by Mr. Bill

The Dwarves, working in secret with Empire scientists, develop a rocket powered launch vehicle. This vehicle is powerful enough to lift items out of the world’s atmosphere. The engineers and scientists overcome the many obstacles involved with near world space, vacuum, zero gravity, re-entry... Than one historic day a heroic Dwarf named Ian Gregar is the first being from the Old World in thousands of years in space. Doing not one but five orbits of the planet and successfully returning.

When the news spread, the Chaos Dwarves claimed they launched a dwarf into space weeks before Gregar’s flight. When asked to prove it they said it was secret information and no one could see it. Spies reported they were hard at work trying to launch a hobgoblin into orbit, but every attempt ended in the loss of the hobgoblin.

The High Elves said that what the Dwarves were doing was wrong. If the Gods wanted beings to travel to space they would have had the Elves do it.

The Wood Elves said, Cool.

The Brettonian stance was that space travel is not chivalrous.

The Skaven stayed quite about the situation, but Skaven Spies had been caught trying to steal information and components.

When asked the Orc officials said “UURGH, wut eez spaz?”

These first steps lead to greater scientific breakthroughs. The Skaven stole enough technology and artifacts of the Old Ones from the Lizards to construct a device to harness the power of the atom. Unfortunately for them most of their race was decimated when the device went off prematurely due to in-fighting amongst the clans about who would control it. After the fallout killed large parts of the world’s population, all the races agreed not to use the atom for weapons. Also the races agreed to combine their forces and remove the Skaven menace from the planet once and for all.

One side effect of the blast was that the Warp closed upon itself, removing the Chaos threat with it. As the winds of magic started to dissipate, magic started to disappear. The Elves started to study the mind and discovered psychic abilities, which they taught to man.

Before long Man, Dwarf, and Elf are colonizing the moons and other planets. Over time they reach out to the stars. Of course wherever anyone goes the Gobliniods follow.

The Lizards are content to stay on the planet and wait for the return of the Old Ones.


Proof that the Dwarves belong in space.