Ammo runt: An ammo runt is a heavily overburdened Gretchin who carries a massive amount of extra ammo for his master. One Ork model in base to base contact with an ammo runt in the shooting phase is allowed to reroll one dice to hit. If an ammo runt is taken as a casualty any models in base to base contact will take a wound as the ammo it’s carrying explodes, normal armour saves apply.

Ammo Runt 2 2 2 2 1 2 1 5 -

Big Choppa: Beloved of Ork Nobz in particular, big choppas are usually immense axe-like weapons or brutal cleavers. Big choppas count as power weapons in assaults.

Big horns/Iron Gob: Ork leaders commonly display their prowess by single-handedly defeating dangerous beasts in whatever environment they are in. Most prized of all are creatures with big horns or tusks which can then be displayed on the Nob’s helmet for all to see. If such a creature has a disappointing lack of horns or tusks the Warboss or Nob will sport a huge metal jaw instead to show that he’s the thing with the biggest bite around! If a mob is being led by a Warboss or Nob with either Big Horns or an Iron Gob they add +1 to their leadership value. Note that the two may not be combined to get a +2 bonus.

Bionik arm: Ork bioniks are typically crude but effective. Ork bionik arms are equipped with built-in weapons as standard - be they spring loaded spikes, ferocious creatures in cages or something even more unsubtle. An Ork with a bionik arm causes one automatic Strength 4 hit in close combat at initiative 6, but only if it is in base to base contact. The plethora of spikes, blades and other hurty bits welded on to the arm mean it also counts as an additional close combat weapon. This may not be combined with Mega Armour.

Bionik bonce: Ork with serious head injuries may well come back from the Mad Dok's with most of their cranium replaced by solid armour plates. An Ork with a bionik bonce adds +1 to its armour saving throw. This may not be combined with Mega Armour.

Bosspole: In addition to their big horns and iron gobs, successful nobz use a trophy pole to carry interesting souvenirs from foes they have defeated in battle. The pole may be carried by the nob himself (strapped to his back as a rule) or by a member of his mob. Any Ork mob trying to "mob up" with a mob which is carrying a Bosspole may reroll their Leadership test if they fail on the first attempt.

Burna: Burnas are cutting torches used by Mekboyz for carving up vehicle wrecks into useable chunks. However, a quick twist of the mixture valve and WHOOOSH the burna spits out a blast of incinerating flames. A Burna may be fired in the shooting phase with the stats shown below or used in close combat as a power weapon. It may not be used to shoot and fight in close combat in the same turn.

Rng: S: AP: Type
template 4 5 Heavy 1

Cybork body: Critically injured Orks may survive to fight another day after an extensive rebuild at the Bad Doks. An Ork with a Cybork body can survive terrible injuries which would fell a flesh and blood creature so it gains a 5+ invulnerable saving throw. This may not be combined with mega armour.

Doks tools: A Mad Dok equipped with Doks tools can have a go at ‘fixin’ one wounded Ork in the mob he is in each turn at the end of the opponents shooting phase, even Orks which have been reduced to 0 wounds can be saved... perhaps. If several Orks have been wounded the Mad Dok can choose which one to render his tender ministrations to. Roll a D6 for his efforts and look up the result below.

D6 roll Result
6 Jobs a good ‘un. The Ork regains 1 wound, up to the maximum it started the game with.
2-5 Da patient is restin’.... The Dok achieves precisely nothing this time. If the Ork had been reduced to 0 wounds remove it as a casualty
1 Aaargh! The Ork suffers one wound, if it is reduced to 0 wounds by this unhappy case of malpractice, remove it as a casualty.

’Eavy Armour: Ork ‘eavy armour is made up thick armour plates shaped to fit an Ork (sort of) and cover up its few vulnerable spots. ‘eavy armour gives the Ork wearing it a 4+ armour save.

Grabba stik: In close combat a slaver armed with a Grabba stik can make its full number of attacks even if it is 2" away from an enemy model. The effects of the Grabba stik may not be combined with any other special close combat attacks.

Grot orderly: Bad doks often have a little gaggle of Gretchin slaves which help fetch and carry, stitch wounds and so on. Each Grot orderly in base to base contact with a Mad Dok gives them a +1 bonus on the dice roll for using their Doks tools, up to a maximum of +3. However the enthusiasm of Grot orderlies often exceeds their capabilites so a roll of 1 before bonuses always fails and inflicts a wound on the unfortunate patient.

Grot Orderly 2 2 2 2 1 2 1 5 -

Grot Oiler: Mekboyz use grot slaves to help out by carrying their tools, holding stuff in place, bashing in extra nails an so on. Each Grot oiler in base to base contact with a mekboy gives them a +1 bonus the dice roll for using their meks tools, up to a maximum of +3. Grot oilers sometimes get under the Meks' feet and pull the wrong wires out so a roll of 1 always fails.

Grot Oiler 2 2 2 2 1 2 1 5 -

Kombi Weapons: A combi-weapon is two weapons nailed/wired/welded together, and gives the Ork a choice of two weapons to fire. An Ork armed with a combi-weapon may choose to fire one of the weapons in the shooting phase. The shoota may be fired any number of times, but the other weapon may only be fired once per battle. Note that you may not choose to fire both weapons at once.

Kustom Blasta: A kustom Blasta is a marvel of Ork teknologee which works in exactly the same way as a Plasma kannon.

Kustom Force Field: Ork Mekboyz have an uncanny understanding of field technology and sometimes build or scavenge powerful force field projectors to protect Orks on the battlefield. A kustom force field gives all models within 6" a 5+ cover saving throw. It has no effect in close combat.

Kustom Job: More Dakka: Mekboyz spend much of their time tinkering with weaponry to make it more powerful or fast firing. Their most successful creations are much sought after by Ork warriors. More Dakka kustomisin' makes a shoota or slugga Assault 2 instead of rapid fire. A More Dakka kustom job may be combined with with a shootier kustom job to produce a S5, assault 2 Shoota(!)

Kustom Job: Shootier: Just as popular as More Dakka kustom jobs, shootier weapons use a larger caliber and heavier ammo to give them more punch. A shootier kustom job makes a Shoota or Sugga Strength 5 instead of Strength 4.

Mega Armour: Mega armour is a suit of massively thick and heavy armour plates over a powered exo-skeleton. Though slow and ponderous Mega armour has the advantages of giving a 2+ armour save and includes a shoota and power claw. However an Ork in mega armour always moves as if in difficult terrain. Mega armour weaponry may not be changed for other types (because it's built in) but the shoota may be upgraded to a kombi shoota or kustom shoota. An Ork in Mega armour may not use the following abilities, equipment or weapons: jump packs, bikes, infiltration, bioniks, frag or krak stikkbomz or tankbusta bomz.

Mega Boosta: Some mega armoured Orks get extra power boost units fitted to their suits to ensure that they don't miss out on any chances for a fight. If an Ork in mega armour has a mega boosta he can reroll his dice for the distance he moves.

Mekboys Tools: A mekboy equipped with mekboy tools can attempt to repair a vehicle which has suffered an ‘Immobilised’ or ‘Weapon destroyed’ damage result, or to fix a big gun which has been destroyed. In order to attempt a repair the Mekboy has to be able to reach the vehicle in his movement phase and may not shoot or fight in close combat that turn. At the end of the turn roll a D6 and look up the result on the table below.

D6 roll Result
6 Jobs a good ‘un. The weapon/big gun is fixed or the vehicle made mobile again.
2-5 Umm, dis bit goes dere.... The mekboy makes no progress this turn. He can keep trying in his next turn or give up and go somewhere else.
1 Krunch!...Oops If it wasn’t broken before it’s broken now! No further repair attempts can be made on the vehicle unless it becomes damaged again.

Skorcha: A skorcha is an Ork vehicle-mounted flamethrower which sprays a gout of burning fuel over the target area, reducing it to a burning shambles in seconds. The Skorcha has the following profile;

Rng: S: AP: Type
template 5 4 Heavy 1

Squighound: Squigs are an essential part of Ork ecology (or Orkology), some are trained as guards and hunters, particularly by Slavers. A slaver with a Squighound in base contact with it may reroll Leadership tests and morale checks for a Grot mob or Big Gun battery he is leading. The Squighound is represented by a separate model with the following characteristics:

Squighound 3 0 3 3 1 2 1 2 -

Super Stikkbomz: Mekboyz can't resist proving that they can improve something, even if it makes that something hideously dangerous in the process. Super stikkbomz are a case in point, each one is a bundle of krak bomz wired together to make one almighty bang. Super stikkbomz work just like krak stikkbomz but have an armour penetration of 10 plus 2D6. If a double is rolled on the 2D6 the mekboy using them is caught in the explosion, suffers a wound and must pass an armour save or be removed as a casualty.

Stikkbom chukka: A stikkbom chukka allows a mega armoured Ork to use frag stikkbomz. An Ork in mega armour using a stikkbom chukka must use the attack with its basic strength.

Tankbusta bomz: Tankbusta bomz are directional explosive charges the size of manhole covers. They are used by Orks against vehicles and fortifications which krak stikkbomz just aren’t heavy enough to break. Tankbusta bomz are used just like Krak grenades to attack vehicles and bunkers. However Tankbusta bomz double the D6 roll for penetrating armour, giving them an armour penetration of 6+(D6x2).

‘Uge choppa: ‘Uge choppas are vastly unsubtle double-handed hitting implements easily capable of cleaving an opponent in two. An Ork with an ‘uge choppa always strikes last in close combat (it takes a long time to swing something that hefty...) but adds +2 to their Strength characteristic and counts as having a power weapon. Obviously an Ork using a ‘uge choppa may not use any other close combat weapons at the same time.

‘Urty syringe: Ork bad doks carry all sorts of crude, rusty, bloody medical paraphenelia. Most of the saws, blades and hammers they carry make perfectly servicable close combat weapons, but a special favourite is a huge steel syringe filled with a toxic goo of the Doks’ own devising. A Bad Dok armed with an ‘urty syringe always wounds on a 4+ regardless of the victims Toughness. ‘Urty syringes have no effect on vehicles, Daemons or Eldar Wraithguard.

Waaagh! Banner (one per army): Any mob that has one or more models within 6" of the Waaagh! banner gains +1 Intiative in close combat.


Armour plates: A vehicle with armour plates has extra protection against hits. Roll a D6 for each glacing or penetrating hit against the vehicle. On a roll of a 6 the armour plates block the hit and it is ignored. There are two costs for armour plates. The cheaper one is for vehicles which are worth 50 points or less (including any other upgrades they have apart from armour plates) the second cost is for vehicles which are worth 51 points or more.

Big Grabber/Wrecker ball/Reinforced ram/Boarding plank: Although all these upgrades work in slightly different their effects in the game are the same. They allow an Ork vehicle to attack an enemy vehicle in close combat. The Ork vehicle must move into contact with the target vehicle during its movement phase and may not attack at all if it moved over 12". The Ork vehicle may shoot in the shooting phase as normal and then resolves an attack in the assault phase. The Ork vehicle has one attack for each of the upgrades listed (ie a vehicle with a boarding plank, big grabber and ram would get 3 attacks). Attacks hit on a 4+ regardless of the target’s speed and are resolved with a Strength of 6. Walkers, infantry and any other models with a WS characteristic may not be attacked as these weapons are too cumbersome to be brough into action against them.

Bolt-on Big Shoota (Wartruks only): A bolt-on big shoota can only be mounted on a war truk. It can be fired by one of da boyz being carried as passengers onboard the truk as long as it does not move more than 12".

Grot riggers: An Ork vehicle with Grot Riggers on board which becomes immobilised will be able to start moving again on a D6 roll of 4,5 or 6. You can test to see if the vehicle becomes mobile at the start of each Ork turn.

Red paint job: An Ork vehicle with a red paint job adds +1" to all of its move distances. So, for example a fast Ork vehicle with a red paint job could move 13" and still fire one weapon and/or disembark troops or move 25" and not fire at all.

Searchlight: Searchlights are only of any use in missions where the rules for night fighting are being used, such as the Night Fight mission. They allow one enemy unit spotted by the vehicle or dreadnought to be fired at by any other Orks that are in range and have a line of fire (the enemy unit has been illuminated by the vehicles searchlight). However, a vehicle or dreadnought that uses a searchlight can be fired on by any enemy units in their next turn, as they can see the searchlight shining out in the dark.

Spikes n’ blades: Enemy infantry which try to attack the vehicle in close combat and miss suffer a S3 hit. Wartruks may not be fitted with spikes n’ blades because da boyz would get skewered by them when they jumped off!

Stikkbom chucka: A vehicle or dreadnought equipped with stikkbom chuckas can make a Tank Shock attack even if it isn’t a tank. If a proper Tank is equipped with stikkbom chuckas any Tank shock it inflicts has an extra -1 modifier to the troops morale check.

Turbo-Boosta: A vehice with turbo boostas can trigger them in any of its movement phases. The turbo boostas add D6" to the vehicles movement, but for the purposes of shooting and disembarking troops the vehicle counts as moving at the speed it went before the turbo boosters were added. The extra D6" movement must be used to move in a straight line and if a 4,5 or 6 is rolled the vehicle and any passengers onboard may not shoot or disembark that turn as they’re too busy hanging on for grim death.

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