Points/Model WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
Chaos Cultists 3 2 2 3 3 1 3 1 7 -
Demagogue +4 2 2 3 3 1 3 2 8 -

Some groups of Cultists are well trained in the use of heavy weapons.  These may be trained troopers from the Planetary Defense Forces, or just individuals who have had special training.   Whatever the reason for their knowledge, they are important to the Cult, as their firepower can often be the factor separating glorious victory from devastating defeat.

Squad: A Cultist Heavy Weapon squad consists of between 10 and 30 Cultists.

Weapons: Close combat weapon .

Options: Any model may be given a laspistol/autopistol for +1 point or a lasgun/autogun/shotgun for +1 pt, up to one model in five may be given one of the following weapons; plasma gun at +6 pts, meltagun at +10 pts, flamer at +2 pts, heavy bolter at +6 pts, Grenade launcher at +8pts, heavy stubber at +4 pts or an autocannon at +6 pts.

One of the Cultists may be upgraded to a demagogue at an additional cost of +4pts. The Demagogue may be given additional equipment, Marks of Chaos and Gifts from the Armory.



  Points Front Armour Side Armour Rear Armour BS
Leman Russ 140 14 12 10 2
Type: Tank Crew: Chaos Cultists

Weapons: The Leman Russ is armed with a turret-mounted battle cannon and must have one of the following hull-mounted weapons: lascannon at +15 pts; heavy bolter at +5 pts.

Options: The Leman Russ may be upgraded with two side sponsons armed with a pair of heavy bolters at +10 pts or a pair of heavy flamers at +10 pts.

The Leman Russ may have Vehicle upgrades chosen from the Armory.


"Does this thing even WORK?":   Captured vehicles often have a tendency to break down at most inopportune moments, as the Cultists operating them have hardly any idea of how they work, much less how to keep them in good condition!  At the start of each turn, roll a D6.  If you roll a 1, roll another D6, and consult the table below:

1 Vehicle may not move this turn.  Roll again on this table next turn.
2-3 Vehicle may not move this turn.
4-6 Don't touch that button!   The vehicle lurches foward 2D6" straight ahead.  Make Dangerous Terrain, Tank Shock tests, etc. as if the vehicle were moving normally.  The vehicle counts as moving the distance rolled on the dice and may not make any further moves this turn.

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