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Battlefleet Gothic Returns!


Battlefleet Gothic's re-release this year will see the game pumped up quickly with a lot of new releases. As well as the 2002 Annual, GW USA will be selling a small booklet containing new scenarios, painting and modeling tips, ideas on incorporating BFG and 40K, and more. New ships for the Imperial, Ork, and Chaos fleets are being worked on, including a new Imperial battleship, a Chaos daemonic possession cruiser add-on, and the Ork 'Ammer. Also lined up is the Endeavor light cruiser for the Imperium. Many of these ships, including the Endeavor, 'Ammer, and Vengeance, come from the Third War for Armageddon setting, which will be featured in BFG Magazine the next few issues. Tau are slowly being made, but the new Tyranid and Dark Eldar fleets are ready to sell. Space stations and orbital bombardment platforms for multiple races are being worked on as well.


Epic 40K


As work progresses on the new Epic, new releases are being planned and released still. The Eldar Vampires are being redesigned to match the new Forge World kits, as are the Nightwing and Phoenix bomber. New Stormswords and Stormblades will be released, as the super-heavy tanks move gradually toward being resin. Multi-part Space Marines are being done that will be limited in availability, and should form the basis for future Marine character models. The Tau are getting a few more additions to their list, including the Skyray. The metal infantry strips have been started, and are similar to Warmaster's. The production speed (and the impending re-release of not only BFG, but Necromunda) has pushed backed E40K: Armageddon's release to winter 2003.




Most races in Warmaster will be seeing variant units released, such as the Empire "Elite" units, Forest Goblins, etc., that will count as units already listed in the army lists. A siege supplement, as well as a naval warfare game/supplement, are being worked on. New armies include Vampire Counts, soon to be released, and Skaven, which are still in the earlier stages of production.




Inquisitor's getting a lot of assorted new stuff. Space Marine, both Imperial and Chaos, helmet packs are being released for modifying the Artemis model. A Genestealer is also due for release later this year. A female daemon hunter and a Pariah are also coming out soon, as well as an unbound Daemonhost. Lots of Chaos stuff is being worked on and planned, as Chaos is the Imperium's main enemy. Also coming are some "campaign packs", which will include background and ideas for running campaigns set in different parts of the galaxy.


Blood Bowl


Four new teams are about ready to go for Blood Bowl, including a High Elf team (with cheerleaders), an Ogre team, Nurgle's Rotters (a Chaos team), and a Khemri team.




New Amazon warband is on the way, as well as a Merchant. There will also be a major supplement in the form of an official setting for Mordheim, centered on the Empire and the many dangers within it at the time of Mordheim.


Necromunda Redux


Necromunda Redux is being released next summer, with new metal gangers for both Orlocks and Goliaths. The book will be hardcover and contain both of the original books. The hive terrain will be sold in a separate terrain pack. All gangs are on the line to have their current models replaced with newer models that have their weapons separate from the models, allowing gamers to customize their gangers more easily.


Forge World


Forge World has a lot of new kits and add-ons on the way for Warhammer 40K. A Kroot beast is joining the Tau ranks, along with a new Barracuda and Tigershark variant, as well as more Kroot beasts. The Imperial Guard will see two new skimmers (like transport and attack helicopters), more Chimera variants, a new Leman Russ hull, Mole, Termite, Thunderbolt, and more. Eldar will be getting the Firestorm finally, while Dark Eldar are going to be getting a heavy skimmer. Chaos sees the completion of the Rhino and Land Raider door sets, some vehicle upgrades, Dreadnought variations, large Chaos Spawn, and even a flyer and some Daemon Engines. Orks will get a smaller Squiggoth, kits for more looted vehicles (similar to the Looted Rhino kit), and a Flak Wagon. Sisters are getting a SOB-specific Rhino, and have already seen the release of FW kits for the Repressor, Exorcist, and Immolator. Space Marines will have chapter-specific Dreadnought armour, Predator ablative armour, and variants of the Whirlwind, Razorback, and Thunderhawk (to go with the two Thunderhawks already done...). A pre-heresy Warhound, Chaos Warhound, and Eldar Revenant Titan are lined up for the next year and a half. And after the release of Imperial Armour Update, FW will release a massive book featuring all kinds of information on the vehicles, including fluff, technical drawings, cutaways, etc.


Electronic Games


Warhammer Online is set for release in Spring 2004, and is going to look very good by the time it's released. With a sooner release date, Fire Warrior is being released some time next year for both the PC and Playstation 2. It will be a first-person shooter placing you in the role of a Tau Fire Warrior, and even includes a trip on an Imperial planet and through an Imperial warship.




Khemri is close to being released, with all of its models done. These models include Skeletons (box of 20), Skeleton Cavalry (box of 8), Khemri Chariots (box of 3), Ashutabi, new Mummies, Carrion, Screaming Skull Catapult, Casket of Souls, Bone Giant, and swarms. It should be out within the next two or three months.




The Lizardmen are already underway, with Brian Nelson sculpting them. Already on display at GDUK were pieces from the multi-part Saurus kit, and a WIP Slann model, which obviously was far from completion. The book is scheduled for release shortly after Khemri, and will contain lists for "normal" Lizardmen armies from Lustria, and Southlands Lizardmen armies, which will be mostly Skinks.


Other Warhammer Works


The next books after the Khemri and Lizardmen are Wood Elves and Beasts of Chaos. The Wood Elves are already being worked on, and have a Warhawk-riding hero that was on display at GDUK. Bretonnians are also lined up for a release in the next three books, and may see a release before one of the preceding army books, depending on how fast the work is done.


Eye of Terror


Codex: Eye of Terror is more interesting, now that the four army lists included have been announced. They will be an Ulthwe anti-Chaos army, a Lost Company of Space Wolves, the Cadian Imperial Guard, and hordes of Chaos (cultists, renegades, beastmen, etc.). The Cadians will have some of the abilities that are included in the re-write of the Imperial Guard codex, which in the IG codex will allow you to tailor your troops.


Daemon Hunters


The Daemon Hunters models are coming along very well, and have mostly been painted up. New Grey Knights in Terminator and power armour are ready, as are many new Inquisitors, Death Cult assassins, Zealots, familiars, servo-skulls, Daemonhosts, and all kinds of other aid for the Inquisitors. The Grey Knights will also be able to requisition aid from other Imperial forces, and have a special group of Storm Troopers they can call on. The rumors circulating about the Daemon Hunters' abilities should widely be ignored until the book's release, as there are two many abilities being heaped onto the Daemon Hunters for them all to be real.


Forge World and Fanatic


Forge World and Fanatic has a huge line-up for the upcoming year.  Included in its new releases are the following:

Showcase Series:

  • Malus Darkblade
  • Chaos Marine Bust

Warhammer 40,000:

  • Tau Barracuda
  • Tau Walker
  • 40K-size Heirodule and Harridan
  • 40k-size Reaver Titan
  • Land Speeder Variants
  • Two Thunderhawks - Troop Transport and Vehicle Transport
  • Black Templar Land Raider add-on kit
  • Tau Vehicle Upgrade Kits
  • Ork Squiggoths
  • Chimera Interior Detail Kit
  • Shadowsword Assault Tank
  • Thunderbolt Fighter
  • Rhino Variants
  • SOB Vehicle Conversion Kits
  • Tank Aces
  • Chaos Dreadclaw Assault Boat
  • Land Raider Multiple Missile Launcher Upgrader
  • Armoured Land Speeder with missile launchers and assault cannon
  • Tau Devilfish Variants


  • Demiurg Stronghold Class Ship
  • Eldar Lightning Light Cruiser
  • Eldar Transports
  • Tau Fleet
  • Dark Eldar Fleet

Epic 40,000:

  • Epic Reaver Titan
  • Epic Warhound Titan
  • Epic Leman Russ Variants


  • Kashrak the Bounty Hunter
  • Booster Packs of Heads and Weapons


  • Dark Elf Army
  • Vampire Counts Army
  • New Chaos Units
  • New Empire Units

Blood Bowl:

  • Thrudd (with old strips in the Journal!)
  • New Boxed Set with main rules and Death Zone


  • New Gang, Unknown, in April
  • New Terrain in June
  • Gorkamorka Supplement


New Space Hulk


Space Hulk will be receiving a new edition in a couple of years.  It will be written by the Studio rather than Fanatic.


New Chaos for 40K and WHFB


Chaos will be getting a lot of new stuff in both Warhammer and Warhammer 40,000.

For 40K, they'll be receiving a plastic Chaos Marine boxed set, which will be used as a base for upcoming legion-based squad boxes (including Emperor's Children and Iron Warriors, who will be in Index Astartes I).  The Chaos codex will be revised to "fix" the list, with some alterations as well as adding in the new rules for Cultists, Cult Terminators, and Daemon Princes.

In WHFB, there will be two books released in the next year or two, including Warhammer Armies: Chaos and Realm of Chaos.  Warhammer Armies: Chaos will include rules for Chaos Warrior armies, and Realm of Chaos will include rules for Daemon armies and fighting in the Realm of Chaos.  To go with these books, there will be new plastic Chaos Knights, plastic Marauders and mounted Marauders, new Plaguebearers, and new heads for the Bloodthirster, Lord of Change, and Keeper of Secrets.




The Necrons will be seeing a lot of new and upgraded models with the release of their codex (which will be done in the 64-page background-heavy format that the Tau codex used), and will be released around April/May 2002.  The C'tan will also be in the codex, but only a few of them, though they'll be featured more in the future.  The background includes some information on the Necron/C'tan relationship.  Also on the way are some new ship for Battlefleet Gothic, such as the new Shroud light cruiser, and an Epic 40,000 army that won't be around for another year and a half or so.  A basic run-down of the new 40K models for Necrons follows:
  • New Lords
  • Plastic Warriors
  • New Immortals
  • Plastic Destroyers, modified to have a "floating centaur" look
  • C'tan - VERY powerful, model looks like a giant floating "ghost"
  • Monoliths - Awesome strong transports that teleport in
  • Flayed Ones - fleshed, "undead" creatures with four claws on each arm
  • Bodyguard for Lords
  • Wraiths - look like floating torso, arms, and skull, with tail-like spine; will be nasty in HTH
  • Pariahs(?) - "Second-generation" Necrons with close combat weapons
  • Tomb Spider - releases Scarabs

The new Lords, Warriors, and Immortals all use a plastic green "tube" that you'll insert in their gauss weapons after painting the model.


Codex Battlezone: Dark Sidews


The next Codex Battlezone book, using the same format as the current Cityfight book, will include rules for fighting in space, including boarding actions against ships and stations, as well as rules for no atmosphere and zero-gravity.


Index Xenos


Index Xenos will be showing up in White Dwarf and in a series of books just like Index Astartes.  Not only will it cover the main races (starting already with the Tau), but it will also cover new races, some of the "minor" races in the 40K universe.


Codex Inquisition/Agents of the Imperium


One of the codices planned for the future for 40K will include Inquisition-based armies, as well as possible separate armies for Adeptus Arbites and possibly Sister of Battle, though it's more likely the SOBs will be left to the current Chapter Approved army list.  Included in the codex are Grey Knights, Arbites, Conscripts, and Deathwatch, with other units.  It will also herald the release of new models for the Arbites and Grey Knights, including the possibility of finally seeing Grey Knights in power armour.


Eldar Revision and New Models


The Eldar codex will be getting a revision in the near future, though it won't be a great change.  Also, they'll be receiving a new Farseer or Warlock model with a Witchblade, as well as a plastic Wave Serpent kit.  Exodites and Harlequins will be appearing in the future as well, the only reason for their tardiness being that Jes Goodwin, the preferred sculptor for these two armies, is currently busy with other projects.


Index Astartes I


Index Astartes I will include extra rules and background for the Emperor's Children, Dark Angels, White Scars, and Iron Warriors, as well as all of the extra Space Marine background articles, such as the "Making of a Space Marine".  Three more Index Astartes books will be released annually, covering the First Founding chapters and legions.  Each book will be released with new miniatures for the chapters included.   The following miniatures will be released alongside Index Astartes I:
  • Emperor's Children - Plastic squad with mutations, heads, and extras
  • Dark Angels - Plastic squad (inc. plasma cannon), Veteran Sergeants, LE Master
  • White Scars - Bike squad boxed set
  • Iron Warriors - Plastic Chaos Marines

Dark Angels will also be getting a major revision in Chapter Approved.


Imperial Armour 3


Imperial Armour 3 will follow the trend set by IA2 and took yet another new route: Space Marines and Sisters of Battle.  It will include new Rhino variants, Land Raider variants, Land Speeder variants, and SOB vehicle variants.


Imperial Guard


Coming up for the Imperial Guard are new regimental boxes, but not very soon.  Within the next year, there will be a command squad and basic infantry squad box for the Tanith I, aka Gaunt's Ghosts.  Coming in another two years or so will be the much-talked about plastic Cadians.




The Skaven army book will be coming out once the High Elves are done.  The army book will include many new rules.  In terms of models, the Skaven will be receiving new models in the form of the Ratling Cannon and Warp Lightning Cannon.  Also, there will be new models for Rat Ogres, Warp Fire Throwers, Giant Rats, the Screaming Bell, Jezzails, Rat Swarms, Engineers, Pack Masters, and Assassins - basically the entire line!


High Elves


The High Elves are the next army being released for Warhammer, with a totally new set of models.  The most stunning new model will be a new Tyrion.  Plastics will be done for Spearmen, Archers, Silver Helms, and Sea Guard.  The other models are very clean looking, and similar to Dark Elves while being very different, as shown by the Repeater Bolt Thrower.  Maiden Guard will be getting no rules in the army book, but will be given optional rules on the Games Workshop website.


War of the Beard


White Dwarf will be running articles covering the infamous War of the Beard.  Not only will their be background articles, but there will also be complete army lists for the period, which will include powerful mages and dwarven runes, Dragon Princes riding small dragons, and other powerful items and units.  This will be offset by the fact that the two army lists can only be used against each other.


Wood Elves


Wood Elves are quite a ways off, so GW will be giving us a preview in White Dwarf soon.   This preview list will have an emphasis on small units, guerrilla style warfare, and the Wood Elves' unity with nature.


Books of the Astronomican


The upcoming Codex: Chapter Approved s subtitled The Second Book of the Astronomican, and for good reason. Games Workshop plans to release future compilations of Chapter Approved articles and updated 40K material annually, titling each a Book of the Astronomican. The next book, coming in 2002, is The Third Book of the Astronomican, then The ourth Book of the stronomican in 2003, and so on.


Codex Battlezone


Codex Battlezone is the title of a series of books scheduled for release for 40K. These books will contain rules for fighting battles in a certain terrain setting, as well as army list additions and changes, scenarios, modelling ideas, and more.  The first in this series is Cityfight, which is being released later this year.


Index Astartes


Index Astartes will be published in the next few issues of White Dwarf until it reaches the end of the First Foundings, after which it will be taking a break. The First Founding articles will be published in an upcoming supplement titled Index Astartes: First Founding, with further Index Astartes volumes coming when IA picks up again in WD. While Index Astartes is on break, Index Xenos will be taking its place, with articles covering the background of the alien races in the 40K universe.   These articles will also be making an appearance in an upcoming volume title Index Xenos (of course).


Future Codices


As you've heard by now, Codex Tau is the next codex being released for 40K. It will be larger than the current cdices, at 64 pages. After the Tau will come Codex Necrons and possibly Codex Sisters of Battle (also titled Codex Apocalypse and Codex Wars of Faith in some rumours). The Harlequins will be getting an update in the next Citadel Journal (44), and will make it onto the GW site, but it is unknown when they will be done as an actual codex, if ever. The same uncertanty applies to the Exodites, Adeptus Mechanicus, and Genestealer Cults, as well as the upcoming Adeptus Arbites. However, the current (or upcoming) versions will be considered official.


Updated Codices


According to the designers, 40K will be received updated codices in the semi-near futures, as soon as all of the 'major' codices are finished. First among these will be the Space MArines, Chaos Space Marines, and Dark Eldar. These updates will fix some wording, update rules to match the latest interpretations and changes, and update or add army selections (such as the new rules for Chaos Daemon Princes, Cultists, and Cult Terminators). The mini-dexes will be redone as well, eliminating the need for a 'parent' codex. The main codices will all be increased to 64 pages in size, with th e'mini-dexes' becoming 48 pages.


Sisters of Battle


While the Sistes of Battle have recently received an update to thier army list in the upcoming Codex Chapter Approved, that is all they'll be getting in the near future. The Sisters have been put on the back burner "indefinitely", due to a lack of ideas for their future development. Games Workshop's designers are concerned about the appearance the Sisters have as weak female Space Marines, and so they will be doing all they can to change this image. For now, the CA army list should help, as first reports from gamers using it indicate that the list is pretty good, with a small weakness in HTH fighting.


Plastic Cadians


The official word has come down that there will be plastic Cadians made for the Imperial Guard. However, they will not be produced for another year or two, so don't hold your breath waiting for them. This comes as a surprise to some people, who had believed they will never be done due to a comment made by Gavin Thorpe in response to queries about the Cadians.


New Rhino


The new version of the Rhino is being designed already. The plan is to make the Rhino larger, bringing it more in line with the Land Raider. The Rhino and Land Raider kits will be somewhat interchangable, with hatches and more being usable on both.  No word on how this will affect the price of the Rhino or its variants.


Forgeworld Future Releases


There are a lot of upcoming releases from Forge World. First up is the upcoming Imperial Armour II, available for purchase  later this month. Models scaled for 40K include a new Dark Eldar flyer, the Eldar Phoenix and Vampire, a Chimera Interior kit, two Thunderhawks (Rhino transport and 30-Marine Transport), Chaos Marine drop pods, and even a Warlord Titan with a very detailed head and a separate fiber-optics kit. The Collector Series models will soon include an Ork Nob in Mega-Armour.  Some urban terrain is also being produced to go with the release of Cityfight.


Inquisitor Releases


Upcoming releases for Inquisitor are being done by Fanatic.  The next models line up for release include a Chrono Warrior, a Valhallan, a Cadian, Simeon 38 (Arcoflagellant), another Deacon (Ecclesiarchy character), Emmissary Fabian (Mutant), Krashrak the Stalker, and the Warhammer Monthly stars Kal Jerico and Scabbs.


Old Novels Coming Back


The original Warhammer and Warhammer 40,000 novels are making a comeback, thanks to Black Library. All of the older novels will be released, from Bill King's Deathwing to Jack Yeovil's and Bian Craig's Warhammer novels, and even Ian Watson's Inquisitor Trilogy.


Upcoming Releases


The following is a list of upcoming releases from GW:
  • Warmaster Lizardmen (September)
  • Empire Steam Tank (Late 2001)
  • Inquisitor: Kal Jerico, Scabs (July)
  • Inquisitor Terrain


Warhammer 40,000 4th Edition


Warhammer 40,000 4th Edition is currently being worked on by Games Workshop.  It will simply be an updated version of the 3rd edition rules, with all of the current codices being usable.  There are going to be a few changes, based on the reaction to some polls run by GW testing the gamers' thoughts on rules changes.


Warhammer Annual


Warhammer Annual is going to be coming out yearly, starting later this years.  According to Gav Thorpe, "Its a compilation of WD material with some new stuff thrown in and an official Q&A and corrections section."


Upcoming Inquisitor Articles


Says Gav Thorpe about upcoming Inquisitor rules and articles:

"There's a lot more 'tween game stuff coming out in WD over the next few months, including expanded injuries and recovery, plus experience and training. I've also written a series of articles about creating a setting for your games, which hopefully contains useful pointers and ideas."


High Elves


Gav Thorpe gives some information on the upcoming High Elves army book:

"The High Elves army is one of the longest established lists in Warhammer, and we're not monkeying around with it that much, and certainly we're not dropping any of the traditional troop types.

The release is planned towards the end of the year, although we never make exact prmises – you never know when the printers are going to blow up or the editorial team suffer an outbreak of Venusian 'flu.



Cannon Rules Changes


Again, Gav Thorpe gives us the skinny on upcoming rules changes:

"The cannon rules will be altered slightly in the forthcoming Warhammer Chronicles Annual and the Arcane Lore being printed within the annual will take into this adjustment."


Dan Abnett Novels


Dan Abnett, author of the Gaunt's Ghosts novels, has quite a few books lined up for release:
  • Gaunt's Ghosts #4: Honour Guard (August)
  • Eisenhorn #2: Malleus (December)
  • Eisenhorn #3: Hereticus (Spring 2002)
  • Gaunt's Ghosts #5 (May 2002)

Also lined up for release is a limited edition diorama featuring Gaunt and Corbec of Gaunt's Ghosts, available in August.  Rumours also suggest a Tanith Ghosts boxed set for 40K IG players sometime in 2002.


Imperial Armour 2


Imperial Armour 2, featuring new vehicles for Orks, Eldar, and Dark Eldar, will be available at the US Games Day.  It will be available for general release at the Black Library Open Day on July 15th, and then through Mail Order July 16th.


Bretonnians Preview List


The Bretonnians will be having a preview army list printed in the UK WD 261, and in the US WD 260.  This will be an experimental list, just like the Lizardmen.


Dark Shadows Magic Items


The Dark Shadows campaign will not only make a difference to the future of the Warhammer world, it will also herald some new magic items for the winning races/armies.  Says Gav:

"The 'winning' armies of the campaign will indeed be getting a new magic toy or two to add to their armoury. These magic items are set, they're ancient artefacts from the days of the Old Ones, not tailored to particular armies (though we'll bear it in mind when we're dishing them out)."


Chicago GT


The Chicago GT is now over and both GW and Newwave have reports up on their sites:


Vampire Counts Special Characters


Many of the old Vampire Counts special characters have been updated to 6th edition rules.  Check them out at the links below:


Inquisitor Web Site


There is now a campaign up at the Inquisitor web site, as well as some other changes.  Look for more to come!


News on Some Old Favorites


Jervis Johnson had a few words to say about the possibility of bringing back some of the "classic" games GW has made:

"Man-O-War: We've no plans to re-release Man-O-War. *However*, Rick Priestley is very keen to expand the ship rules in Warmaster into a fully fledged set of fleet combat rules, so 'Man-O-Warmaster' is coming up on the horizon. Before people get too excited, I should say it will take a couple of years before we properly get round to this project, but we are working away on it.

Space Hulk: Another classic game, remembered just as fondly by the people who helped develop and playtest it as the players that love it. Although Fanatic is not working on a new edition of this classic game, my sources in the Studio say that plans are afoot there to release a new edition of the game. Watch out for more news about this over the coming months."


Baltimore GT 2001 Pics


Jimmy Murphy's uploaded some images from the Baltimore GT 2001.  There's some pictures of fully painted Inquisitor models included for people to check out.


40K CCG Press Release

3-25-01 has a press release announcing the agreeement of Sabretooth Games to do a 40K CCG.  This looks like good news for the card game fans who play 40K.


Warhammer Online Preview


Eurogamer's put up some images from the upcoming Warhammer Online, with a special preview.  The game looks good, at least in terms of graphics.


Sydney GT 2001 Pics


Check out the following site for pictures from the Sydney GT 2001, including pictures of upcoming Dark Elf and Inquisitor models.


Inquisitor Web Site


The following two sites take you to GW's Inquisitor site.  The site is "password protected", but the Flash intro provides you everything you need to get the password.  There isn't much there yet, but what's there does seem promising.


Inquisitor Product Line


The below listing includes the Inquisitor product line and prices, as released by GW to retail stores.
Name: Inquisitor Rulebook
List Price: 39.99

Name: Deathwatch Marine
List Price: 24.99

Name: Damien 1427
List Price: 19.99

Name: Preacher Joseph
List Price: 19.99

Name: Inquisitor Eisenhorn
List Price: 24.99

Name: Delphan Gruss
List Price: 19.99

Name: Quovandius
List Price: 19.99

Name: Inquisitor Covenant
List Price: 24.99

Name: Slick Devlan
List Price: 19.99

Name: Duke von Castellan
List Price: 19.99

Name: Witch Hunter Tyrus
List Price: 24.99

Name: Churabael
List Price: 19.99

Name: Security Enforcer Barbarata
List Price: 19.99

Name: Sevrina Devout
List Price: 19.99

Name: Sergeant Stone
List Price: 19.99

Name: Devotee Mailcant
List Price: 19.99

Name: Inquisitor Terrain Piece
List Price: 29.99


Lord of the Rings Product Line


The Lord of the Rings Product Line press release has been uploaded to the GW site.  To view it, click on the link below.


More Special Character Updates


You can check out the latest two special character updates for WHFB 6th edition below.  They are Boris Todbringer for the Empire and King Kazador for the Dwarfs.


Alessio Cavatore Chat


The next scheduled chat on the GW site is with Alessio Cavatore.  Check the link below for details.


Andy Chambers Chat Transcript


The chat with Andy Chambers went through successfully, and you can find the full transcript at the link below.


New Baneblade


A new Baneblade model has been released by GW.  The price is high, but the model looks pretty good.


Blood Bowl 4th Edition Rules on GW Site


Games Workshop has uploaded the 4th Edition Blood Bowl rules to their website for people to download.  You can get them at the following URL.


40K Interactive Army List Upgrades


Games Workshop has released new armies for the 40K Interactive Army List program.  You can check out this program and download the new armies at the following URL.  You have to pay for the program, but army upgrades are free.


Canadian Battle Tour


Games Workshop has set up a site for people to find information about the upcoming Canadian Battle Tour.  Check it out at the following URL:


New Warhammer Fantasy Special Characters


Some of the older Warhammer special characters are getting rules for Warhammer 6th edition.  The rules are currently exclusive to the GW website.  Check them out in the Warhammer section:


New Felix and Gotrek


Felix and Gotrek have now been brought up to 6th edition WHFB rules on the GW US site.  You can also find a special deal for ordering the new models for the two characters.


Stand and Fire - Trial Rule


A new trial rule for 40K is being presented on the GW US website, titled "Stand and Fire".  Check it out and let GW know what you think.


GW Online Community is Launched!


Games Workshop has created its own online community.  It currently has links to some of the many GW sites on the net, as well as a multitude of forums.  The community promises to offer free e-mail, website hosting, player registry, and more.


Games Workshop Launches Redesigned Website


Games Workshop has redone their site and now offers a lot more information and useful stuff on it.  Be sure to check it out.  The new layout is nice, but is a tad slow.


Armageddon3 Site Update


The official Armageddon3 site is now fully open.  Registration is open, and Spain and Italy are already sending in results.  The rest of the world goes live August 1st.


Fanatic Games


Fanatic Press is being redesigned as Fanatic Games.  They will be able to support all GW games outside of WHFB and 40K, and are even allowed to commission GW and non-GW sculptors to create new figures for the new rules.  All of Fanatic's work will be official.  For more information, check out:


GW Screw-Up At Chicago


Games Workshop made a major screw-up out of the Chicago WHFB GT Results.  Read the story and the reactions straight from the people who went.


GW Mail Order Getting Mixed Reviews on the Net


Games Workshop's Mail Order service has been getting mixed reviews on the Net recently.  Some are good, but most are, at best, critical of GW's service.  Read the reviews here.


Eldar Scorpion Super Heavy Grav Tank Available


The Eldar Scorpion Grav Tank is now available through Forge World Mail Order from the Forge World site:


Leman Russ available from GW!


Leman Russ is now available through GW Mail Order, for $13.25 US.  Unfortunately, still no Geri and Freki available, but for all who missed out on the opportunity to buy this remarkable figure years ago it is a great chance to get it.


Warhammer Online


Games Workshop is working on Warhammer Online, an online system where people can play games of Warhammer over the Internet.


Bloodquest Movie


Exile Films is making a Bloodquest movie based on the Warhammer Monthly comic, to be appearing on television in 2000 or 20001.


Games Workshop's 25th Anniversary


Games Workshop is having its 25th anniversary celebration May 20th and 21st.  For the celebration they will be offering limited edition Emperor's Champion blisters and Heroes of the Adeptus Astartes boxed sets.

The Emperor's Champion will be released in blister form on May 20th and 21st, to celebrate GW's 25th anniversary.  It will only be available those two days in Games Workshop stores, possibly in independent stores for a limited time as well.

Also being released for the 25 Anniversay (under the same circumstances - limited time only) is the Heroes of the Adeptus Astartes boxed set.  This set will be $39.99 US and contain the following:

  • Lord Dante
  • Marneus Calgar
  • Logan Grimnar
  • Azrael (and Helmet Bearer)
  • SM Captain from the Command Squad
  • Special Edition SM Captain from the SE 40K boxes
  • The Emperor's Champion

According to Tim Huckelberry, neither will be available via Mail Order.


GW Stocks Drop


Games Workshop Stocks have dropped recently due to some loss of profits.  Check out GW's Investor Relations for more information.