[Being a study on the methods and culture of the ancient Necrontyr race]Necron Phasersby MrCool Necron Phasers (Elites)Necron Phasers are Necrons whose internal teleporters has been rebuilt, so that they can be used all the time. The strain put on them however means that the jumps are limited to smaller distances.
Squad: 5-10 Necron Warriors Weapons: Gauss Gun, or Gauss Pistol & Close Combat Weapon Options: The entire squad may be given Gauss grenades at +2 points per model. Also, two Phasers may be armed with Lightning Halberds at +10 points per model. Additionally, one Necron Phaser may be given a Gauss Blaster at the cost of +8 points, or a Gauss Cannon at +12 points.