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[Being a study on the methods and culture of the ancient Necrontyr race]

Transmitted:  Magos Biologis Research Station: Denebar
Received:  Nallisea III
Date: 8662999.M41
Astropath: Prime Estellis
Ref: INQ.XB.13124/N
Collated by: Magos Biologis Urieth Malkar

The Necrontyr Phylactery

My Lord,

I am writing this report to let you know about a new system that we have observed being used by some Necron Lords. This system uses technology and principles explained in earlier reports, so it will be easy to explain.

This system, which we have dubbed a Phylactery, allows a Necron Lord to keep fighting after being seriously damaged. This is achieved through the use of a number of miniature spider-like creatures contained inside, which swarm out of the device and over the Lord's metal body, knitting damaged wires and altering the body structure to mend broken parts. Where a part of the Lord's body is too damaged to repair, one or more of the small drones will restructure its own body and inner mechanisms to make its parts available for usage in repairing the Lord, whereupon a number of other drones will then systematically take these parts and use them to mend the Lord's damaged body. This system has been very successful when used, and many times a heavily damaged Necron Lord will stand once more to fight, made whole by the drones contained within the Phylactery.

These drones are an example of the highly evolved system of nanotechnology put into use by the Necrontyr. They are a more advanced version of the drones normally found within a Necrontyr's body, and as such are so rare that only Lords are equipped with them. They do not seem to give off an electrical field, and so do not create any more of a disruptive field around the Lord.

As with the other repair drones, the drones contained within the Phylactery seem incredibly sensitive to the energy field utilized by power weapons and also the extremely high amounts of energy transferred to the Necrontyr's body when hit by one of our heavier weapons. This makes td extremely vulnerable to such weapons. For this reason, I propose that, where possible, we use melta weapons and lascannons to down the Lords. At the very least, they should be engaged with power weapons.

I have been told that our crew on Ventus that they have found an example of a Phylactery, though it has been damaged. They are sending it to me within the next two weeks. When I receive it, I will study it and let you know what I discover.

Your obedient servant,
Magos Biologis Urieth Malkar