Lord Kalethby SlayerLord Kaleth - the Anti Christ, of the Sons of Damnation growled in frustration. His sorceror Azakin had led them to this back water planet, in search of an itme that Azakin wouldn't name. While frantically hunting, they had been attacked by this strange force. Kaleth ducked under another sword, and spun round to face his adversary. There was nothing there. A pain in his back made him drop to his knees, and spin round. He saw a shimmering warrior flip across to the right. Staggering to his feet he looked across at his retinue. They were down to the last three. "Damn this, what the hell are we fighting?" Kaleth spluttered. "Sir...errr...." the veteran looked lost. "SIR!!! BEHIND YOU!" shouted another. Kaleth spun round, to see a warrior heading towards him. He stared at the mysterious warrior, not running, but flipping and leaping towards him. He brought his bolter down, and let fly at the enemy. It was no longer there. "WHAT THE FUCK IS HAPPENING?" the Anti Christ roared. He was answered with a blood curdling scream, and turned to witness one of his retinue having his insides shredded at the hands of one of the enemy. "Get him!" he roared, his sword already unsheated. Swinging his sword at the head of the nearest warrior, it simply flipped backwards, easily avoiding the blow. Dumbfounded Kaleth stood there watching. Azghar ('Warrior of Khorne') lept into the fray. Kaleth had seen his viscious axes - one in each hand - split apart terminators, and no foe had stood to him, and lived. Azghar swung his axes widly, raging around like a mad man, yet not touching one of the nimble fiends. He looked round for more opponents, and saw that all his foe were standing around him. Lunging at them, they simply carried on dancing around and avoiding his psychotic attacks. As the last memeber of Kaleth's retinue was decapitated, Kaleth became truly afraid. He had no idea of how many of these mysterious warriors were in the hills around, and indeed no idea of the amount fighting them now, or even who he had left alive. He couldn't believe what had happened. They had come from no where. Spliting them off from the comrades, cutting off all communication, leaving them free to wipe them out, squad by squad. "FALL BACK!!" he cried out. Then he realised he and Azghar were the only ones around this area. The enmy had left them, and were dealing with the rest of his forces. Azghar was unconscious - probably the only way to get him on the transport Kaleth thought with a grin. As the dropship came down, Kaleth saw a lone figure staggering towards it. Recognizing Azakin, his sorceror, he ran towards him. "What manner of demons are we fighting here, fool?" snarled the Anti Christ. Azakin stared back, pure fear in his eyes. He quietly said one simple word: "Harlequins....."