Mob: The mob consists of 6 to 10 troopaz. Up to six of the troopaz can be arranged in weapons teams of two troopaz each. Weapons: Shoota. Options: You may choose one of the following sets of options for your weapons teams: Anti-Tank: Each of the weapon teams may be armed with one of the following heavy weapons: missile launcher at +20 points or lascannon at +30 points. Mortar: Each of the weapon teams is armed with a mortar for +10 points each. Fire Support: Each of the weapon teams may be armed with one of the following heavy weapons: heavy bolter at +20 points; autocannon at +30 points. Character: For an additional cost of +12pts one of the boyz may be upgraded to a Nob. The Nob may be given any equipment allowed by the Ork armoury. Transport: The mob may be mounted in a wartruk at +35 points or a Rhino at +45 points.
Big Gun Stats: Mob: The battery consists of between 1 and 3 big gunz and two Gretchin krew per big gun. Weapons: All of the weapons in a battery must be of the same type, either lobbas, Zzap weapons or kannon. Their characteristics are shown below.
The Zzap gun automatically hits any target within 24" of the
weapon. Simply pick a target and roll 2D6 determine the strength of each hit (up to a
maximum of S10). If a zap gun rolls an 11 or 12 for its Strength it overheats and one its
Gretchin krew is killed.
Weapons: The Dreadnought is armed with two close combat weapons (power claws usually), and two of the following weapons: Rokkit launcha at +5 pts each; big shootas at +8 pts each; Skorchas at +5 pts each. You may have two of one weapon type if you wish or have two different weapons. Some Ork Dreadnoughts replace one or both close combat weapons with extra heavy weapons for the cost shown above. In these cases count the weapons as linked. If one weapon is replaced the Dreadnought is reduced to its basic 2 attacks, if two are replaced the Dreadnought is reduced to its basic strength of 5.
Killer kans are smaller and less sophisticated Ork Dreadnoughts which fight in small mobs of one to three machines. More lightly armoured than the larger super-dreads, they retain the deadly power claws of their larger cousins so they are dangerous foes at close quarters. Krew: The Kan has a crew of one Ork. Mob: You may choose a mob of one to three Kans. Weapons: The Dreadnought is armed with a Dreadnought close combat weapon and a big shoota. Options: A Killer Kan may replace its big shoota with a rokkit launcha for +5 ps or a skorcha for +5 pts.
Type: Tank. Crew: Orks Weapons: The Leman Russ is armed with a turret-mounted battle cannon. In addition, you must also have a hull-mounted weapon at the following additional points cost: lascannon at +15 points; heavy bolter at +5 points. Options: The Leman Russ may be upgraded with two side sponsons armed with a pair of heavy bolters at +10 points or a pair of heavy flamers at +10 points.
The Griffon armoured weapons carrier is one of the most frequently employed of all special Chimera variants. It is tailored to provide close to medium range mobile artillery support. Its armament is a deadly heavy mortar designed to lob shells high over the battlefield and onto concealed enemy targets. Type: Tank, Open-topped. Crew: Orks Weapons: The Griffon is armed with a heavy mortar and a hull-mounted heavy bolter.
Type: Tank Crew: Orks Weapons: The Gobsmasha is armed with a hull-mounted battlecannon and two big shootas. Options: You may replace either or both of the big shootas with a rokkit launcha at +5 points each.
Type: Tank Crew: Orks Weapons: The Flak Wagon is armed with two pairs of pintle/turret mounted autocannons. Options: You may replace the lower pair of autocannons in the pintle/turret mount with a pair of rokkit launchas at no additional cost.
Mob: The mob consists of 3-10 Tinboyz. Weapons: Power weapon and shoota. Options: The mob may upgrade their shootas to big shootas at +8 points each.