DEATH FROM SniperThe steaming jungle of Ulpor secondus exploded into a mealstrom of yelling and cursing. Ten heavily armed Jungle fighters stormed through the thick canopy, wildly hacking and slashing with their machetes. One of the jungle fighters was slung over the back of another, a strange alien disk protruding from his back. Sergeant Harrison, a well built grizzled veteran, barked orders at his men. "Where in the Emperors name did that damned thing come from?" he yelled. His men ignored him, as they carried on frantically chopping at the iron thick plants. "Brigs, you all right son?" he contiued. Brigs, the wounded guardsmen, gave a nod. He whinced as the sergeant yanked out the Sharp, metal disk. "Well, you did say you was alright, didn't 'ya?" questioned the sergeant. The rest of the guardsmen stopped chopping and looked at the strange object. It was the size of a palm, very thin and smooth. Rogers, the missile launcher firer, ran his finger along the disk. He tried to stop screaming as the disk glided through his finger with ease. The rest of the guardsmen laughed, Rogers never did like the sight of blood. A low, humming sound echoed throughout the jungle, the Jungle Fighters immediatley drew their lasguns and prepared to fight. "Its coming back, this time it shall die." Shouted Haines, the Grenade Launcher operator. All the guardsmen crouched down. The jungle canopy exploded into life once more as the vehicle descended. Spitting death from its huge cannon, situated on the underside of the strange contraption. Johnson and Hooka, two of the guardsmen, where struck with the strange weapons. The sharp disk tore straight threw Johnsons armour, as if it were nothing. Johnson looked down, and to the horror of him and the others, discovered a gaping hole in his stomach, the disk had torn straight through, seconds later he died. "Get me some god damned tank support." bellowed Harrison as he fired shot after shot at the Skimmer. "Where's Hooka, he was hit too." shouted Nirik, who was franticaly trying to evade a hail of disks. The remaining guardsmen looked around the dense jungle. Rortaz gave a scream before wretching violently, his eyes wide with fear pointed at a large tree. The guardsmen followed his gaze, their eyes also widening in terror. Thirty feet of the ground was Hooka, three jagged disks held him to the tree. He was stuck up there, massive tear marks and wounds covered his body, however, Hooka was still alive. There was no way of getting him down. Harrison strode up to the tree, levelled his Boltgun and fired of three shots. Hooka was dead, released from his his agonising prison. The low base sound apeared again, the guardsmen quaked in fear. The alien craft descended again from the skies. Spitting forth great disks of death. A few shots strayed past the craft as it flew past. Haines jumped into its path, it was to late for it to pull up. There was aloud "Click, Click" nothing came from the hideous cannon. One of the crew fumbled for its weapon. It was too late. "Thrice damn you, sons of evil." Roared Haines as he fired his grenade launcher. A loud Phwoom! echoed through the jungle, the grenade streaked onwards. BOOM!, the strange vehicle was hit. In a huge explosion, the two crew of the vehicles flew into the air. On fire, but not dead. They landed with a loud thud. One of the crew was set upon by the remaining Jungle Figters, wildly hacking it with their machetes. The other tried to crawl for its gun. Its hand outstreched, inches away from the alien object. Crack!, a heavy boot crushed the hand of the wounded alien, a hand closed around its throat as it was lifted high of the ground. Its helmet tumbled to the ground. Harrison spoke to the alien creature. "I don't know if you can hear me you pasty faced maggot." The strange creature knew exactly what he was saying. "We're here to protect the people of Ulpor Secondus from the likes of you, we are only doing our job." Black eyes stared at Harrison as he continue. "Anyway, thats the way I see it." Said Harrison as he gripped his Bolter. "Your a murdering F*** and deserve to die." Roared the sergeant as he leveled his gun to the aliens head and fired round after round into it, bright red blood sprayed out as the aliens head was torn from its body. "Come on lads, lets get home." finished Harrison. The guardsmen carried their fallen comrades back to base to be buried, from Harrisons belt hung two pouches of Eldar spirit stones, useless to him, but a great blow for the Eldar. In the distance, the fallen bodies were on fire, whilst their heads impaled onto large spikes.