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[Being a study on the methods and culture of the ancient Necrontyr race]

Transmitted:  Magos Biologis Research Station: Denebar
Received:  Nallisea III
Date: 8648999.M41
Astropath: Prime Estellis
Ref: INQ.XB.13069/N
Collated by: Magos Biologis Urieth Malkar

Hieroglyph Translation From Belis I

My Lord,

I just received the following fromTech-Adept Trellus. It is the translation of a hieroglyphic sequence found within one of the pyramids of Belis I.   This translation gives us little additional insight into the history and culture of the Necrontyr, but it is interesting nonetheless.


I am [indecipherable], lord of [indecipherable]. My people and I have chosen this pyramid to protect us from the plague.  With the devices kept within our sarcophagi, we will transcend this realm of existence and begin living in a new realm, the [indecipherable].

In our own time, our empire was glorious. We had control over the stars themselves, we could shape the matter of the universe with our technology. Our cities were wondrous sights to behold, including my very own [indecipherable]. But all of this has come to naught because of the plague.

The plague has caused us much trouble, and we curse those who are at fault for it, the [indecipherable]. However we were not destroyed by the plague. Rather, it has opened up new possibilities for us, possibilities that we shall explore when we once more step into the living world.

Our history is contained on the walls of this pyramid, for you to see and understand. This will prepare you for the time that we awaken, when we will rule the stars again.

[NOTE: 78% chance of correct translation. Some hieroglyphs are indecipherable, due to unknown patterns contained within.]


I have sent a request to Trellus to send me all further translations. Hopefully with enough translated texts we can begin piecing together a more complete image of the background of the Necrontyr.

Of particular note is reference to the plague and implied vengeance on those who were responsible. This has caused much conjecture regarding the plague's origins and just who is alluded to here. We have always assumed that the plague was some freak chance of fate that wiped out most of the galaxy's life. If so, then who could truly be responsible? The Necrontyr's foul gods?

Many among my camp have begun voicing an opinion that the plague was created by the C'tan, though it is still a matter of debate whether this was to destroy something else or as an act of hostility against the Necrontyr. If the C'tan created the plague to destroy a threat, then perhaps this threat is the party responsible. If the Necrontyr (at least those within this pyramid) hold the C'tan responsible, then how could this affect the relationship between the C'tan and Necrontyr?

This is a matter than warrants more study. I feel we are on the verge of some galactic fued or crusade being awakened, and our Imperium is caught in the middle of what is to come. It is imperative that we learn all we can about this, so that we may be prepared when the time comes to combat this threat(s).

Your obedient servant,
Magos Biologis Urieth Malkar