[Being a study on the methods and culture of the Orkoid races]HEAVY SUPPORTGobsmasha
Type: Tank Crew: Orks Weapons: The Gobsmasha is armed with a hull-mounted battlecannon and two big shootas. Options: You may replace either or both of the big shootas with a rokkit launcha at +5 points each.
Type: Super-Heavy Vehicle. Crew: Orks Transport: The Skullkrusha may carry up to 20 Orks. Weapons: The Skullkrusha is armed with a hull-mounted forward firing battlecannon, two turret-mounted autocannons, and two twin-linked big shootas on both sides of the vehicle. Options: You may replace either or both of the pairs of big shootas with a pair of twin-linked rokkit launchas at +5 points each. Special Rules: Super-Heavy Vehicle: The Skullkrusha may fire its ordance weapon even if it moves or fires any other weapons, and can fire all of its weapons at up to 6" movement. It may only fire one weapon at 12" movement, but this may not be the ordnance weapon.
Type: Tank Crew: Orks Weapons: The Gitkilla is armed with twin-linked autocannons in its turret, and three hull-mounted forward firing Scorchers. Options: You may replace the twin-linked autocannons with twin-linked rokkit launchas at no addititional cost.
Flak Wagon
Type: Tank Crew: Orks Weapons: The Flak Wagon is armed with two pairs of pintle/turret mounted autocannons. Options: You may replace the lower pair of autocannons in the pintle/turret mount with a pair of rokkit launchas at no additional cost. Special: The Flak Wagon is a designated anti-flyer/skimmer vehicle. Because of this, a Flak Wagon can get Penetrating Hits on a skimmer/flyer moving over 6" in a turn.
0-2 Tinboyz Mob
Mob: The mob consists of 3-10 Tinboyz. Weapons: Power weapon and shoota. Options: The mob may upgrade their shootas to big shootas at +8 points each. Special Rules: Tinboyz are Fearless. They never need to take any kind of morale test.
0-1 Robotz Mob
Mob: The mob consists of 3-5 Robotz. Weapons: You may choose one of the following weapons configurations for each Robot:
Special Rules: Tinboyz are Fearless. They never need to take any kind of morale test.
Ork Super Dread
Type: WalkerWeapons: The Dreadnought is armed with two close combat weapons (power claws usually), and two of the following weapons: Rokkit launcha at +5 pts each; big shootas at +8 pts each; Scorchas at +5 pts each. You may have two of one weapons type if you wish or have two different weapons. Some Ork Dreadnoughts replace one or both close combat weapons with extra heavy weapons for the cost shown above. In these cases count the weapons as linked. If one weapon is replaced the Dreadnought is reduced to its basic 2 attacks, if two are replaced the Dreadnought is reduced to its basic strength of 5.
Ork Killer Kan Killer kans are smaller and less sophisticated Ork Dreadnoughts which fight in small mobs of one to three machines. More lightly armoured than the larger super-dreads, they retain the deadly power claws of their larger cousins so that they are dangerous foes at close quarters.
Type: WalkerCrew: The Kan has a crew of one Ork. Mob: You may choose a mob of one to three kans. Weapons: The Dreadnought is armed with a close combat weapon and a big shoota. Options: A Killer Kan may replace its big shoota with a rokkit launcha for +5 pts or a scorcha for +5 pts. |