Deranjd Fightas

Troop Type

Pts/model WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
Deranjd Fightaz 25 4 2 4 4 1 3 3 7 6+

Deranjd Fightaz are the loonz of the Goff clan, the Orks who have grown so ecstatic about the thrill of close combat that they will attack almost anything in sight, just to fight. In the Goff camps, these Deranjd Fightaz are locked in cages until it is time to let them loose on the battlefield, where they cause massive damage to the enemy!

Mob:  The mob consists of 5 to 20 Boyz.

Weapons: Slugga and Choppa.

Options: Up to three models in the mob can be armed with either a Big Shoota at +8 pts, a Rokkit Launcha at +5 pts or a Burna at +6 points.


Tank Bustas

See Codex: Orks


'Ard Boyz

See Codex: Orks



See Codex: Orks



See Codex: Orks

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