Ascention of Argos

by Mark Roberts

It was a blood bath, but Khorne was not laughing, because it was mostly his minions..A Librarian in terminator armor led the army. A Vindicator tank blasted away the Oblitorators before they could blink.. Terminators ripped through Argos squad but they attacked the Lord and his Retinue, and while he fought bravely, slaying 5 of the Emp's cowards in terminator armor, he fell..

Argos saw the foul wizard in his armour not too far away. He was not afraid.

The mighty beserker who was the last beserker in his squad charged the wizard. Argos fired his bolt pistol, and the wizard was shocked to find that it penetrated his feeble armour. The fool thought that he could still slay Argos with his power axe against the Beserkers Chain Axe and bolt pistol.

They clashed, and Argos battered the betraying mage with his Chain Axe, but it bounced off his armour. The mage slashed with his glittering axe, but was unable to connect.

Then it happened... Argos slashed again and landed a blow to the head of the foolish mage... gray matter splayed. Argos didn't feel the power axe split his body in two, he only knew the sheer pleasure of bagging a mage before he died.

Khorne watched from above the battle site, and while he was angered by the incompotence of this army, he saw Argos kill the leader. The blood of the librarian tasted so sweet to Khorne, he drank it in.. sucked the body dry. The Marines would come back later to find a dried husk and no sign of the body of the warrior who slain him.

Argos's eyes opened. It was hot in the chamber. He felt immense pain when he realized why it was so hot. His body was on fire. Invisible hands shaped him whole again.. molded his pieces back together. His blacked armour was around him again and he gained marks of blood on his armor. A new mark of Khorne was there as well. A blessing from his Lord. His axe had changed as well, it glittered with brazen power.

Argos was back on the world where he parished, but was around a new squad of beserkers. He would lead them... lead them to blood and to kill more mages. He would not fail his lord, he doesn't have a choice...