CODEX: WHITE SCARSby JakeZ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Z Death of a PrimarchThe brave and valorous Jaghati Khan, surrounded by his best warriors, fought his way through to a chaos headquarters during the height of the Horus Heresy. Dozens of warp beasts and traitor marines died under the blade of justice and retribution. When the smoke had cleared, he found himself cut off from his men, and soon to be surrounded by countless daemons and traitor marines. Upon his death, brilliant flames burst from his body to destroy all of the warped chaos minions that surrounded him. The flames surrounding the fallen Primarch continued to burn for hours after his death. So infused with rage was Jaghati when he died that his "Soul Flame" refused to die. The Emperor himself, so begrieved by the loss of such a fine general, did cup the flame in his bare hands and place it in a lantern. The flame has burned since as a constant reminder of the Primarch's loyalty and fiery temper. The now called "Eternal Flame", is housed on the Monastery Barge of "Constantius". During High ceremonies, and the induction of new marines, is the flame bought from the alter, and the soul of the long passed Primarch blesses us all. Emperor be Praised! Farewell VeteransIt was whilst patrolling the 'Kolarne Circle' a densely packed cluster of systems, very close to the Ork warlord's that things started going wrong. The warp driven teleporters were constantly malfunctioning. Hours before an intended surface raid. The entire Strike Craft "Storm Horizon", containing the 1st Company's Terminator marines, were lost to the warp. Even the Astropaths of Holy Terra were unable to locate the ship. Lost for all time it would seem. This led to the loss of many honored and brave veteran marines, and precious terminator suits. Since that time, they have been reluctant to bring the few suits left, out of the "Hall of Heroes" to take place in any battle. Ork Weirdboy interference is suspected, as is a massive chaos surge, but nothing can be proven. Every now and then, there are reportings of the "Storm Horizon" by outstations on the borders of the known universe. Only for it to disappear again before their very eyes moments later. Only the Emperor may know what happened on that fateful day. Only he may know what happened to the majority of the White Scar's 1st company. Perhaps the warp generator is still malfunctioning, phasing between this world, and the warp. Perhaps they are lost and trying to find the way home. Then again, perhaps the warp has tainted them into foul servants of chaos. We pray for death in the case of the later. Or more seriously, the Strike Craft's own machine spirit has succumbed to the callings of chaos. Forever trapping any survivors. Imperium salvage crews have been mobilized to the approximate position of four recent sightings. We may learn more in time. Machine PriestsThese marines are the Masters of practically anything mechanical. Some time ago, the Adeptus Mechanicus of Mars shared a very small amount of knowledge with the White Scar's for gratitude of a service they performed. It is reported that it was in appreciation for the defense of the Imperium from Tyranid 'Hive Fleet Behemoth.' This is true, in part. The real reason was that the White Scars helped them to defend Mars against a secret civil war from machines, that had been 'possessed' by Chaos. An advance form of robot they uncovered was modified and put into testing. These new machines of war, rather suddenly, broke ranks and developed it's own heirachy. Seeking to destroy all who were not of their own design, as the original program was intended. A White Scar cruiser was passing Saturn at the time on it's way to Holly Terra, when it picked up strange readings from Mars. Knowing how the Adeptus Mechanicus liked to be left alone, they only sent a small probe to orbit the planet. In the few seconds before it was destroyed by the planetary defense system, it picked up transmissions that were totally alien. With this justification they proceeded to land troops on the planet. Within hours, and after heavy casualties, the threat to Mars had been eliminated. Due to the undying thanks expressed by the Adeptus Mechanicus, and the word of the Commander that it would go no further, three Techmarines were taken on as apprentices for one year. These are the original Machine Priests. This knowledge has been invaluable to the force. There is one Priest per company. Change of TacticsWhen the White Scars eventually made the decision to become totally mobile, certain tactics were changed to fit in with that theme. For instance, Tactical Squads. Now Tactical squads, leave the heavy support to the vehicle mounted Devastators, attack bikes, speeders and tanks. Tactical squads, concentrated more on special weapons, rather than the whole squad to be held up by one marine firing a large weapon. This has greatly improved the overall tactical use for these troops. Scout squads were affected in a similar way. Scouts are now divided into two troop types. 'Storm Bringers' (Snipers) and ' Wind Runners.' Storm Bringers, use sniper rifles and heavy weapons, from good tactical positions. Laying down support fire for the main body of the force. They are responsible for assassination of key force commanders, as they present themselves as open targets. Wind Runners, are more your advance troops. With their fast movement and choice of weapons, they are responsible for reporting on troop, tank and commander location and are there to engage from flanks and rear when the main force arrives. InitiationNew recruits to the White Scars undergo horrific disfiguring during the initiation ceremony, and throughout their careers. When first recruited, a symbolic knife is used to cut the chapter symbol into the right upper arm. This is quickly seared shut by using the holy 'Eternal Flame' of the Primarch, Jaghati Khan. Those that make it through the induction process, and survive the ordeals of bio-engineering their bodies to be super-humans, are given the mark of Scouts. This brand, heated by the Eternal Flame is placed on the uppermost part of the left arm. When they become fully fledged White Scars, and are placed into Tactical squads the 'Mark of Devotion' is placed upon them. This takes the form of a long cut from forehead, over the nose, to the chin. This proud mark is then, as always, seared shut by the intense flame of their Primarch. During his lifetime, it is expected that he will be scarred or tattooed in many other ways for devotion to the chapter, promotion and units he has served in. By observing the body of a White Scar, you can tell exactly what part of the chapter he belongs to, and his entire history. It is said that the current Great Khan 'Temuchin,' is covered from head to foot in scars, cuts and tattoos. A truly remarkable and brave warrior. Each wound is worn like a trophy, with the greatest of pride and honour. Z I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Z
SPECIAL RULESThe White Scars are a highly mobile force that depends on lightning fast raids against the enemy instead of intense and long firefights. To show their lightning speed, all White Scars have been upgraded with an additional point of Initiative in their profile. All White Scars must be mounted in a Rhino, mounted in a Razorback, on a bike, have a jump pack, pilot a landspeeder, or be a scout. Since White Scars are so hard to stop once they gain momentum, they can not consolidate after they win an assault. They must advance. And They Shall Know no Fear White Scars automatically regroup as they fall back, even if the squad is reduced to less than 50% by casualties. If the enemy advances into them, the White Scars are not destroyed and the advancement of the enemy unit is treated as a sweeping advance. If the enemy do not advance into them, the White Scars are free to move, shoot, and assault normally in their following turn. Z I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Z RANGED WEAPONS
WHITE SCARS ARMOURY Character can have up to two single-handed weapons, or a single-handed weapon and a two-handed weapon. You may also pick 100 points worth of wargear per model, but no model may be given the same item twice. The full rules for Space Marine wargear may be found in the appendix. SINGLE-HANDED WEAPONS TWO-HANDED WEAPONS Bolt pistol 1 pt Bolter 2 pts Close combat weapon 1 pt Combi-weapons: Force weapon [Librarians only] 40 pts Bolter-flamer 10 pts Lighting Claw (single) 25 pts Bolter-grenade launcher 10 pts Lighting Claw (pair, two choices) 30 pts Bolter-plasma gun 15 pts Plasma pistol 15 pts Bolter-meltagun 15 pts Power fist 25 pts Storm bolter 5 pts Power weapon 15 pts Storm Shield 10 pts WARGEAR Artificer armour (independent characters only) 20 pts Auspex 2 pts Bionics 10 pts Chapter banner (Standard Bearer only) 60 pts Frag grenades 1 pt Iron Halo (one per army) 25 pts Jump pack (independent characters only) 20 pts Krak grenades 2 pts Lightning Banner (standard bearer only) 30 pts Narthecium (Apothecaries only) 25 pts Master-crafted weapon 15 pts Melta bombs 5 pts Psychic hood (Librarians only) 25 pts Purity Seals 5 pts Reductor (Apothecaries only) 5 pts Sacred flame (Standard Bearer or Chaplain only, one or less per army) 40 pts Servo-arm (Techmarines only) 15 pts Signum (Techmarines only) 15 pts Terminator honours 15 pts Thunder Lance (bike mounted characters only) 25 points White Scars bike (independent characters only) 35 pts VEHICLE UPGRADES Dozer blade 5 pts Extra armour 5 pts Hunter-killer missile 15 pts Pintle-mounted storm bolter 10 pts Searchlight 1 pt Smoke launchers 3 pts Z I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Z
HQWhite Scars KhanOptions: The Khan may be given any equipment from the White Scars Armoury. SPECIAL RULES Independent Character: Unless accompanied by a Honour Guard, a Khan is an independent character and follows all the Independent Character special rules in the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook. Command Squad: The Khan may be accompanied by a Honour Guard, see the Honour Guard squad entry for details. Note that the Khan and the Honour Guard squad count as a single HQ choice. Z I I I I I Z White Scars LibrarianOptions: The Librarian can be given any equipment allowed from the White Scars Armoury. SPECIAL RULES Independent Character: Unless accompanied by a Honour Guard, a Librarian is an independent character and follows all the Independent Character special rules in the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook. Psychic PowerDisplacement: The Librarian may attempt to use the Displacement power any time in the movement phase with no restrictions on Librarians movement. If successful, any White Scar unit within 4D6" (which may be his own) may be moved an additional 6" this turn with no effect on their shooting or their assault move. Note that this replaces the Librarians normal psychic power of Smite. Command Squad: The Librarian may be accompanied by a Honour Guard, see the Honour Guard squad entry for details. Note that the Librarian and the Honour Guard squad count as a single HQ choice. Z I I I I I Z White Scars ChaplainWeapons: Crozius arcanum and rosarius (cost included in points value). Options: The Chaplain can be given any equipment allowed from the White Scars Armoury. SPECIAL RULES Independent Character: Unless accompanied by a Honour Guard, a Chaplain is an independent character and follows all the Independent Character special rules in the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook. Command Squad: The Chaplain may be accompanied by a Honour Guard, see the Honour Guard squad entry for details. Note that the Chaplain and the Honour Guard squad count as a single HQ choice. Z I I I I I Z
ELITESWhite Scars Veteran Bike SquadronSquad: The Veteran Bike Squadron consists of one Sergeant and between three and eight Veterans riding bikes. Weapons: Each bike is fitted with twin linked bolters. Each Space Marine carries a bolt pistol. Options: Frag grenades (+1 points), Krak grenades (+2 points), Blind grenades (+2), and/or Melta bombs (+5 points) per model. Up to three models may replace their bolt pistols for flamer (+3), Meltagun (+10), Plasmagun (+6). Any model may carry a power weapon at a cost of +11 points per model and/or attach a Thunder Lance to their bike for +15 per model. Sergeant may have a Close Combat Weapon at +1 point. Terminator Honours: If lead by a veteran sergeant with Terminator Honours then the rest of the squad may take Terminator Honours at a cost of +10 points per model. Z I I I I I Z Light DreadnoughtType: Walker (even though it hops instead of walking) Weapons: Dread powerfist with built-in storm bolter. Choose one weapon from the following list for the other weapon: Plasma cannon +35, Assault Cannon +25, Twinlinked Lascannons +45, Twin Heavy Bolters +25, Multimelta +35, Twinlinked Autocannon +30, Missile Launcher +10 Options: The Light Dreadnought may be equipped with any of the following vehicle upgrades for the cost listed in the White Scars Armoury: extra armour, searchlight, or smoke launchers. No upgrade may be chosen more than once per Dreadnought. The storm bolter may be upgraded to a heavy flamer at a cost of +10 points SPECIAL RULES Moves like jump pack (ie. moves 12", assaults 6", ignores terrain unless begins or ends movement phase in difficult terrain, the roll D6. On a 1 it is immobilised instead of destroyed.) Z I I I I I Z
TROOPSTactical SquadsSquad: The squad consists of one Space Marine Sergeant and between four and nine Space Marines. Weapons: Bolters. The Sergeant may replace his bolter with a bolt pistol and close combat weapon at no extra points cost. Options: Up to two Space Marines in the squad may be armed with one of the following weapons: flamer at +6 points; meltagun at +10 points; plasma gun at +6 points. The entire squad may be given frag grenades at an additional cost of +1 point per model and krak grenades at an additional cost of +2 points per model. The Sergeant may be upgraded to a Veteran Sergeant at an additional cost of +15 points. Transport Vehicle: The entire squad must be in either a Rhino at an extra cost of +50 points or a Razorback at an extra cost of +70 points (see transport entry for upgrade options). Z I I I I I Z Bike SquadSquad: The squadron consists of one Space Marine Sergeant and between two to four Space Marines riding bikes. Weapons: Each bike is fitted with twin-linked bolters. Each Space Marine biker is armed with a bolt pistol. Options: Up to two Space Marines in the squad may be armed with one of the following weapons: flamer at +3 points; meltagun at +10 points; plasma gun at +6 points. At an additional cost of +2 points per model, the squad may be equipped with blind grenades. The Sergeant may be armed with a close combat weapon at +1 point. The Sergeant may be upgraded to a Veteran Sergeant at an additional cost of +15 points. Attack Bike: The squad may have an attack bike for +50 points. See Attack Bike entry. Z I I I I I Z Scout SquadSquad: The Scout squad consists of one Space marine Scout Sergeant and between four and nine Space Marine Scouts. Weapons: Bolt pistol and close combat weapon. Options: Any model in the squad may replace their bolt pistol and close combat weapon with a bolter or a shotgun at no additional points cost. The entire squad may be equipped with frag grenades at an additional cost of +1 point per model, krak grenades at an additional cost of +2 points per model, and blind grenades at an additional cost of +2 points per model. The Scout Sergeant can be upgraded to a Veteran Scout Sergeant at an additional cost of +13 points. Z I I I I I Z
TRANSPORTSRhinoType: Tank Crew: Space Marines Weapons: The Rhino is armed with a storm bolter. Options: The Rhino may be equipped with any of the following vehicle upgrades for the cost listed in the Space Marine Armoury: dozer blades, extra armour, hunter-killer missile, pintle-mounted storm bolter, searchlight, smoke launchers. Transport: The Rhino can carry up to ten Space marines in Power Armour. RazorbackType: Tank Crew: Space Marines Weapons: The Razorback is armed with twin-linked heavy bolters. Options: The Razorback may be equipped with any of the following vehicle upgrades for the cost listed in the Space Marine Armoury: dozer blades, extra armour, hunter-killer missile, pintle-mounted storm bolter, searchlight, smoke launchers. Transport: The Razorback can carry up to six Space marines in Power Armour. Z I I I I I Z
FAST ATTACKAssault SquadSquad: The squad consists of one Space Marine Sergeant and between four and nine Space Marines. Weapons: Bolt pistol, close combat weapons and frag grenades. The whole squad is equipped with jump packs. Options: The entire squad may be given frag grenades at an additional cost of +1 point per model and/or melta bombs at an additional cost of +4 points per model. Up to two models per squad may be equipped with plasma pistols at +5 points each. The Sergeant may be upgraded to a Veteran Sergeant at an additional cost of +15 points. SPECIAL RULES Deep Strike: Space Marine models with jump packs may Deep Strike. See the Jump Pack rules in the Wargear section. Z I I I I I Z Land Speeder SquadronSquad: Land speeders are fielded in squadrons of between one to three vehicles. Type: Fast, Skimmer. Note that the crew is wearing power armour, so the land speeder does not count as open-topped. Crew: Space Marines Weapons: Heavy bolter. Options: The heavy bolter can be upgraded to a multi-melta for an additional cost of +15 points. Z I I I I I Z Land Speeder TornadoType: Fast, Skimmer. Note that the crew is wearing power armour, so the land speeder does not count as open-topped. Crew: Space Marines Weapons: Heavy bolter plus a heavy flamer. Options: The heavy bolter can be upgraded to a multi-melta for an additional cost of +15 points, and the heavy flamer may be upgraded to an assault cannon at an additional cost of +10 points. Z I I I I I Z Land Speeder TyphoonType: Fast, Skimmer. Note that the crew is wearing power armour, so the land speeder does not count as open-topped. Crew: Space Marines Weapons: Heavy bolter plus a twin-linked Typhoon missile launcher. Options: The heavy bolter can be upgraded to a multi-melta for an additional cost of +15 points. Z I I I I I Z
HEAVY SUPPORTAttack Bike SquadronSquad: The squad consists of between one and three Space Marine Attack bikes. Weapons: Each bike is fitted with twin-linked bolters and a pintle-mounted heavy bolter. Each Space Marine rider has a bolt pistol. Options: Each attack bike can replace its heavy bolter with a multi-melta for +15 points. Z I I I I I Z PredatorType: Tank Crew: Space Marines Weapons: Predator is armed with one turrent-mounted weapon from the following list: twin-linked lascannon at +35 points or an autocannon at +15 points. Options: The Predator may be equipped with any of the following vehicle upgrades: dozer blades, extra armour, hunter-killer missile, pintle-mounted storm bolter, searchlight, smoke launchers. No upgrade may be chosen more than once per vehicle. Z I I I I I Z WhirlwindType: Tank Crew: Space Marines Weapons: The Whirlwind is armed with a turrent-mounted multiple missile launcher. Options: The Whirlwind may be equipped with any of the following vehicle upgrades: dozer blades, extra armour, hunter-killer missile, pintle-mounted storm bolter, searchlight, smoke launchers. No upgrade may be chosen more than once per vehicle. Z I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Z
Z I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Z APPENDIXWARGEARArtificer Armour Artificer armour is built by master craftsmen and offers even greater protection than a normal suit of Space Marine power armour. It may be taken as an upgrade for a model wearing power armour and increases the armours save to 2+. Auspex An auspex is a short-ranged scanner used by Space Marines to detect hidden enemy troops. If enemy infiltrators set up within 4D6" of a model with an auspex, then the model is allowed to take a free shot at them (or sound the alarm in a Raid scenario). If the model is part of a unit then the whole unit may shoot. These shots are taken before the battle begins, and may cause the infiltrators to fall back. The normal shooting rules apply. Bionics Bionics allow a Space Marine who has suffered a crippling injury to return to service, but are unlikely to improve or enhance his abilities. However, there is a chance an attack or shot will hit a bionic part causing less damage. To represent this, if a model with bionics is killed, instead of removing it, place the model on its side. Roll a D6 at the start of the next turn: on a roll of a 6 the model is stood back up with 1 wound, but on any other roll, it is removed as a casualty. Chapter Banner Chapter banners combine the effect of a sacred flame with a Lightning Banner. Combi-weapons These are basically two weapons joined together, giving the Space Marine a choice of two weapons to fire instead of one. A Space Marine who is armed with a combi-weapon may choose which of the weapons he is going to use in the shooting phase. The bolter may be fired any number of times, but the other weapon may only be fired once per battle. Note that you may not choose to fire both weapons at the same time. Crozius Arcanum Treat this badge of honour as a power weapon. Force Weapon Force weapons are potent psychic weapons that can only be used by a trained psyker such as a Librarian. They are treated as a power weapon, but can unleash a psychic attack that can kill an opponent outright. Roll to hit, to wound and to save as normal. Then, as long as at least one wound has been inflicted, make a Psychic test for the psyker against one opponent wounded by the weapon. The normal rules for using psychic power apply, and you can not use another ability in the same turn. If the test is passed then the opponent is slain outright, no matter how many wounds it has (but count the actual amount inflicted for determining which side won the assault). Iron Halo The Iron Halo is a special reward given to Space Marine who show exceptional initiative or bravery in battle. In game terms it has the same effect as a rosarius, giving the model a 4+ invulnerable save that may be used instead of the models normal armour save. No more than one model per army have an Iron Halo. Jump Packs Jump packs allow models to move 12" per turn in the move phase, and ignore difficult terrain as they move. Characters with a squad may only have jump packs if every other model in the unit has a jump pack also. Space Marine models who are wearing jump packs can be set up using Deep Strike rules, but only if the mission being played allows for Deep Strike to be used. If not, then the model(s) must set up as normal. Lightning Banner Any White Scar model within 6" of the bearer of the Lightning Banner gains +1 attack. Lightning Claws Lightning claws count as a power weapon and the model wearing them may re-roll any to wound rolls that fail to wound. Models who are armed with Lightning claws only receive the +1 Attack modifier for an additional close combat weapon if the second weapon is also another Lightning claw, as they are generally used as a pair. Master-Crafted Weapons A master-crafted weapon follows the normal rules for the weapon, except that you may re-roll one failed to hit roll per turn. The cost listed in the Wargear section is in addition to the cost of the weapon itself. However, only the upgrade costs are taken against the 100 points limit on wargear. Narthecium Narthecium is the name given to the medi-packs used by Space marine Apothecaries. They allow you to ignore the first failed armour save each turn for the unit the Apothecary is with. The Narthecium may not be used on any model that has suffered Instant Death or that is hit by a weapon that allows no armour save. It may not be used if the Apothecary is in hand-to-hand combat. Psychic Hood Psychic hoods allow a Space Marine Librarian to nullify an opposing psychics power. Declare that youll use the Psychic hood after an opponent has successfully made a Psychic test, but before they have used the power. Each player then rolls a D6 and adds their models Leadership value to the score. if the Space Marine Librarian beats the opposing models score then the psychic power is nullified and may not be used that turn. If the opposing models score is equal or higher, it may use its psychic power as normal. Purity Seals If a model who is wearing purity seals falls back, roll one extra D6 for its fall back distance, and then pick the D6 results you want in order to determine the distance fallen back. If a model with purity seals is part of a unit, then this ability applies to the whole unit. Reductor The reductor is one of the devices used by an Apothecary to retrieve the progenoid gland from fallen Space Marines. When playing a scenario that uses victory points to determine the winner, you will get 1 victory point back for each slain marine at the end of the battle, but only if the Apothecary is still alive himself. Rosarius Chaplains wear a rosarius, a small amulet bestowed upon them by the Council of Terra. The rosarius generates a small energy field that provides the Chaplain with an invulnerable 4+ save which may be taken instead of the Chaplains normal armour save. Sacred Flame A model bearing a sacred flame may reveal it once per battle. This may be done at any time, as long as the model with the flame does not move during the same turn as it is revealed. On the turn the flame is revealed all White Scars within 2D6" get a +1 Strength bonus for the rest of that turn. Note that the relic may be revealed in an opposing players turn if you wish. Servo-Arm Many Techmarines are equipped with a powerful servo-arm that can be used to carry out hasty battlefield repairs. The servo-arm counts as a power fist in close combat that always hits on a 4+ and is rolled separately from the Techmarines own Attacks. in addition it may be used to at the start of any Space marine turn to repair an immobilised vehicle that is in base contact with the techmarine. On a D6 roll of 6, the vehicle is repaired and can move normally. Signum The signum is a special form of communication device that allows the Techmarine to access a myriad of useful battlefield information, and then pass it on to his fellow battle brothers. In game terms it allows you to re-roll, each turn, one missed to hit shooting roll for the Command squad that the Techmarine belongs to. Storm Shield A storm shield is a small metal shield that has an energy field generator built into it. The energy field is too small to be of much use against ranged attacks, but is very useful in close combat. A model that has a storm shield may take a 4+ invulnerable save in close combat, instead of its normal armour save. The save may only be used against one opponent per turn. Terminator Honours A model with Terminator honours adds +1 to its Attacks. Note that this bonus is included in the characteristics of Veteran Sergeants. Thunder Lance The only time a lance can be used is when assaulting, and if assaulted or past the first round of hand to hand it has no effect. The attack is treated as a single attack that counts as a power fist but if it hits a vehicle, will automatically cause Crew Shaken and any models wounded but not killed by it will not be able to attack until the end of the next assault phase. The lance always strikes first due to it's very long length. White Scars Bike These bikes are fitted with twin-linked bolters and increase the riders Toughness by +1 point. Space Marine Characters that are part of a unit may only have a bike if the rest of the unit has one also. VEHICLE UPGRADESDozer Blade Vehicles equipped with dozer blades can re-roll a failed Difficult Terrain test as long as they are not going to be moving more than 6" that turn. Extra Armour Some Space Marine vehicle crews add additional armour plating to their vehicles to provide a little extra protection. Vehicles equipped with extra armour count crew stunned results on the Vehicle Damage tables as crew shaken result instead. Hunter-Killer Missile Hunter-killer missilesare a common upgrade for Imperial vehicles. They are treated as a krak missile with unlimited range and can only be used once per battle. Pintle-Mounted Storm bolter Pintle-mounted storm bolters are fixed to the outside of a vehicle and can either be used by a crewman from an open hatch or by remote control from inside the vehicle. They are treated as an extra storm bolter that can be used in addition to any other weapons the vehicle has. Note that this means if a vehicle moves it can fire one weapon and the pintle-mounted storm bolter. Searchlight Searchlights are only of any use in missions where the rules for night fighting are being used. They allow one enemy unit spotted by the vehicle to be fired at by any other Space Marines that are in range and have line of fire. However, a vehicle that uses a searchlight can be fired on by any enemy units in their next turn, as they can see the searchlights shining out into the dark. Smoke Launchers Some vehicles have small launchers mounted onto them that carry smoke charges (or a more sophisticated equivalent in the case of skimmers). These are used to temporarily hide the vehicle behind concealing clouds of smoke especially if the vehicle is moving out in the open. Once per game, after completing its move, a vehicle with smoke launchers can trigger them (it doesnt matter how far it moved). The vehicle may not fire in the same turn as it used its smoke launchers, but any penetrating hits scored by the enemy in their next shooting phase count as glancing hits. After the enemys turn is over, the smoke disperses with no further effect. Z I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Z ©, , and/or ®: This document, in no way, was intended to challenge Games Workshops rights to Warhammer 40k and should not be taken as such. This document was made solely for enjoyment purposes and will not be sold. |