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[Being a study on the methods and culture of the ancient Necrontyr race]

Transmitted:  Magos Biologis Research Station: Denebar
Received:  Nallisea III
Date: 8754999.M41
Astropath: Prime Estellis
Ref: INQ.XB.13237/N
Collated by: Magos Biologis Urieth Malkar

Necrontyr Drones

My Lord,

After studying the Necrontyr for many years, I have decided to compile a report on the drones we have witnessed fighting on the field of battle within their armies.

The most dominant drone is the Lord. It is not doubted that this drone has sentience. It is the most advanced drone known to us so far, including many upgraded systems and often carrying additional hardware that allows it to be more efficient. The Lord is always found with what we have dubbed a Staff of Light, which is always topped with a rune or glyph of some sort, possibly of religious significance. The Lords are the military leaders of the Necrontyr, and possibly the religious leaders as well. We have noticed two forms for the Lord so far, thought to be created at different periods of time, with the latter being more advanced.

The Lords are sometimes found with a bodyguard of highly advanced drones called Pariahs. These drones are much more advanced than any of the other drones, save possibly the Tomb Spider.  Pariahs use advanced hardware as well as denser dermal plating, leading me to believe they were created at a later date than most of the other drones, using more advanced technology. They carry long halberd-like weapons with include gauss technology similar to that found in a gauss blaster, but much more compact.  This allows the Pariahs to make both ranged and personal attacks, making them very dangerous indeed.

Warriors are the basic Necrontyr drones. Though they use a much higher level of technology than anything we have created, they are still relatively simple in terms of the Necrontyr.   They still have a modest amount of versatility in the systems they can utilize, such as disruption fields. All Necrontyr, including the warriors, are equipped with tiny self repair drones, as well as an electromagnetic field generator. Warriors are always armed with a gauss flayer, or gauss rifle, which is a simple manifestation of gauss technology. It has been noted that, as with the Lords and Immortals, there are two versions of Warriors, with newer Warriors being more advanced and different in form than the older Warriors. The gauss flayers carried by these Warriors are also slightly upgraded, and also utilize a close combat attachment that allows the Warriors to defend themselves.

Immortals are an upgraded form of Warriors, with heavier armour and weaponry. They use gauss blasters, which appear in two forms: a heavy multiple-cylinder 'cannon' and a double-barreled crystal-based weapon. The 'cannon' is found on early, bulkier Immortals, while the newer streamlined drones carry the double-barreled blasters.

Destroyers have made quite a change since their first appearance.  The original Destroyers were Warriors piloting a hovercraft that utilizing a gauss cannon that was based on a heavy opaque crystal. The Destroyer and its Warrior pilot were separable, meaning that the Warrior could survive even if the Destroyer was wrecked. New Destroyers are a hybrid drone, combined the pilot and his craft into a single, inseparable drone. This makes a Destroyer more efficient, as it can link more readily to its cannon. The upgraded Destroyers take the form of an immense upper body attached to an anti-gravity platform, with its right forearm replaced by a gauss cannon utilizing more advanced gauss technology.

Scarabs are small drones encountered first on Sistent by the Heliopolian XXI. They resemble small beetle-like creatures with anti-gravity devices coupled with wings to allow quick movement. Scarabs can be used in a variety of ways, from reconnaissance to assassination and even vehicle destruction.  Their multitude of roles and the inability to easily distinguish various Scarabs makes them particularly dangerous. For more information on the many forms of Scarabs, I refer you to my report titled Necrontyr Scarabs.

Tomb Spiders, first named so by a Cadian soldier who encountered one in a pyramid that was being investigated, are a Scarab delivery drone. They take the form of a Necrontyr upper body placed on a set of eight multi-jointed legs, and are armed with a heavy gauss blaster. Tomb Spiders use magnetic clamps and gripping claws to move along any surface, even in places not normally believed to be accessible. this has made their attacks very unpredictable, and can make some very damaging surprise attacks when coupled with their ability to deploy Scarabs.

Wraiths appear to be the upper body of a Necrontyr coupled with a long spine-like 'tail'. The drone is equipped with an anti-gravity engine to allow it to hover above the ground, moving wherever it needs to. In combat, Wraiths use the long claw-like 'fingers' on their hands, ripping apart flesh and armour with disturbing ease. In addition, the tail can be used like a whip to slap at an opponent, or even wrap and opponent in a vice-like grip where it will either be crushed by many tons of force, or held in place for the Wraith's claws to tear it apart. Wraiths appear to be few in number, but each one presents a very real danger to our forces.

These are the only drones I have learned of at this time. All of my observations came from dissections of captured or damaged drones, or battlefield holos and some speculation. I am always on the lookout for any other drones, and will add addendums to this report as necessary to inform you of any new drones observed on the battlefield.

Your obedient servant,
Magos Biologis Urieth Malkar



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