
Origins |
The Lamenters chapter was formed in the late
40th millenium from Ultramarines gene-seed. They were stationed in the Eastern
Fringe, given the world Fortis III as their own. They immediately showed a great affinity
for destroying aliens, wiping out two Ork tribes and stopping a massive Waagh led by
Warlord Gnashbad within 20 years after their creation. They were a fanatical chapter,
sometimes seeking out large groups of aliens to cleanse. In the eyes of Ignatio, their
first chapter master, aliens were the worst blasphemies, keeping humanity from reaching
its full potential among the stars.
In the centuries that followed, the Lamenters kept up their fanaticism, wiping out many
alien colonies, no matter where they were or what type of aliens they were. At times this
fanaticism would cause trouble, as the Lamenters were just as eager to destroy a band of
aliens that were aiding the Imperium as they were to destroy those aliens that were
fighting wars against the Imperium.
However, their ability to destroy nests of alien scum was soon becoming legendary, and so
in 698.M41 when Marneus Calgar was forming a crusade to assault the Ork empire of
Charadon, the Lamenters were one of the first chapters selected. They led many assaults on
Ork worlds, and in almost every battle Lamenters were seen fighting at the front of the
Marine army. The crusade was to last seven years, and when it was over it was determined
that the crusade had succeeded in delaying the invasion by Waagh Argluk by almost thirty
years. The Lamenters were given high honours for their role in te crusade, and proudly
placed references to the crusade on many of their company standards. |
The Betrayal |
In 901.M41, Lufgt Huron rebelled with his
Astral Claws chapter, becoming Huron Blackheart, the Tyrant of Bada and the Red Corsairs.
The Imperium was surprised at this rebellion, and so they called upon a number of chapters
in the region to respond and retaliate against Huron.
The Lamenters were one of these chapters. Together with the Executioners and the Manis
Warriors, they went to Badab with the idea to punish Huron. However, they were swayed
somehow by his words and rebelled with him. This was a bad call on the part of the current
chapter master, Allianus. The Lamenters were to fight a series of battles against fellow
Marines, losing a number of their own during the fighting. Five years after they had
joined Huron in his rebellion, they were finally punished for their crime, caught in an
ambush by the Minotaurs chapter and nearly wiped out. After a series of bloody
shipÜto-ship battles the Lamenters were forced to surrender. Four years later, the
Executioners and Mantis Warriors did the same.
The Executioners and Mantis Warriors were to lose many of their ships to te loyal chapters
as punishment for them and reward for the loyalists. The Lamenters had already been badly
hurt, and had already lost many of their ships to the Minotaurs. The three chapters
were investigated thoroughly, and after a period of time were found to be loyal once more.
They were granted the Emperor's forgiveness pending a Hundred Year Crusade. They
were limited in the amount of rebuilding they were allowed to do during their crusades,
and so the Lamenters were severely limited in number.
Before they began their crusade, the Lamenters' banner was sent to the Adeptus Sororitas
to be restored and purified. Their work was inspired by the Emperor Deified, and they wept
as they wove the fabric, contemplating the Emperor's great and terrible sacrifice for
humanity. Because of this, the banner became known as the Banner of Tears. It was held
high by the Lamenters wherever they would go during their penitent crusade. |
The Kraken |
While the Lamenters were still on their
crusade, the galaxy was invaded by Hive Fleet Kraken. They Lamenters were caught in the
middle of this invasion, split up on many different worlds in their quest for penitence.
They suffered terrible casualties, the worst loss coming on Devlan.
On the mining world of Devlan, a chapter of Lamenters was resting after a battle against a
large force of Hrud Nocturnal Warriors. While they were trying to recover, the world
was assaulted by Tyranids. The Lamenters fought a delaying action, holding back the
Tyranids while the colonists loaded themselves into their freighters and escaped.
Surrounded and with no means of escape once the last freighter had left, the company
commended their sould to the Emperor. They exacted a heavy toll on the Tyranids before
they were finally wiped out.
Elsewhere the other members of the chapter were making boarding actions against thousands
of Tyranid ships. In these actions they lost hundreds more of their number, but they
gained valuable information about the aliens and were able to destroy thousands of ships
and millions of Tyranids.
The chapter was commended for its deeds, but that was small consolation. In their fight
against the Tyranids, the Lamenters lost most of their chapter, and they were left with
barely fifty Marines, veterans all round. They have still not yet recovered from this
terrible loss. |
Homeworld |
The Lamenters were given the world Fortis III
as their homeworld. Fortis III is a lush forest world, covered almost entirely in
trees with very little plains and a moderate amount of water. The inhabitants are a
hardy people, having lived within the forests where they constantly have to fight out
attacks by vicious carnivores. The Lamenters' fortress-monastery is located on the
northwestern hemisphere, and is surrounded by many defenses to keep out the hunters of the
forest. |
Combat Doctrine |
Due to the Lamenters' unfortunate losses, they
have had to resort to fighting a form of shadow warfare. They have perfected the art of
ambush, and have learned many techniques of fighting a large force with a much smaller
force. The high proportion of Scouts in the chapter has contributed to much of this,
though the Veterans have learned a few tricks of their own during their time fighting the
Tyranids of Kraken. The Lamenters are one of the few chapters that does not mind using
camouflage or sniping at an enemy from an unknown location. They have also learned to use
booby traps from the deathworld regiments stationed in the Eastern Fringe. |
Organization |
The Lamenters chapter is currently compose of
only five uneven companies. The first company is made up of the fifty-four veterans that
survived Hive Fleet Kraken, each one belonging to the Deathwatch. The other four companies
are made up of recent recruits, acting in the traditional role of Scouts. Every
Veteran is trained to act as a member of an Assault, Tactical, or Devastator Squad, and
have on ocasions donned suits of Tactical Deadnought Armour. Very few of the chapter's
vehicles are still in working condition, and none of their Land Speeders or bikes are
still functioning. |
Beliefs |
The Lamenters have strong beliefs in the glory
of the Emperor, though they still do not regard him as a deity. They have all been
inspired by the Banner of Tears, reminding them of the Emperor's sacrifice, which has ben
duplicated in their own history. They prepare themselves for every battle with thoughts of
the Emperor's actions in saving humanity, and each of them knows that it is their duty to
sacrifice themselves for the good of the Imperium should the need arise. |
Battlecry |
The Lamenters' battlecry has been changed since
the creation of the chapter, and now reflects their experiences with their own downfall
into the embrace of Chaos and their losses at the hands of the Tyranids.
"Never forget, never forgive!" |
HQ: Space Marine Heroes,
Chaplain, Librarian, Command Squad
Elites: 0-1 Terminator Squad, 0-1 Terminator Assault Squad, Dreadnoughts
Troops: Veteran Squad, Scout Squad
Fast Attack: 0-1 Bike Squadron, Scout Bike Squadron, 0-1 Land Speeder
Squadron (any type)
Heavy Support: 0-1 Devastator Squad, 0-1 Tank (Vindicator, Predator
Dwstructor/Anmnihilator, Whirlwind, or Land Raider) |
You will need a copy of Codex: Space Marines to
use a Lamenters Space Marine army. You must get your opponent's permission before using
the army.
Tyranid Hunters: All Lamenters, with the
exception of Scouts and Scout Bikers, have had experience in hunting down and
exterminating Tyranids. For this reason, or character may reroll failed to wound rolls
against Tyranids. However, all dice must be rerolled for the squad or character, including
any that wounded, and you must stick with the second roll, even if it is worse than the
Deathwatch: Many members of the Lamenters
became mebers of the Deathwatch, more than any other chapter. For this reason they may
always take a squad of Deathwatch Marines as an HQ choice.
Hellfire Rounds: Hellfire rounds were
specially prepared rounds designed for fighting Tyranids. They explode and cover an area
with a sticky, acidic substance that destroys anything it touches, dissolving flesh and
bone quickly. Hellfire rounds count as being Heavy 1/Blast, with an AP 5. They will always
wound on a roll of 2+.
Auspices: The Lamenters use many more
auspices than normal chapters, having had much experience awith Tyranid ambushes.
Any squad's Sergeant may purchase an auspex forfive points, regardless of whether he is a
Veteran Sergeant or not. |
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