Points/Model WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
Possessed Cultists 17 3 2 3 3 1 3 2 7 6+

Some Cultists give their souls and bodies freely to their patron god.  When this happens, a Daemon will sometimes inhabit their body.  This does not happen often, as Chaos Cultists are, in comparison to other specimens, rather weak and frail.  When it does happen, however, the Possessed Cultists form a group of bizarre and dangerous individuals on the battlefield!

Squad: A Possessed Cultists squad consists of between 5 and 10 Cultists.

Weapons: Close combat weapon.

Options: Any model may be given a laspistol/autopistol for +1 point or a lasgun/autogun/shotgun for +1 pt, up to one model in ten may be given one of the following weapons; plasma gun at +6 pts, meltagun at +10 pts, flamer at +2 pts.

Transport: The squad may ride in a captured Chimera or a Truck (see the entries in the Troops section).

Special Rules

"Marked by the Gods":  The Possessed Cultists have truly been blessed, for they are marked by their patron God!  This gives them special abilities, depending on their chosen god:

Khorne: +1 Attack
Nurgle: +1 Toughness
Slaanesh:  Enemy squads must pass a Ld test to charge the Possessed Cultists
Tzeentch: 4+ psychic save.



  Points/Model WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
Gors 9 4 3 3 4 2 3 1 8 6+
Bestigors +15 4 3 4 4 2 4 2 8 6+

Beastmen often come to the aid of Chaos Cults.  They, like the Cultists, are seeking an escape from the vicious persecution of the Imperium.  The Cultists eagerly welcome them, as they make excellent assault troops.

Squad: A Beastmen squad consists of between 5 and 10 Gors.

Weapons: Autopistol and close combat weapon.

Options: Any model may replace their weapons with a two-handed weapon at a cost of +1 point per model.

Characters:  One Gor may be upgraded to a Bestigor at +15 points.  The Bestigor may have equipment chosen from the Armory.

Transport: The squad may ride in a captured Chimera or a Truck (see the entries in the Troops section).



Sometimes a Cult will gain enough favor with its patron god to be able to summon Daemons from the Warp.  The summoning of Daemons often includes long rituals with a healthy amount of sacrifices.

Daemons may be summoned as per the rules in Codex: Chaos Space Marine.  Greater Daemons may not be summoned, as they will not deign to pay attention to mere humans.  The roll to see if Daemons are summoned each turn is modified as follows:

Turn 2:  5+ to summon
Turn 3:  4+ to summon
Turn 4+: 3+ to summon

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