On the Subject of the C'tan
Fellow Inquisitors,
It has come to my attention through various means that the beings
known as the C'tan have an objective we may be unwittingly aiding in
our pursuit for and distribution of knowledge regarding the Necrontyr
The C'tan are ancient and supreme being. I have no doubts that they
are highly advanced in thought as well as physical form. One would
think they would realize that no attack they can mount at this time
would be powerful enough to bring down even a remote sector, much less
do any more harm to our grand Imperium.
So then, why do they attack us? Well, to be certain, they are studying
us. Studying our bodies, studying our technology, studying our psyche,
our weaponry, our tactics, our readiness. But I believe there is
another reason. I believe the C'tan hope to spread fear through these
raids, fear of the Necrontyr race. This fear is very damaging, as it
saps the morale of our people, especially our fighting forces.
Worst of all for the morale of our fighting forces is the leakage of
reports regarding the C'tan. While our soldiers know that the
Necrontyr can be stopped, there are no known occasions of any
creature, be it man or daemon, besting a C'tan. Their awesome power
has been documented, however. This is as the C'tan would prefer it.
Their very presence can shatter the spirit of any army.
I fear this is a direct result of the secret reports being prepared by
the Adeptus Mechanicus being leaked to other parties. I know that my
man in the field and his superiors are not leaking this information,
so these leaks are likely coming from the Imperial Guard and Navy
officers trusted with it.
The solution to such a problem is not easy to formulate. We need to
continue research into this ancient race, yet we need to control its
audience. I believe the best resolution would be to allow the Adeptus
Mechanicus to continue research, but bar them from disseminating the
information to anyone save a select few Inquisitors who will pass it
along to their fellow Inquisitors. This means that the leak is plugged
simply by refusing anything to get to the person leaking the
We also must counter the rumours and publicized reports with a certain
amount of 'propaganda' and 'altered reports' of our own, declaring
that the C'tan are in fact easily defeated and any loyal soldier of
the Imperium can best one in combat. This may not be the truth, but we
can back it up with generated images of a C'tan being best by a Space
Marine, thus making it easier for the average Guardsmen to believe.
I am sending my recommendations to Magos Biologis Urieth Malkar,
requesting that he terminate any communications regarding the C'tan
and Necrontyr with anyone outside the Inquisition. Please let me know
what your suggestions are concerning other possible means of
countering this problem.
In the Emperor's Holy Name,
Inquisitor Mandius Narel