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[Being a study on the methods and culture of the ancient Necrontyr race]

Transmitted:  Magos Biologis Research Station: Denebar
Received:  Nallisea III
Date: 8646999.M41
Astropath: Prime Estellis
Ref: INQ.XB.13063/N
Collated by: Magos Biologis Urieth Malkar

Return Mission to Progon

My Lord,

As I am certain you know, the battlegroup assigned to destroy the Necrontyr who assaulted Progon was launched a week ago.  Inquisitor Mandius joined them, and he has just returned from his mission to Progon with some very astonishing news - some good, some mystifying.

When the battlegroup arrived in the system, they found it devoid of any Necrontyr ships.  The space around Progon was littered with the wreckage of over a dozen Imperial warships.  It was then obvious that the Necrontyr had done their usually efficient work in destroying a fleet.

Soon after their arrival, the battlegroup spread out to search the system for remaining ships or anything useful that could be found.  After a few hours of searching, one of the ships picked up weak energy readings from a ship.   Amazingly, that ship was the Respite.  The ship was quickly boarded and the survivors brought about a Cobra destroyer for transport to Cyprus Mundi.   Aside from Commander Rafel, only thirty-seven men survived aboard the Respite.   These men were all emaciated and weak, lacking both sufficient food and rest.   The Respite, I'm told, is being towed to Cyprus Mundi as well, where it will be refitted and re-christened as the Vengeance.

Investigators sent to the planet found the Necrontyr gone, along with thousands of the planet's population.  Yet more people lay dead in the streets, cut down by the gauss weapons and left to rot.  Many of the cities were ruins, and all around were signs of devastation and carnage.  But the worst part about it was that the destruction wrought seemed to have a pattern, as if it had been planned down to the very last shot.

Survivors are being interrogated right now.  I hope they will provide more insight into the Necrontyr's methods of attack.

The Necrontyr base was never found. The location mapped and recorded by Cmdr. Rafel showed no signs of any structures. The only traces of it that was left were the carved asteroids that had been used to house the base. Apparently the Necrontyr did not want their base falling into the wrong hands, and so took it with them.

Another thing missing from the system was any form of Necrontyr debris.  There is not a single scrap of ship debris, nor is there even a small piece of a Necron body lying anywhere on Progon itself.  A thorough job was done in making sure that nothing here could be used to study the Necrons themselves, only the results of their attack.  Even the recording devices and computers of the planet were wiped out, through the use of an extremely powerful electomagnetic pulse.

From what I have seen and heard, this does not appear to be a random assault.  It seems that the Necrontyr attacked for two, possible three reasons.  The first reason is to gauge our ability to react to a strike: our preparedness; our technology; tactics we employ; and other factors.  The second reason is to gain more samples of both biological and non-biological matter for later study.  And the third reason that I believe there may have been is based purely on speculation.  I believe they used this attack to instill a sense of fear into us, and I dare say it is working handily.

Though I am certainly glad that Cmdr. Rafel survived and much of the planet's population was spared, I am still distressed at the lack of anything that can be used to study the Necrontyr's technology.

Your obedient servant,
Magos Biologis Urieth Malkar