[Being a study on the methods and culture of the Orkoid races]TROOPSTankbustaz Mob
Mob: The mob consists of 5-10 Boyz. Weapons: Slugga, hand weapon, Frag stikkbombz and Tankbusta bomz. Options: Up to three models in the mob can be armed with a Rokkit launcha +8 points each. Character: For an additional cost of +11 pts one of the boyz mob may be upgraded to a Nob. The Nob may be given any equipment allowed by the Ork armoury. SPECIAL RULES Tank Hunters: The mob always passes tank shock tests any adds +1 to all armour penetration rolls.
Burner Boyz Mob
Mob: The mob consists of 5-20 Boyz. Weapons: Flamer. Options: Up to three models in the mob may be given heavy flamers at +10 points each. Character: One of the Boyz in the mob may be upgraded to a Nob for +11 points. The Nob is armed as the mob, and may be given one choice from the Ork Nobz Wargear List.
Wildboyz Mob Wild Boyz are the youngest Orks. They fight hard in battle, trying to prove themselves to the rest of their Waagh!.
Mob: The mob consists of 5-10 Boyz. Weapons: Slugga, hand weapon, Frag stikkbombz and Tankbusta bomz. Options: Up to three models in the mob can be armed with a Rokkit launcha +8 points each. Character: For an additional cost of +11 pts one of the boyz mob may be upgraded to a Nob. The Nob may be given any equipment allowed by the Ork armoury. |