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[Being a study on the methods and culture of the ancient Necrontyr race]

Transmitted:  Magos Biologis Research Station: Denebar
Received:  Nallisea III
Date: 8612999.M41
Astropath: Prime Estellis
Ref: INQ.XB.12980/N
Collated by: Magos Biologis Urieth Malkar

Necrontyr Interaction with Alien Races

My Lord,

I think the following may interest you.  They are my observations on Necrontyr interaction with alien races.

As you well know, we have linked the C'tan to the Necrontyr, as the masters of that race. As the masters, they perform most of the interaction. This could be because the C’tan are ‘more biological’ than the Necrontyr.

When the Necrontyr encounter a colony belonging to another race, the C'tan make contact with its leaders (usually humans) while disguised as a member of that race.   We have yet to determine how this disguise is accomplished.  Over a period of time, they negotiate with the leaders and work out a deal with the people, tricking them into giving the Necrontyr direct control over the people through any of a dozen means.  This is usually done without the people even realizing that another race has taken control.

One of the more preferable methods used to usurp control of an alien government is for the C'tan to hide their motives by acting as a charismatic, rebellious leader, creating for himself a following of rebels who then overthrow the local leaders (or what passes for them).  This allows the Necrontyr to begin setting up a settlement without being noticed by the greater part of the community, and clears away any military resistance.  If all goes well, the C'tan will even be able to convince the rebels that they succeeded due to their aid.  This allows the Necrontyr to take control easily, being welcomed as the saviors of the people.  On occasions, Warriors and battle drones will fight alongside the rebels, furthering the people's perceived dependence on the aliens.

Because of this method of insurrection, I believe that we should double our efforts to quell rebellions, and, if possible, capture the rebellions' leaders for examination.  This threat cannot be ignored.

After control is established, the Necrontyr use the community's members to help set up structures that will create Necrontyr drones.  Once these structures are created, construction drones will be produced that will then set up the necessary structures for a Necrontyr community.  Before the local community realizes the danger, there are thousands of Necrontyr battle drones walking around them.

No matter what the circumstances are, the Necrontyr never make peace with, nor submit to, any other race. They cannot be reasoned or bargained with. There is no peace to be made with these creatures, only an everlasting war that can only end in the annihilation of the Necrontyr or their enemies.


Utilized Resources

I have attached this appendix to inform you of the resources used to create this report, including but not limited to: Explorator teams, studies of after-battle action reports, and my own studies into the Necrontyr.

The primary method we used to determine the Necrontyr's interaction with alien races is through a number of inquiries made into suspicious revolts that have happened within the past decades.  To be more specific, I sent teams to learn what they could from survivors of the recent rebellions on Armas, Compin, and Pirem.   It took some work finding these survivors, and a bit of cooperation with Inquisitor Mandius, but we were able to locate twenty seven individuals who had participated in the attempted quelling of these rebellions.

In every case, the survivor described highly advanced technology being used by the revolutionaries, and an organizational structure that cannot be obtained by a simple rebel army.  This led Inquisitor Mandius to believe the Eldar were at fault until a mention was made by Sergeant Thion (Cadian XIII, fought on Pirem) of what could only be gauss weaponry.  The Sergeant was questioned at length to determine whether he was certain of what he had observed, and, when all parties were satisfied, dismissed to return to Penal Colony LXVI.C to await sentencing for his failure on Pirem.  Later interrogations revealed the presence of a small number of "living metal skeletons" in the rebel armies on Pirem and Compin.

With my interest picqued, I began to examine reports of other rebellions.  These reports I had obtained from the offices of the Administratum based on Bacti II.  I noticed a pattern within two dozen rebellions.  After studying reports of alien "rebels" and their methods, I noticed some disturbing similarities.  All of these reports pointed to evidence of very high technology in use and many referred to Necrons.  (This was done in a number of ways, from references to the "living dead" in a report from Marenis, to "the Sleeping Ones" mentioned in interrogations of Eldar that had been captured on Lohm.)

The assumption that it is the C'tan who performs these infiltrations is speculation on my part.  We have long known the C'tan and Necrontyr to be linked in some manner.  The Necrontyr, with their metal bodies, would likely have a near-impossible time convincing anyone of their sincerity in aiding a rebellion.   Thus, I deduced that the C'tan must be infiltrating the alien societies.

From these reports I have collated the aforementioned theories.  I am currently tracking information regarding a recent uprising on Valet IV that bears a remarkable resemblance to those I have been studying.

Your obedient servant,
Magos Biologis Urieth Malkar