Blood Axe characters may pick up to two single-handed weapons, or one single-handed weapon and one two-handed weapon. In addition you may pick up to 50 points worth of items of additional wargear for each character from the Wargear lists (100 points for an Ork Warboss). You may not take duplicate items for the same model with the exception of Grots.


Some of the Ork wargear takes the form of Gretchin slaves which have been trained to perform special tasks. Grot slaves like these must be represented by a separate model and become part of whatever mob the character they 'belong to' is part of.

Single Handed Weapons

Slugga 1 pt
Choppa 1 pt
Power claw 25 pts
Big Choppa 15 pts
'Urty syringe (Bad Doks only) 5 pts

Two-Handed Weapons

Shoota 2 pts
Big Shoota 12 pts
Rokkit launcha 8 pts
Burna (Mekboyz only) 20 pts
Grabba stik (Slavers only) 5 pts
Kombi Weapon: Shoota/rokkit launcha 5 pts
Shoota/Skorcha 8 pts
Kustom Blasta (Mekboyz only) 15 pts
Kustom Force Field (Mekboys only) 20 pts
'Uge choppa 15 pts


Any Ork vehicles apart from bikes may be fitted with the following additional equipment. Any upgrades must be shown on the vehicle model. Dreadnoughts may only choose upgrades marked with an asterisk*. No duplicates may be taken for the same vehicle.

Big Grabber 5 pts
Grot riggers 5 pts
Red paint job 3 pts
Reinforced Ram 5 pts
Searchlight* 1 pt
Wrecker ball 5 pts
Boarding Plank 5 pts
Pintle mounted Big Shoota 10 pts
Spikes 'n blades 5 pts
Stikkbom chucka* 3 pts
Turbo-Boosta 5 pts
Armour plates* 5/10 pts

*Dreadnoughts may choose these upgrades.


Super stikkboms (Mekboy only) 5 pts
Tankbusta bomz 3 pts
Waaagh! Banner (max. one per army) 20 pts
Ammo runt 10 pts
Big horns/Iron Gob (Warboss & Nobz only) 6 pts
Bionik arm 10 pts
Bionik bonce 10 pts
Bosspole (Warboss & Nobz only) 3 pts
Cybork body 10 pts
Doks tools (Mad Doks only) 1 pt
'Eavy Armour 8 pts
Frag Stikkbomz 1 pt
Grot orderly (Bad Dok only) 6 pts
Grot Oiler (Mekboys only) 6 pts
Krak Stikkbomz 2 pts
Kustom Job: More Dakka +3 pts
Kustom Job: Shootier +2 pts
Mega Armour (Warboss & Nobz only) 30 pts
Mega Boosta (Mega armour only) 10 pts
Meks tools (Mekboys only) 2 pts
Squighound (Slaver Only) 5 pts
Stikkbom chucka (Mega Armour only) 1 pts


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