badly. Titans from Legio Satanica were
expected over four demi-hours ago, they had yet to arrive. Half of the second company was
wiped out due to a Thunderhawk Gunship crashing. This, along with the savage cultists was
a very grave matter.
The Com-net screamed into life for all to hear. Second Company Captain Klavak spoke
hurriedly, in the background the chatter of Bolters and the screams of the dying almost
drowned out his voice.
"Heretics, hundreds of them! Delta platoon has been wiped out. There coming for
Section A. They've broken through our lines. Millions all screaming for blood. Dreadnought
Falkar has fallen to the heretical assault." The talking stopped briefly. In the
distance an Imperial Guard commisar roared at a fleeing Imperial Soldier, moments later
there was a shot followed by a scream. The stomping of a large vehicle was heard. "By
the Emperors blood......they're here!! Legio Satanica have arrived. By the will of the
Emperor we shall avenge them all. We have the courage of the Emperor! And in his name...
ATTACK!! ATTACK!! NONE SHALL BE SPARED!!" A loud roar echoed into the com-link as the
Flesh Tearers regrouped and charged for the cultists. However, Section A was miles away
from where Squad Carnage was.
The Rhino stopped briefly as the Terminator squad advanced, they were about fifty metres
away when suddenly the doors opened up, and out leapt a squad of snarling Khorne
Berzerkers, the two units stared at each other. Sergeant Dorak, Squad Carnages leader,
spooke to his men via the com-net.
"So, Khorne's exalted have arrived to do battle. What a fitting end to the demise of
these heretics. I only hope that their grand master Khorne has enough room for all the
traitors we have slain today. May the Emperors grace shine forever." Dorak switched
to his speaker so that the Berzerkers could here him. "You fools, the Emperors will
is stronger the any armour of Chaos. One is the stuff of the soul-forges, the other a
petty gift of safety created by a feeble minion. Evil blessed armour will not keep the
Emperors rage out! We have the courage of our lord! And in his name....CHARGE!!"
This talk stirred something in every Space Marine and Imperial Guardsmen present, not just
Squad Carnage. The Terminators thundered into the Khorne Berzerkers, the heavy stopming of
the boots sounded like thunder.
Sergeant Dorak sighted out a particularly evil looking Berzerker to slaughter and grinned
as his gaze met the heretics. Dorak failed to realise that this warrior was a mighty hero
of Khorne. The traitor readied his sword in anticipation.
"Any last words, Heretic?"
"See you in Armageddon, Dog of woe! I am Gortrak the savage, your skull will be
presented to my lord."
Dorak charged straight into the champion, lunging with both Lightning Claws it was a truly
devestating blow. The Champion thrust his sword upwards and parried both of the strikes,
within a second the traitor and struck a succesion of heavy blows on the back of the
Terminator. Dorak snarled with rage at the thought of this heretic destroying a chapter
heirloom. The Sergeant rolled himself and flung the traitor off his back. The Champion
landed on the floor with a loud Thud!
Dorak followed up the furious assault as he charged straight for the grounded Gortrak. The
Sergeant was but mere feet away from the heretic when he tripped to the ground, he had
just enough time to see a robed cultist roll away from him. Seconds later Dorak heard the
distinct sound of Brother Mortarth, from Squad Vindication, firing his trusty Cyclone
Missile Launcer followed by his husky voice in the com-link.
"Treachery bores heretics, absolution allows none."
Turning back to matters at hand, Dorak had just enough time to roll to one side and avoid
the crushing blow that would have almost certainly killed him. Kicking upwards, Doraks
boots met the head of Gortrak. The Sergeant noted the sound of a satysifing crunch as
bones crumbled under the immense force.
Of the Chaos fiends sword, there was little more than a hilt. Dorak charged for the final
Snarling with rage, Gortrak wrenched a Power Axe from the still twitching corpse of a
fallen Flesh Tearer Assault Trooper. Dorak stopped in his tracks and roared a barrage of
hate at the champion.
"Heretic.....HERETIC! How dare you taint the fallen with your vileness. May the wrath
of the Emperor be sworn down upon you wretched soul. The penalty for such a wicked deed
has not been found, I can only act out my own vengeance by tearing your very soul
Dorak broke into a heavy rush, a few seconds later he raised both Lightning Claws up,
ready to smite down the heretic that had so much angered him.
Gortrak spat a sentence that further enraged the livid Flesh Tearer. "Evil is as evil
does, pray for death for your puny soul and little faith will not save you from my lord
Ceasing the moment, the heretic flung the axe straight for the charging Terminator
Sergeant. The projectile struck Dorak full in the chest, brilliant blue sparks danced
around the Terminator like fire-flys. Dorak howled in disbelief as his mighty Terminator
suit malfunctioned. Seconds later, the mighty warrior stood upright and was deathly
silent. Everyone present did not know if the mighty Dorak was dead or alive.
Squad Carnage stared in disbelief at the spectacle before them. The Chaos band cackled and
jeered at the suspened Terminator. Now and again, sparks danced upon the suit.
Gortrak strode up to the Flesh Tearer and made a disgusting sign with his left hand.
Turning towards the remaining Terminators of Squad Carnage, Gortrak jeered them further.
"Is this the best you can do? May the fiends of Khorne tear out your eyes. If you are
supposed to be the Emperors finest, I MOCK YOU!"
Walking up to Dorak, the heretic removed the Power Axe and prepared to administer the
death blow.
The Terminator suit whirred into action. Dorak was free from his suspension. It seemed
that the Power Axe broke the electrical flow of the suit, but now it was removed, the
circuit could freely flow.
"Oh dear, what a pity! I am back, and believe me when I say this, your dead!"
Gortrak backed away from the slowly advancing Terminator, screaming orders as he did. The
remaining cultists stood very still. Gavega had his Assault Cannon trained on their vile
The heretic backed into a large object. It was Castrums Rhino. At last, the Flesh Tearers
had reached it and thus completed their objective. The insult was to be avenged.
Gortrak cowered on the floor, begging for his very life. This time, Dorak didn't make a
speech. Through tear-stained eyes, the last thing that the Chaos hero ever saw was the
rapidly aproaching Lightning Claws of Sergeant Dorak.