Chapter History:

In the Third Founding, the Eternal Warriors were created.  They were created as a Successor Chapter using the geneseed of the Storm Lords. They have a natural ferocity that comes from a combination of their geneseed and the world they inhabit, Nespis VIII, located in the Segmentum Obscurus.

Nespis VIII was once a beautiful world, full of lush jungles and beautiful oceans. During the millenia following the Horus Heresy, though, this all changed. In 457.M33, a fleet of Chaos warships, twisted and mutated, came out of warp space in such a rush that the Eternal Warriors were caught off guard.

The Chaos fleet attacked Nespis VIII, the only life-supporting planet in the Nespis system, with unseen fury. They destroyed the orbiting space docks and fleet before the Eternal Warriors had a chance to prepare for the attack. The Chaos fleet took up orbit around the planet, and sent wave after wave of Marines to take it.

The Eternal Warriors had been given enough time to prepare for the ground assault, though, and had taken up heavily fortified positions all over the planet. The Traitor Marines landed on the planet and were immediately attacked by the Eternal Warriors Marines. The Eternal Warriors, outnumbered 3 to 1, evened the odds with their ferocity in fighting against the Traitors. After a week-long planet-wide battle, the Eternal Warriors eventually won, but at a great loss to the chapter.

All across the planet, fortresses laid in ruins, monasteries and chapels were turned into smoking craters, and rubble was all that was left of many of the towns and villages on the planet. The Chapter had lost its entire 3rd, 4th, 7th, and 9th companies, and all of the other companies had been hit hard, too.

Sensing that they had been defeated once again, the Chaos fleet began to bombard the planet with their ships' weapons. They called to their Gods for assistance in destroying the Loyal Marines, and a gigantic warp storm opened up right over Nespis VIII. The Chaos fleet, having already been weakened, fled from the warp storm to the Eye of Terror.

The warp storm was not a very strong one, but it still had lasting effects on the planet. The mutating power of the Warp started twisting the planet's features, and moved entire tectonic plates.

On the surface, men were driven mad as they watched mountains flow as if they were rivers, and buildings twist into the shapes of Chaos Daemons. Earthquakes spread across the planet's surface, creating new mountain ranges and tearing down the creations of Man on the planet. The planet's surface moved and writhed as if it were a living creature, and the Chaos Gods smiled at the destruction they had wrought.

The warp storm eventually subsided, but it had left its marks on the surface of the planet. Where there had once been mountains now stood horrendous creations of Chaos. The mountains had been twisted and disfigured into shapes of Daemons or other Chaos creatures, and were there had once been Man-made caves for mining there were Daemonic faces, their twisted features in expressions ranging from pleasure to hatred and pain. The forests of the planets had been burned and had become deserts. Buildings had been melted and reshaped into forms of creatures and other things unbearable to view. The planet had been changed from a paradise into a virtual hell, with great rents in the ground spewing lava up to 50 feet into the air, and only a small amount of plants on the surface.

Many men soon died after the planet's reshaping, driven mad by the shapes formed by the mountains and buildings, or simply vanishing into the night. The towns and fortresses of the planet were rebuilt, but little did the people know of the true extent of the power of the warp storm. Soon after the buildings were rebuilt, strange occurrences began to happen in the towns. People spoke in hushed tones of strange sightings, of whispers in the dark, and of hideous sounds coming from the air. an unnatural cold seemed to have settled on the planet's surface, even though volcanoes seemed to be everywhere. The people became afraid of their own world, for it had become haunted and twisted completely by the forces of Chaos.

New towns were built, surrounding the fortresses of the Eternal Warriors. Wards created by the Inquisition were set up around these towns and fortresses, keeping the mutations of Chaos at bay. The entire civilization of the planet lived in shielded towns, the awesome fortresses of the Eternal Warriors standing in the center. After many long years of toil and constant vigilance the planet was finally cleared of the last traces of Chaos's corruption, but the damage to the environment was already done. Fell beasts walked the land, and the very plants themselves were now predators, all striving for survival in a hostile world. There are now mutated beasts walking the land that are monstrous and deadly in the extreme, against this Man struggles for survival.

The Eternal Warriors chapter was soon rebuilt, and the 1st company was rebuilt of the best troops from the other companies that had survived. Fresh troops filled the ranks of the other companies, and the four lost companies were rebuilt. The veterans of the company became hardened warriors, and they lost all fear of Chaos and its myriad forms. The entire chapter gained a hatred towards all followers of Chaos, and any who would turn from the path of the Emperor of Mankind.

When the chapter had been brought back to full strength, it was decided that they would be used primarily against Chaos, rooting out heretics and cultists wherever they can be found in the Segmentum Obscurus. The Eternal Warriors are almost always found working closely with the Ecclesiarchy and the Inquisition, and other Marine chapters such as the Iron Templars and the Space Wolves who have had experience battling the forces of Chaos. The Eternal Warriors have destroyed many Chaos forces and Cults, and the threat of their use has stopped more than a few rebellions from even starting.


Colour Scheme:

The Eternal Warriors wear black armour with red trim on their shoulder pads.   Their helmets are also red.  They display their company colour on their Imperial Eagles (on the armour).  Squad numbers are displayed on the right shoulder pad, while the chapter symbol of an iron cross with an "E" is displayed on the left should pad.

The members of the Death Stalkers paint their army totally red with black shoulder pad trim and helmets, a reversal of the normal armour colours.  They bear no squad numbers, instead bearing their sergeant's name on their right shoulder pad.  Their left should pad displays only a grim Death's Head.  The Imperial Eagle is painted black.


The Death Stalkers:

The Death Stalkers are some of the few survivors of the original 1st company. They get their name from the days of the Chaos invasion, when they were seen stalking the fields of the dead, searching for any Traitor Marines that may have survived the Eternal Warriors' counterattack. They are known for their love of personal combat. The Death Stalkers preferred Power Swords, because the shimmering blue power field around the weapon often makes the superstitious Chaos Cultists even more afraid of these savage warriors. Many of them have retained the use of their power swords to this day for that reason.

Chapter Organization:

The Eternal Warriors use the standard Codex Astartes chapter organization.   However, there are two notable differences.

The first company of the Eternal Warriors chapter is called the Watchers, and is made up of the Chapter's leaders.  The structure of the first chapter is similar to the Dark Angels' Deathwing, with the exception that Veteran Squads may be equipped with either power armour or Terminator Armour.  Chapter Master Karl Haken commands the Watchers whenever the company goes to war.

The second company of the Eternal Warriors chapter consists only of the Death Stalkers, the Marines who became known as such when they hunted down the last bits of Chaos on Nespis VIII.  The entire company is made up of Marines dedicated to hunting down Chaos and wiping out its minions.  The Marines who take on the role of the Death Stalkers are usually those who had been driven mad in their lust to destroy Chaos.   Chapter Master Haken is reluctant to order the entire company into battle because of this madness.


Chapter Motto:

"Eternal is our Duty, Eternal is our Vigilance, Eternal is our Vengeance."

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