Battlefield Insanity

by Despoiler, Sniper, and Mark

"We're safe as houses in 'ere, fellas!" Lt. Cromwell tried to reassure his men that in the bunker, they were safe from the Chaos horde outside.

"Thats what you said about the bunker in Potsdarr XI. And we all know what happened there!" Private Jackson remarked about the time when the Lieutenant opened the door by mistake on the side the Orks were attacking.

"General Heng said we can expect reinforcements; in an hour!" Private Donnshem threw down his radio handset in disgust. It was as if they had been abandoned here! Suddenly, a intense grinding sound filled the bunker. Trying to scream over the din, Lt. Cromwell shouted "Crap! It's a chainfist! Everyone out the Door NOW!"

The others didn't really need telling. ALready part of the wall was crumbling. Soon the Terminator would be inside.

The door fell open, and then the Guardsmen realised the extent of their peril. Outside was a large squad of frenzied Bezerkers.

"Oh shit!" Screamed a Private as he pushed everyone inside and closed the door behind him. "Christ! Did you see 'em! Bloody 'ordes of 'em!" Lt. Cromwell was shaking all over, a sorry sight indeed. A private replied "Christ, sir?"

"Nevermind. Damn, that Chainfist is coming through! And the Bezerkers are breaking the door down! Where are my reinforcements!!??" after a brief pause he spoke again. "Well men, it's been a pleasure."

At that, the wall fell and through the dust stood the hulking figure of a Bezerker Terminator.


The air whoosed as a bullet was fired, no-one could see where it came from.



The mighty Terminator fell to the ground, a clean shot to the head saw to that. A figure stepped into the room, behind him where the bodies of the fallen Chaos traitors. Around his shoulder hung a Sniper Rifle.

"You got your reinforcements, sir."


No sooner had the words left the snipers mouth a spinning disc flew through the air and burst open his throat.

"Holy shit! Eldar!" shreiked luitenant Cromwell. The guardsmen were out of the bunker like a shot, and luitenant cromwewll dropped a frag grenade down the bunker entrance for safe measure. Upon exiting the bunker the guardsmen realised in disbelief that three different armies were approaching at an alarming rate. A massive IG Panzer division, a terrifying Chaod horde and a valiant Eldar scouting force.

"Look! Shouted one of the guardsmen,"It's general Heng! We're saved!" General Heng's towering image emerged from the Leman Russ demolisher tank.

"Prepare to die-lah in the name of the emperor-lah!" Heng pulled out a cube shaped device and through it to the ground. It stopped and the upward facing side showed the number 1. The las-cannon fired from his tank missed the Dreadnought he had been targeting.



Clutching the disk as it left his throat, the Sniper ignored the pain and hurled it back at the Eldar that fired it.



The torso of the Eldar fell to the floor, torn in two. The shurikien tore through the ranks of the on-coming Eldar.

Such was the ferocity of the Snipers throw, the Shurikien ignored all armour the Eldar possesed. Even the mighty Avatar could not resist the fearsome projectile. Soon, all the Eldar were dead.

"As I said, you got your reinforcment's, sir." Said the Sniper, with a fearsome cut around his neck.


Suddenly, the poor bloke with the sniper rifle felt a great big explosion rip his back off. Behind him stood a large ork, sreaming "Freak! Damn Freak!" [note: Mark you know who this is!] Hundreds of orks stood beside the Chaos horde. Then, suddenly, that ork exploded into a shower of flesh. Behind THAT ork stood a Space Marine. "Hey man! Not so tough are you now huh?" Oh the irony, as that Space Marine was suddenly swallowed whole by a screaming Carnifex; "NEhe nehe!" chanted the Tyranid horde.

On the other side of the battlefield, The Chaos lord was kicking several cubes around the Battlefield, and swearing loudly "I've never rolled so many ^%&*ing one's in my whole ^$@&ing life for %^^#s sake!!!"

The Ork warlord nearby was kicking the remains of ome Orky heavy weapons, too "Freaks! All I get is damn misfires!! Freaks!"

Within minutes of an Eldar Dreadnought firing into the Chaos horde, the Eldar general and Chaos Lord were embroiled in a bitter argument over the Placement of scenery.

Meanwhile, the Sniper took out a can of synskin and sprayed it over his back. Jumping up, he could see the full extent of the gaming group- I mean battle. One one side were the Orks and Chaos, and in the middle the were Eldar. Opposite the Chaos forces were a force of Blood Angels and Space Wolves. Curiously, one demolisher and a squad of Cadian accompanied the army [you'll get this one Mark!]. The Tyranids, still screming "Nehe nehe!" were all over the place. General Hengs IG were slowly cramming in to that little bunker. What would happen next?