
See Codex: Orks


0-1 Pain Boss

See Codex: Orks


0-1 Shaman

Troop Type

Pts/model WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
Shaman 50 3 2 3 4 1 2 1 7 4+

A Snakebite army may include up to one Shaman in the army. Shamans are Tribal Warriors who have become infused with the power of the Waagh!, and can use its energy to create blasts of power and cast spells in much the same way as a Weirdboy uses his powers. Shamans are revered throughout the entire clan, and they are seen as a gift from the Ork Gods.

Weapons: None.

Options:  None.

Character:  The Weirdboy is a character and follows all of the rules for characters in the Warhammer 40,000 rules.  A Weirdboy must be included as part of a Boyz mob and may not leave it during the game.


Psychic Power - Stomp:  The Weirdboy may use the Stomp psychic power by passing a Psychic test (if the test is failed the Wierdboy can make a mob size check instead).   Stomp counts as a Guess range weapon.  Guess range and roll to be on target as normal using the following profile:

Range: Guess 24"      Strength 5       AP 3      Assault 1/Blast.

Magic Tattoos:  A Shaman has Magic Tattoos that cover his body. These tattoos give him an invulnerable 4+ save.

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