
Welcome to Codex: Blood Axes, a book entirely dedicated to the Blood Axe clan of Orks.

Overview of the Blood Axes

The Blood Axes were the first Orks to encounter the armies of the Imperium, and it is they who have had the most contact with Imperial culture. This has led to the Blood Axes picking up a number of Imperial battle practices which are not used by the other clans, most notably the wearing of camouflaged wargear and the use of traded or captured Imperial vehicles driven by Blood Axe crews.  Blood Axes are drilled and trained rigorously, and most have lost the savageness that is common to most Orks.

Blood Axe Warlords tend to have a better understanding of grand strategy, and will even retreat if they are losing rather than fighting to the bitter end like the other clans, just to return later, reinforced with more Boyz and better prepared than they were before!

It is because of these "cultural differences" that the Blood Axes are shunned and looked down upon by the other Ork clans, who view the Blood Axes as "unOrky".  The Blood Axes see no problem with this, as they have been one of the most successful clans in times of war.

Why Collect A Blood Axe Army

Blood Axes are quite unlike any other Ork army.  They are an organized fighting force, with very specialized units.  A Blood Axe army is a very enjoyable army to play, as their fighting style allows you to field them like a true military fighting force, rather than a ragtag group of savages fighting for the sheer fun of it.

A Blood Axe army is also fun to paint, as you can use many different painting styles on it.  You can paint your Blood Axes in camoflage, or wearing uniforms.  A Blood Axe army is also a good way to collect a little of everything, as they use not only Ork equipment but also Imperial Guard and Space Marine equipment.  Collecting a Blood Axe army presents a fun project for gamers, as they can convert a number of models.

What's In This Book?

This Codex only includes one section:

The Army List. Tells you about the different characters, troops, weapons and vehicles available to a Blood Axe army, and how to select an army for use in a Warhammer 40,000 game.

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