[Being a study on the methods and culture of the Orkoid races]DeathskullsDeathskulls take their name from their horned-skull totem and skulls and bones feature prominently in their adornments. Deathskulls are notoriously superstitious and often paint their skin blue to bring them luck. The Deathskulls are renowned as plunderers of the battlefield. After a battle, the Deathskulls descend upon the wreckage to salvage weapons, equipment, clothes, and anything else they can find. They are also tremendously good at scrounging (stealing) equipment from their fellow Orks. All this has earned them a bad reputation as a bunch of Lootaz. Orks from other clans normally keep a wary eye on any Deathskulls boyz. The Deathskulls use their odd bits to make some truly weird and bizarre wargear. Deathskull Mekaniaks produce the highly feared, if rather unreliable, Kustom Kombi-Weapons. Deathskullz Mob
Mob: The mob consists of 10-30 Boyz. Weapons: Shoota. Options: Any of the models in the mob can be armed with a Rokkit launcha +8 points each or a Big shoota at +5 points each. Character: For an additional cost of +11 pts one of the boyz mob may be upgraded to a Nob. The Nob may be given any equipment allowed by the Ork armoury. |