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[Being a study on the methods and culture of the ancient Necrontyr race]

Transmitted:  Magos Biologis Research Station: Denebar
Received:  Nallisea III
Date: 8650999.M41
Astropath: Prime Estellis
Ref: INQ.XB.13075/N
Collated by: Magos Biologis Urieth Malkar

Necrontyr Connections with Blackstone Fortresses

My Lord,

Seven months ago I began hearing rumours about six 'fortresses of the stars' that contained immense power and had once been a part of the Imperial Navy serving within Battlefleet Gothic.  These rumours had intrigued me and so I launched an investigation to gain all the information that I could about these fortresses.

I have learned that these were the famed Blackstone Fortresses, used as defense bastions across the Gothic Sector. Sadly none of them are still in existence as they all were somehow destroyed during the closing years of the Gothic War in 149.M41. This has not stopped me from gaining any information, as the naval databases in the Gothic Sector contained many reports from that time, including a number of images of the Blackstone Fortresses.

These images were the first pieces of evidence for a possible connection to the Necrontyr. The black pyramid structures that gave the Blackstone Fortresses their name bear much resemblance to the pyramids of the Necrontyr, both in size and color. Their hulls were also covered with numerous hieroglyphs that resembled those found in and on Necrontyr structures.

Next I chose to study what made these Blackstones function, and what they were capable of doing. Unfortunately, the only details of how they worked mainly concerned their weaponry.  Individual Blackstones were able to cause heavy damage to opposing ships. Two Blackstones could be linked to destroy a planet, and three could link to destroy an entire star. Their weapons were termed warp cannons, as they were able to tear through the fabric of space and use the power of the warp to damage their targets. Not much else is known about the Blackstones, as our own TechMagi were never able to get them to function, and they were only made operable when the Chaos Lord Abbadon gained control of them, according to Lord Admiral Ravensburg's personal files.

Reports filed by members of the boarding teams sent to recover the Blackstones that had been left behind at the battle of Schindlegeist gave some clues as to what the inside of a functioning Blackstone was like. Ensign Goldwyn reported that "The walls themselves pulsed with energy, the surface of which has become a deep-veined black..." This sounds eerily similar to reports filed from survivors of an attack from a newly awakened Necrontyr pyramid. As well, the Blackstones self-destructed rather than allowing themselves to be captured, something that Necrontyr ships have been noted as doing.

I am disturbed by many of the things I learned about the Blackstones. Their technology level, as that of anything else designed by the Necrontyr, far surpasses that of any other race, even the Eldar. These 'fortresses' were the most devastating ships we have ever encountered. Nothing like them has been seen since. The four Blackstones under the command of Battlefleet Gothic all self-destructed. However, no one is certain whether the two that were still under the command of Abaddon were destroyed, or whether he still has them.

Lord Admiral Ravensburg's files indicate that it was learned that two artifacts of amazing power gave Abaddon the ability to control the Blackstones (much in the same way that the Staff of Light is believed to control the lesser Necrontyr), and it is widely believed among those who knew this fact that Abaddon still possesses control of these devices. If this is true and the other two Blackstones still exist, them we are all in danger.   Abaddon has two of the most dangerous vessels ever created in the history of our galaxy, and if my observations are correct and it is indeed a Necrontyr vessel then the Necrons will be searching for their lost fortresses and will likely stop at nothing to retrieve them.

Your obedient servant,
Magos Biologis Urieth Malkar