IMPERIAL ARMOURThe following rules are for the Forge World Imperial Armour vehicles. They are taken from the Citadel Journal articles and may or may not have been changed by the time the Imperial Armour book was printed. This page is by no means a substitute for that book, and if you want full rules, background, and other information about these and other vehicles, as well as the most recent version of these rules, you should buy the Imperial Armour book. Destroyer Tank Hunter - Heavy Support
Weapons: Turbo Laser Destroyer Options: May have Smoke Launchers for +3 points. Turbo Laser Destroyer
Earthshaker Platform - Heavy Support
Weapons: Eartshaker Artillery Gun Options: May fire indirectly for +25 points, as per the Basilisk Battery: 1-3 Eartshaker Platforms
Hydra Flak Tank - Heavy Support
Weapons: Two Twin-Linked Long-Barrelled Autocannon, Hull mounted Heavy Bolter Options: May have Smoke Launchers for +3 points Long-Barrelled Autocannon: The range of the Hydra's Autocannon is 72"
Hydra Flak Platform - Heavy Support
Weapons: Two Twin-Linked Long-Barrelled Autocannon Battery: 1-3 Platforms Long-Barrelled Autocannon: The range of the Hydra's Autocannon is 72"
Leman Russ Conqueror - Heavy Support
Weapons: Conqueror Cannon, Pintle mounted Storm Bolter. Hull mount may be a Lascannon for +15, or a Heavy Bolter for +5. Options: Sponsons may be added carrying Heavy Bolters for +10 or Heavy Flamers for +10. The Leman Russ Conqueror comes equipped with a searchlight and may have Smoke Launchers for +3 points. Conqueror Cannon
The Leman Russ Conqueror may move up to 6" and still fire its Ordnance weapon.
Leman Russ Exterminator - Heavy Support
Weapons: Plasma Blastgun. Hull mount may be a Lascannon for +15, or a Heavy Bolter for +5. Options: Sponsons may be added carrying Multi Meltas for + 30, Plasma Cannon for +20, Heavy Bolters for +10 or Heavy Flamers for +10. The Exterminator may take Imperial Guard vehicle upgrades. Plasma Blastgun: The Plasma Blastgun is a devastating weapon, but the power drains on the Leman Russ hull are excessive. When fired, the Leman Russ may not fire any other weapon in that turn. In addition, it may also neither move nor fire the Plasma Blastgun again in the following turn. All the normal rules for Ordnance weapons apply, though the small blast template is used, rather than the larger Ordnance one.
Manticore Multi-Launcher - Heavy Support
Weapons: Manticore Multi-Launcher, Hull mounted Heavy Bolter Options: May have Smoke Launchers for +3 points Manticore Multi-Launcher
Salamander Command Vehicle - HQ
Weapons: Heavy Flamer, Hull mounted Heavy Bolter Options: May have Smoke Launchers for +3 points. Communications Vehicle: The Salamander has advanced communications equipment, allowing the Guard player to re-roll one reserves roll, so long as the Salamander itself is not in reserve. Also, the Salamander allows the Guard player to re-roll any dice when checking to hjit an enemy unit or obstacle in a Preliminary Bombardment, in missions where this is applicable. The Salamander Command Vehicle may be taken in place of Command Sections in any Imperial Guard mechanized army.
Salamander Scout Vehicle - Fast Attack
Weapons: Autocannon, Hull mounted Heavy Bolter Options: May have Smoke Launchers for +3 points. Communications Vehicle: The Salamander has advanced communications equipment, allowing the Guard player to re-roll one reserves roll, so long as the Salamander itself is not in reserve. Also, the Salamander allows the Guard player to re-roll any dice when checking to hjit an enemy unit or obstacle in a Preliminary Bombardment, in missions where this is applicable. Over-Charged Engines: If the Salamander passes a Difficult Terrain test, then it may move a further 6". When Over-Charged Engines are used, the Salamander may not fire any weapons.
Thunderer Seige Tank - Heavy Support
Weapons: Hull mounted Demolisher Cannon Options: May have Smoke Launchers for +3 points
Turret Emplacement - Heavy Support
Weapons: Battlecannon Battery: 1-3 Turrets |