Massacre and Retribution:
In Hell Before Daylight

By Richard Walter

"Unless a soldier has been through these heavy weapon attacks he cannot know what the invasion is really about. ...Not until they've wiped out everything do they leave. ... Ten such attacks in quick sucession will definitely take place today. A real foretaste of hell." The emotionless statement bounced around the tank compartment like a bullet. Commissar Pare glared at the distant explosions. From the safety of the mighty tank Righteous Carnage the Commissar was safe.

The tank was one of many crossing the Orakan plains leading towards battlefield thunder. The Tanks belonged to the 16th Cadian regiment and had been especially drafted in to obliterate the Eldar held Fort. Today was the Tanks first real conflict. They were to provide thunder-fire barrages for the hard presssed Mordian, Astaria and Sultarka Imperial Guardsmen at the forefront of the battle.

A loud shot detonated scant metres away from the Righteous Carnage. Suddenly, the tanks at the front of the column either exploded or just burned where they were. The frantic horror dawned on Pare as he realised that Righteous Carnage was the next tank in line.

Picking up the radio, Pare roared his orders with stern fury, he was the commander of the entire platoon and he was not about to bow out to some weak aliens hidden in the trees. "Proceed with defensive bombardments. Anyone got a confirmation on the fire-point?"

"Emperors Grace - proceeding fire support - negative lock, sir."

"Imperial Woe - defensive bombardment - negative lock, sir."

"War Child - AMSAT sweeping area - lock expected in 4 minutes, sir."

"Freedom's Sword - assault bombardment - negative lock, sir."

"Deaths Head - assault - OH SHIT! IT'S GOT A LOCK ON ME, IT'S GOT A LOCK!"


The Imperial Tank was hit dead on by a crimson bolt of pure death. The explosion sent shockwaves bouncing around the other tanks. The vehicle flipped into the air and dissapeared in a second burst of explosive fire. Bursk, the Radio operator in Pare's tank was thrown clean from his seat and was sent crashing into the steel cage. Dazed, he got to his feet and muttered a nasty curse at the Eldar gods. Slowly, the rest of the tanks also clicked in, it was the same. No lock. It was a game of nerves, which side would cripple first?

Freedom's Sword was the first tank to loose its cool, either that or it was mightily confident; firing shells from it's Heavy Bolters, the tank accelerated towards the general Eldar direction. The engine howled angrily, like some bestial monster as it coughed up black smoke. The Tank had got twenty meters away when a crimson bolt struck directly on the hull. The whole tank glowed pure white, it hurt to stare straight into it. All the remaing tank crews could do was gaze in horror at their friends going to inevitable death. However, Freedom's Sword didn't exploded, instead it absorbed the blow. Smoking, the main battle cannon whirred around to where the explosion had came from.

"War Child - sweep complete - Grid-ref 06-5667-AC-3."

The red warning light on Freedoms Sword was the only visible thing as the steaming vehicle disappeared into the night.

From within the tank, Commander Boldock barked orders. His face looked as if he had just been hit by a heavy-flamer, and survived.

"Renport, punch in those co-ords and get a lock. Mackson, prepare for a thunder-barrage. Tucker, get on the radio to the others and put a little music on would ya? I feel like a dance. Gordon, Spicing and Fletcher, shoot anything that 'aint Imperial. SHIT! IT'S HOT IN HERE! Open the Hatch!"

"Codes punched and ready to fire, sir. Hatch opened." Replied Renport.

"Tube is loaded and ready for thunder-fire." Grunted Mackson as he put the final shell down.

"Other tanks awaiting thunder-fire, music coming up, sir." Tucker muttured in between sentences of abuse at the Eldar.

The tank began to vibrate fiercly, not by some Eldar weapon but from the music blaring from the speakers. It was very fast paced and had a fearsome bass. The music they played was very old, people in the 20th century would refer to it as Techno. If this didn't scare the Eldar, nothing would.

"They're they are! Look! In the f*ckin' tree's!" Yelled Gordon as he unleashed a volley of Bolter fire into the area. The deadly shells exploded with a furious roar that sent half a dozen of the Eldar falling from their trees. Limbs broke and curses were roared as the survivors tried to escape. They were quickly destroyed by Freedoms Sword.

A second missile streaked towards Freedom's Sword. However, the Bolter fire must have spoilt their aim. The shell dissapeared into the night sky.


"Thunder Shells loaded, sir!" Roared Mackson over the loud techno.

"3, 2, 1, FIRE!!!"

With a scream of F*cking lets do it! the tank Freedoms Sword unleashed one of the deadliest barrages in the known universe. The Imperial Guard Thunder Fire Barrage is a fast and very deadly way of laying down a large number of explosives over a small area. The Thunder shells are smaller than the main Battle Cannon shells and the Leman Russ has to be modified so it can fire faster. It has proved its worth countless times and is one of the best weapons in the Imperial arsenal. "Freedoms Sword" had just fired a total of 12 such deadly shells right into the Eldar fire-trap.

Every single tank crew fired of their bolters in a display of victory. However, this victory was to be short lived.

"Dark Requiem - Heretics spotted this way - Grav-Tanks."

"You know the drill! Take 'em off with your sustained weapons. Get in the Jagged Edge formation. Rising Angel, if I don't hear those assault cannons spitting death, I'm gonna kick your ass all the way to Fenris and back again, understood?" Ordered Pare.

"Rising Angel - yes, sir." Muttered Radioman Steckz, with a hint of anger in his voice.

The air whinned as the supersonic Grav-Tanks flew into the area. The Tanks were formed so that they could deliver a fearsome surface to air blow. They was arranged in 10 ranks of 9 - 90 tanks in all. Ready or not, the Eldar was to learn the hard way that you don't mess with the Imperial Guard.

Even before the first Grav vehicled tank was seen, Pare uttered the order.

"Destroy them. All Eldar must die!" He paused until he saw the first gliding tanks before he continued. "1st RANK FIRE!"

18 Fearsome explosions ripped the still night air apart. The sound of such carnage scared the hell out of the Eldar. They prefered the softer sound of the shurikien as it tore their foes apart, not being blasted by the most deadliest weapons of the Imperial Guard. Four Grav-Tank's lunged out of the air, flaming wildly there was no chance for them. Three of the Tanks exploded in the air, the fourth dropped to the ground before going off. It took out the tank Cardinal Anger with it.

Pare, in fury, slammed open the tank door and charged towards the reckage. He turned to face the tanks to see if there was any more maruaders, and even in his cold rage, had to admit that they set a mightily impressive site. Every tank bore its name, slogans, icons and kill marks. For example, Rising Angel had a picture of an angel with a broken chain attached to its leg as it flew off. Freedoms Sword motive showed a sword in the gut of a Greater Daemon of Khorne. All the tanks were exceptional, and Pare would gladly die alongside them. He felt proud that he commanded them, in a way, he felt blessed. His anger subsided and he breathed calmly.

Turning to the flaming wreckage, he noted that the Eldar also had the same traditions as his. The Grav-Tanks had strange icons and badges. Maybe there wasn't so much difference between the two races. Pare mused on this for a second before administering the final rights to an injured Eldar pilot.

Pare felt uneasy, maybe he was turning soft in his old age. He didn't like the idea of himself as an Eldar lover.

Shutting the door behind him, Pare was greated by the usual responses of his tank crew. From the safety of the tank, the explosions were almost welcomed by the Commissar.

"Emperors blood, I didn't know you was That Scared! No-one in their right mind runs away from the safety of a tank! You could always sit on the top hatch?" Laughed Rico.

"No, I got it! He's a heretic working for the Eldar! Why else did he survive outside?" Roared Jakal with laughter. The rest of the tank crew laughed and chuckled.

Pare laughed along with his fellow crew member's, at least they didn't lock the door this time.

Pare was different to most codex Commissars, it goes without saying that he loved the Emperor more than anything and would gladly die fighting for the Imperium. But he also deeply respected his fellow guardsmen and in turn, they respected him. He knew everyone under his command by their first names and he always felt a sense of loss when one of his men died. He had heard stories of some Commissars shooting fleeing guardsmen in the back, Pare despised those Commissars and branded them as false. For Forty-five years, Pare has served in the Imperial Guard and he has never had any need to blast a fellow guardsman in the back.

"Death Rose - It looks like this was just a scout force, we've taken all 15 out, sir."

"Excellent! Now, get yourselves a brew before we carry on. I don't about you, but I need my cafeine fix. I know its illegal, but hey! Who gives a f*ck?" Ordered Pare, in a rare display of comradeship.

As Pare sipped his coffee, he looked out of the small vision slits. His eyes were drawn to the crippled Eldar tanks. The Tank crew from Patriots of Death buried the dead and killed the wounded. There was no feeling to it, they just got on with their orders. Pare spotted something around the neck of one of the Eldar. Hurriedly he opened the tank hatch. The usual cuss met his ear's.

"SIR, It's not that scary! look, even the explosions have stopped!" roared Jakal as he fell off his chair.

Pare ingored this and caught up to wreckage. Turning to Johnson, the man carrying the Eldar, he ordered to look at the body of the dead Eldar. Pare saw what he expected to see, a tiny badge in the form of an Imperial Eagle dangled from his neck. It was the Imperius Crux Maximus, the highest of all Imperial awards. Only 106 people have recieved this badge in the entire history of the Imperium. Pare slowly turned the badge around. There was a small inscription. Stooping to read it, Pare felt his stomach tighten with uneasy nausea.

Imperius Crux Maximus; Awarded to Garan Pare for exceptional bravery during the Hades War.

Commissar Pare went cold and numb with sickness and horror, very slowly he reached into his coat and withdrew a badge. It was another Imperius Crux Maximus. Reluctantly the Commissar turned it over and cast his eyes on the small inscription.

Imperius Crux Maximus; Awarded to Lee Pare for exceptional bravery during the Hades War.

Commissar Pare sank to the floor and stared into the stars. He didn't know what else to do. He felt sick with shock. Johnson and Daerga walked up to the Commissar and sat beside him, they also felt a loss. Garan was their Commander during the Hades war.

"You never know, he might not be dead." Murmured Johnson, vengeance in his eyes and a sombre tone to his voice.

"Oh he's dead alright. He would have been the last man standing, he would have refused against all orders to flee." Muttered Pare.

"Thats how he got the badge, sir. Your brother was my commander during the Hades war. He refused to flee in the face of incredible odds. Even when all around him there was death and carnage. I was the Company standard and so had to stay with him. He showed no fear, just cold fury and grit determination. In a way, I see his face in yours, sir. I recieved the Glory Cross for my part." Added Daerga. Pare nodded his head grimly.

"Men who die on the Emperors battlefield shall fear no evil. For they are true heroes." The voice brought Pare to his feet. Standing before the Commissar was all 560 men under his command. In a silent display of respect, every soldier removed their helmets and saluted to the sky.

Pare felt his chest swell with pride, and he allowed himself to smile briefly. He smartened his long coat and opened his mouth to speak.


A gunshot reverberated through the night air and struck Daerga in the chest. His cries of pain echoed across the open space ground. The remaining soldier's all yelled and shouted in confusion as they tried in vain to find where the shot came from.

"Get him! Get him the f*ck outta here!!" Roared Johnson as he slammed a magazine into his Heavy Stubber and began to stitch the trees with fire. The remaining guardsmen all dived into their tanks or fired off their weapons in confusion.

"Oh, I don't believe this shit. Killed by a scout." Daerga weakly acknowledged.

"Shut up! You'll be all right, Soldier." Said Pare.

"Uhhh, that son-of-a-bitch!"

"You're gonna be all right."

"Ohhhh, don't shit me, Commissar! Don't shit me!"

Four Soldiers began to hasten their efforts to save Daerga from death. It was a hard struggle. The wounded Daerga began to lose consciousness.


"I ... I can take it." Coughed the ailing soldier.

"Come on , Soldier! COME ON!" Shouted Pare in the face of Daerga

"Kill the...bastards! F-For me..."

"I know you Daerga, you've never backed down from anything in your life. Fight god damnit! Fight it! F*CKIN' FIGHT!" Screamed Commissar Pare as he shook the limp Daerga violently.

With a final effort of will Daerga managed a weak smile before he spat up some blood and died in Pare's arms. The Commissar bent down and hugged Daerga before closing his staring eyes.

Nobody moved. The only sound was the regular firing from Johnson's Heavy Stubber and the curse's from the enraged Imperial Guardsman.

Then, one by one, the soldiers slowly got to their feet. Commissar Pare was the last to stand up. Silently, the soldiers stared at the body and nonchalantly saluted. Daerga was at rest, his death would be avenged.

Johnson stopped firing at the hidden Scout, and ran over to the group around Daerga's body. Anger shined in his eyes as he realised Daerga was dead. He looked down at his friends body, then he turned to Commissar Pare.

"Lets go get some - COMMISSAR, GET DOWN!" Yelled Johnson as he flung Pare to the ground. A shurikien slammed into the tank Dogs of War.

The battle cannon snapped left instantly.

By the Emperors grace, Dogs of War was fitted with an Advanced Tracking System. The cannon automatically fired off two flash shells in quick succesion. Five seconds after they were fired, the shells detonated.

The area flickered briefly and gave away the location of the Eldar. Twenty beeps eminated from some of the Tanks. They had also picked up on the Eldars location. Within a minute, every tank had a lock. And the Eldar knew this, their alien technology chimed loudly.

From the trees nearby strode a tall and elegant Eldar, probably the leader. It's slender body had no problem walking over the ground, it almost looked as if the Eldar was hovering. Noticing Pare's coat, glasses and cap, the Eldar walked right up to him and spoke in a whispery voice. Pare responded by growling like an enraged dog.

"Human, you are not foolish enough to kill me and my comrades are you?"

"Maybe. I'm foolish enough to let you walk up to me, without even taking a shot at you."

"How dare you insult me! Spare me and my kind and you may live another day. If not, you will die tonight."

"I got something to tell you." Pare said as he leaned close to the Eldar.

"Speak human. We can arrange something."

"I GOT A F*CKIN' DEATH-WISH" Howled Pare as he slammed the Eldar to the floor.

Before the Eldar could get up, Pare grabbed it by the neck and showed it Daerga's body. Grabbing tightly, Pare threw the Eldar to the side of a tank and took out Garant's badge. Pressing the medal into the Eldars face, Pare roared with fury.

"This is for Daerga! This is for Garant!" Turning towards the tanks, Pare barked his order "IN THE EMPERORS NAME, FIRE!"

The air roared with a thunderous barrage. Forty-five tanks fired off a salvo of battle cannon shells into the direction of the Eldar force. The ground shook violently and began to crack. Chunks of dirt, trees and Eldar was sent flying high into the air and was never seen again. The sound was almost inaudible, the delicate Eldar commander sank to its knees holding its head, whilst Commissar Pare screamed paragraphs for the Emperors Grace. This was his way of avenging the death of his comrades and his brother. After Ten minutes the barrage stopped and the smoke cleared.

Commissar Pare dragged the kicking Eldar over to where the bombardment took place and stared at the damage. Twenty huge craters littered the floor like drops of water. In every crater was dead Eldar, mostly unrecognisable and squashed flat. Pare reckoned there to be forty-fifty Eldar bodies here, and countless others splattered around a five mile radius. Bits of ruined machinery suggested that the Eldar was tracking the Imperial Platoon.

Turning to the Eldar leader, Pare spoke the final rights.

"The righteous will be glad when they are avenged, when they bathe their feet in the blood of the wicked."

Pare distanced himself from the Eldar so as not to stain his coat with the blood of the traitor. A shot to the side of the head was all that was needed to kill the kneeling Eldar. Turning back to adress his men, Pare almost had a smile on his face.

"Thanks be to the Emperor, who always leads us in a triumphal procession of victory."

A loud roar of approval met the ears of the Commissar as he strode towards Righteous Carnage, every tank crew gave Pare the thumbs up as he walked passed them. Opening the hatch, Pare leapt into the tank as listened with suspense. He was waiting for the usual cuss to meet his ears.


Pare looked at Bursk, who was smoking, and growled.

"They can get you killed!"

Picking up the radio, Pare gave the order to carry on the trek to battlefield thunder.

"Onwards! For the Emperor!"

The sound of the tanks rumbling along the plains seemed to fuel Pare with a heroic pride. He knew this honour could get him killed. Yet he would not shirk his duties from the Emperor. The Commissar was ready to die on battlefield thunder, or any other conflict that the Emperor carried him to.

Pare looked at Baker as he prayed to the Emperor and purified his weapons. This was the first time Pare had seen the private do such a thing. Usually Baker is a rebel, a loose cannon. Pare knew full well that the soldiers hardest to keep in line are usually the best in the heat of battle. Pare requested Baker to serve with him personally. Baker thought this was because he was always in trouble, and the Commissar wanted to keep an eye on him. This was wrong, Pare wanted Baker because he knew that the private would today become a hero.

"Private Baker, you are definitely born again hard! Hell, I may even allow you to serve as a crew-member in my beloved tank."

"Sir, yes, sir!" Came the rather happy response.

In Hell Before Daylight part 2